Vol 2 Chapter 931: [Chip hoarding was exposed, and there was another uproar]

[Renren Novel Network]
In the morning, Luo Sheng and Professor Yu Zhengping walked and chatted after meeting. The latter said: "A walk in the village this morning is very different from the landscape in the city. m."
Luo Sheng was curious: "Which is different?"
Yu Zhengping said: "People living in cities and villages have completely different reactions to the solar storm incident. Taking this Shenjia Village as an example, I haven't seen anyone panic about how big the solar wind is, nor have I heard of anyone. Go grab some living supplies and the like."
Luo Sheng nodded and said: "I have experienced this in the past two days. There are many villages like Shenjiacun all over the country. I dare not say a paradise. But in short, it is a very natural state. I have seen people growing in the yard, planting some flowers, and cultivating one's character, as if they became a living body that organically merged with all kinds of outside life."
Speaking of this, Luo Sheng overlooked a rare flatland scenery in Shenjiacun, and sighed: "The city has been rushing for a long time. The people in this village don't care whether he has any dealings with the outside world. Farming the land, the vegetable growing the vegetable."
Professor Yu Zhengping added:
Yes, no matter how you step back, rural areas basically still have a certain degree of self-sufficiency. Therefore, the people in the rural areas are not in a hurry or panic. They integrate with nature and return to natural formation. To create a sustainable society that is friendly to nature, I think this is the best strategy for us to prevent solar storms."
Luo Sheng said: "I will support it. This pilot is only the beginning. I intend to provide a five-year individual individual individual with an interest-free loan of no more than 50,000 yuan for the newly established support fund to rural areas across the country for 1.5 trillion yuan. , And invest about 500 billion more to establish small and medium-sized trading centers across the country and further improve the logistics system to the countryside to reduce transaction costs."
These words undoubtedly lifted the spirit of Professor Yu Zhengping, who has been dealing with rural economic research all his life: "I finally hope that a powerful force will promote this matter. In a sense, solar storm events may not be all bad things. "
"I hope so."
After 10 o'clock in the morning, Shenjia Village became more and more lively, and a large number of outsiders began to come in.
What Luo Sheng didn't expect, the first batch of people who arrived were some outdoor celebrity bloggers, which made Luo Sheng dumbfounded.
"Mr. Luo, your itinerary has been exposed on a large scale, and the safety factor here is also drastically reduced. It is time to leave." The bodyguard responsible for Luo Sheng's safety issues came to him and said: "The situation here will change soon. It’s complicated and changeable. We don’t have enough manpower. As time goes by, we may not be able to guarantee your absolute safety."
It's no wonder that his security team is so nervous, because there are not too many people who want Luo Sheng to evaporate. Apart from anything else, the global capital of RMB 10 trillion was harvested just not long ago.
There are tens of millions of people wishing Luo Sheng would die immediately.
Now that the outside world already knows his itinerary, he appeared in Shenjiacun. What makes Luo Sheng's security team very disturbed is that there are too many sniping points in this mountain village, which is impossible to prevent and insufficient manpower.
The best way is to withdraw as soon as possible, so as not to have more dreams at night.
Luo Sheng didn't make his security team embarrassed. After all, he knew how much he was hated now, so he quietly withdrew.
The key is that fate is yours.
Some media organizations, including the leaders of the township and city, and some outdoor celebrity bloggers who want to consume Luo Sheng who are chasing fame and fortune, are all here to play in Shenjiacun. It is not ruled out that there are killers here.
But few people realize that the moment Luo Sheng's trip is exposed, it means that the trip is over.
At about 10:20 in the morning, Luo Sheng left along the road of Shenjia Village by taking an ordinary car. It just so happens that there are more and more foreign vehicles. As for the medium-sized buses that arrived, they still stopped at the village. On the other side, naturally you can't leave in these vehicles, otherwise you will find Luo Sheng running away when you see it.
On this road, I saw a lot of foreign vehicles driving towards Shenjiacun from time to time. Luo Sheng was also quite helpless. For the sake of safety, he could only play peekaboo with them.
"What did you say? Mr. Luo is gone?"
The media reporter who rushed to Shenjiacun non-stop was a little dumbfounded. He originally thought that the action was fast enough, but Luo Sheng didn't expect that Luo Sheng could run faster than the rabbit, so he let him run away and fell lonely.
But I can't go home empty-handed, so I have to interview some local villagers to see if we can unearth valuable information.
Luo Sheng ran away, but left Professor Yu Zhengping here and let him deal with the outside world. He would definitely not be targeted.
Lao Yu accepted it happily. After all, doing research on the economic development of local culture has been dealing with this all his life.
Shenjiacun became famous overnight, and more and more media began to report this incident.
What the outside world didn't expect was that, as the most well-known world-class technology tycoon in the contemporary era, he went to the countryside to "play in the mud".
Luo Sheng left Shenjia Village and settled in a hotel in the local county to rest for one night. At the same time, he also arranged work here, including several other selected village pilots.
The introduction has been thrown out from Shenjiacun, and let the people below do it. It is obvious that Luo Sheng can't experience all the work personally, and his time is also precious, and there are too many things to deal with.
However, after Luo Sheng went to the village to "play in the mud" was exposed, the capital market took a closer look, oh, there are topics, hot spots and stories to manipulate.
The show operation will be arranged immediately. The concept of related topics in the agricultural sector has risen sharply today. It has already been called back almost. It can be said that it is just right. The time node is accidentally stuck.
So today there is a listed company called "Zhihui Agriculture" that is engaged in agricultural machinery. It closed the daily limit of +20% for no reason. By the way, the "uncap concept" became popular. Two billion plates, don’t pull it up too easily~EbookFREE.me~ The next three consecutive days will be the daily limit, and the fourth day will be opened at the daily limit and then directly fried on the board to play the floor for one minute, becoming a "40 The machete of "Mi" fell, but then in the last five minutes of the day’s trading hours, there was a sneak attack to pick up. Suddenly a large amount of funds swept upwards, and the price limit was rushed by the prying board. The market sentiment changed from disagreement. Unanimously close the daily limit, not too exciting.
The stock investors who watched stared at them with big eyes, and for a moment, the big a was about to be ruined by speculative capital.
In the following period, a continuous one-word daily limit was staged. For ten consecutive trading days, the stock price reached a cumulative increase of 59.17% in just ten trading days, and the market value rose from 1.89 billion to 11.7 billion.
Its prosperous demon wind has become a well-deserved hot spot leader.
When the hot money saw that the village chief didn't even send a letter, I didn't know if it was because the plate was too small and he didn't notice it or something. If he didn't send a letter anyway, he could continue to be a demon.
In fact, the outside world doesn't even know what Luo Sheng is going to do in the village. So far, there are no important things announced.
But speculative capital means that I don’t care if you have it or not, if you have it or not, it’s bullish--!
Just as Luo Sheng was working on rural development in order to prevent solar storms, an incident related to him was exposed at this juncture and caused an uproar internationally.
This incident is surprisingly that Luo Sheng spent US$2 trillion to hoard various integrated circuit chips. Now the buyer behind has finally been investigated and confirmed. All answers are directed to the Luo Sheng family fund. It is Luo Sheng. Do this round.
(End of this chapter)
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