Vol 2 Chapter 941: [Furious "O" Le]

When the Bluestar Technology Group issued an emergency announcement, server downtime had already occurred in some areas of Ouzhou. Internet users in the area found that they could not connect to the BV video network or log in to Bluestar's Internet products such as MicroBlog.
   The Meng Committee immediately set up an emergency team and connected to the Bluestar Technology Headquarters late that night. Zhang Bowen received them. They wanted to start a dialogue directly with Luo Sheng, but the Archbishop did not want them.
"Mr. Zhang, it is necessary for me to warn you seriously. You are carrying out cyber hegemony behaviors unscrupulously. I advise you to do it yourself so that neither side will be able to end it. We absolutely do not allow such hegemonic bullying." In the room, the head of the team named George gave a stern warning to Zhang Bowen on the video screen with a sullen face.
   "Internet supremacy? What kind of cyber supremacy? I don't understand what you mean, Mr. George." Zhang Bowen was puzzled, and the drama went online every second, as if his face was written sincerely to solve the puzzle.
   The expression made the Ouzhou people here want to cross the network line to beat Lao Zhang.
George took a deep breath: "Don't deceive yourself. Everyone knows that this so-called cyber attack is a self-directed and self-acted drama inside you. Who can not see it? OK, step back and talk about it. I'm not interested. You and the people of Magnesia are not interested in struggling, but what does it mean to spread the shock wave to the Meng area?"
   At this moment, George, who represents the euro zone, is screaming injustice between the lines.
   However, Zhang Bowen doesn't want to buy this kind of painstaking plan with a knife. He has already received some news from his boss Luo Sheng that Europeans have met with the people of Magnesia privately and wanted to make a shameful PY transaction.
   Regarding the "chip hoarding gate", although the people in the previous negotiations took the initiative to ask for mercy, the two sides also reached a memorandum of understanding and signed an agreement.
   But I still want to get the chip without paying a penny, and want to play a gangster with the people of Magnesia.
   At the end, Zhang Bowen's expression suddenly faded away from doubt, and turned to a serious expression and responded with a solemn tone:
"Mr. George, please pay attention to your words. Your absurd remarks will bring a huge blow to the reputation of Bluestar Technology. I now solemnly declare in the name of the global CEO of Bluestar Technology Group that you can provide evidence and basis to prove you. If you don’t say anything, please apologize immediately, otherwise I will use this as a basis and choose a day to initiate a lawsuit against the Assault Committee. I will give you three minutes to consider!"
   Lao Zhang must use this angry attitude to deal with it, otherwise he would admit it indirectly, so this is a painful plan with a knife, otherwise the content of this video conference will be the most fatal blow of Bluestar Technology.
   But he also jumped George from his seat on the spot, and pointed to Zhang Bowen on the video screen: "You--!"
   What is the most irritating thing, this kind of backlash is the most irritating.
Out of the camera, the colleagues who attended the meeting were winking at George, making silent words, and shaking their heads, reminding him to calm down and not impulsive. The other party’s failure to speak martial ethics is secondary. The key is that we don’t have any. Flash, so be sure to endure it.
The angry George saw the dissuasion from his colleagues, and gradually calmed down, thinking carefully in case Bluestar Technology sued the Assault Committee for slander?  If you can't show evidence, you will be really passive, but they will find an excuse. When sanctions are imposed, there will be misery.
  If North America is now in fact difficult to leave the companies in Luo Sheng, the euro zone will only have it?  Humanity is at the door of the fourth technological revolution.
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing are the vanguards of this technological revolution. The pain point of Oumeng’s problem is that there is no company in the Internet that can compete with it. If Luo Sheng’s company is smashed Going out?   means rejecting progress and embracing it, and you have to face the inevitable passivity and weakness in the negotiation?  .
   is now a typical passive and weak?   and today's euro zone economy is also very dependent on Luo Sheng's investment?   economically trapped.
   If we had a complete quarrel with Luo Sheng, the impact on the euro zone would only be worse than the current North America.
Slowly speaking?  In fact, all this in George’s mind was only a flash of less than two or three seconds?  After a while, I saw him holding back his aggrieved heart?  Apologized with a fake smile: "...I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, did I make a mistake just now?   I am deeply sorry for that."
   On the other side?  Lao Zhang, who was sitting in the president’s office, saw George’s expression?  Of course he knew that the other party’s apology was fake and could no longer be fake.
But it’s okay?   Bowen Zhang is still very useful. He finally knows why Luo Sheng likes to face hard steel with Europeans and Americans. It is really cool to watch these proud Europeans and Americans lower their heads and watch them apologize. The appearance is indeed very happy.
Lao Zhang immediately replied: "You can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense. I hope this will stop here, and we don't want to pursue too much. It is urgent to deal with this bad cyber attack. This is for both parties. It's good."
   A participant on the side of the assault committee quickly responded: "Yes, that's right. This episode is over. Let's talk about business."
   It is clear that both sides know what card the other side is holding, but they still have to pretend not to know, and play the card game seriously. It's uncomfortable to beat the people in Zhouzhou and have to hold back.
   Another participant said: "Mr. Zhang, how does your company plan to respond?"
   Zhang Bowen on the video screen had a contemplative appearance, and George and the others had to stare at the screen coldly and sit and watch the other party's performance without saying a word. Zhang did not feel any discomfort or embarrassment.
   As long as you don’t feel embarrassed, the other person is embarrassed.
In the end, Lao Zhang said solemnly: "Our company hopes that the Eurozone can provide some assistance. When necessary, we will close the corresponding network facilities to prevent the loss from expanding. It is also to prepare for the restart. The worst plan must be made, but This is not the best option. It is the key to catch the real culprit behind this cyber attack."
People from the Emergency Committee of the Assault Committee dealt with Zhang Bowen while watching Lao Zhang’s video screen on the other. In the eyes of George and the others, Lao Zhang’s face seemed to have the words "the murderer behind the scenes" clearly written on his face. .
  Lao Zhang's words are like those of Chi Guoguo.
   The connection time between the two parties is about fifteen minutes. After the connection is over, everyone feels relieved, and finally they don't have to go with the other party, otherwise they will really be crazy.
"I found out that the Chinese people are absolutely amazing when it comes to shamelessness. That could say these words so blushing and not beating. There was no waves. The most ridiculous thing was that I had to pretend not to know. Stay with him nonsense, God, the ghost knows what I just went through." After the video communication was cut off, a member of the Emergency Team of the Assault Committee grumbled on the spot with a face full of collapse.
   "The matter of contacting Bluestar Technology is to follow the mistake and take its own humiliation!" Another participant cursed, and the fifteen minutes of connecting with Zhang Bowen made them feel a great humiliation. One more minute is suffering.
   "Okay, don't talk about it anymore, isn't it embarrassing enough? What do they mean?" one participant said.
"In the old Chinese saying, they are knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger." George, who hadn't spoken much, analyzed at this time: "They must know a little about the issue of creating chaos and dividing chips with the magnesium people. They are forcing them. We have to demarcate the border with North America in reality, otherwise, it will not be a cyber attack in some areas, but will spread across Europe."
   "What?" A member of the meeting replied: "Aren't they afraid that things will make the world an enemy? Are they isolated by the whole world?"
   Another participant said: "Luo Sheng, that lunatic, do you think he is like this with the people of Magnesia, like a scared lord?"
George let out a long sigh, and said: "Don't understand? Under normal circumstances, of course they dare not risk the world's enemies, but only a year is left until the solar storm strikes. It's been zero three months, maybe even shorter."
Speaking of this, George looked around and asked the members of the group: "Not to mention that gathering the power of the world is more difficult than reaching the sky. Even if you really unite the world to declare war on the other side, how sure can it be in one year? Will they be conquered within three months? They cannot be conquered, and once the storm strikes, the Chinese who have been preparing for a long time will be the first to quickly resume industrialization, and will far exceed our estimates. Time to restore industrial capacity."
"At that time, the entire world will be like the strength of steam civilization against a country in the four great industrial and technological revolutions. It will be crushed by absolute power. At that time, maybe the global village will really become a village chief. The global village."
   Upon hearing George's words, the attendees suddenly realized.
"It's no wonder that the other party dared to be so strong. I am afraid that they have already prepared for the worst situation. It really happened. As long as the storm comes after more than a year, they will quickly distance themselves from the whole world with their powerful recovery ability and become the world. The only one pole, then the entire world will be unable to contend with it, and all forces that are enemies with it will face its frantic revenge.
   "This is Yangmou!"
   "George, what should I do?"
   "What else can I do? Leave this to the Supreme Committee to trouble your brain!"
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