Chapter 93: [Luo Sheng's "Event-Driven"]

Luo Sheng agreed very quickly. After all, there was still some friendship in it. Teng Xun decisively invested in Blue Star Technology in the early development of Blue Star Technology, which solved the urgent need, and Xu Chenghua's request was no loss to the company. That's it.
As for assists, Tengxun is going to go public in Hong Kong. Tengxun currently holds a 9.45% equity interest in Bluestar Technology. It is the largest external investment shareholder and the second largest shareholder after Luo Sheng.
Although the two parties are in a competitive relationship, the better the development of Bluestar Technology, it will help to raise Tencent's stock price. We must know that Bluestar's business is not limited to domestic, but also in the global scope, especially in North America. Getting better and better.
公布 If a bright data is released at this time, it will definitely be of great benefit to Tencent, which is listed in Hong Kong the day after tomorrow. In investment terminology, this is called "event-driven".
Xu Chenghua chuckled a few words on the phone and hung up. Luo Sheng was going to put the landline back, but then dialed a number and called to the company's Chief Operating Officer Zhang Bowen's office to arrange the matter.
After an hour, Zhang Bowen compiled a copy of the material and sent it to several media.
下午 In the afternoon of the same day, the industry media reported a piece of data about Bluestar's internal outflow, which was quite complete. Immediately after the release, it was reprinted by multiple media.
As of mid-June this year, data of major products of Bluestar Technology have been exposed.
The company ’s core product real-name social networking site [BlueSpace BlueSpace] has broken through 258 million global users (149 million active users), of which the overseas version has reached 88.5 million (47.79 million active users) and North American users have reached With 47 million active users (28.2 million active users), the speed of development is unmatched. The Matthew effect has already formed in the domestic Internet market. The overseas version is also far ahead. The total user size of rival MySpace has so far reached 11 million.
Yunge Search's domestic search engine market share has reached 14.2%, and its market share is currently second only to Baidu and Google, and the growth momentum is the most eye-catching. The launch of the post bar product, plus "Super Girls" "Currently, the topic of entertainment programs in China has led to the active explosive growth of Post Bar, which has indirectly driven the search of Yunge. In addition, the hao123 navigation website also contributed.
Anonymous forums have reached 68 million global users (27.2 million active users), of which North American users have reached 38.2 million (16 million active users). The growth of Reddit is exploding in terms of user growth, but because it can be registered at will, the amount of gold is far inferior. BlueSpace users, but Reddit ’s traffic growth has soared.
Bluestar Music has been launched for more than a month and a half, and the number of registered users of the domestic version has reached 16.2 million. As soon as the product was launched, it ushered in rave reviews, all relying on the support of peers. Strictly speaking, there are no peers to set off, because many functions of Blue Star Music appear for the first time, and they hit the G spot of music lovers, and they are the last generation In the way of
Internet music cloud music
, in Internet cafes, Bluestar Music Client has already become the necessary client software for installation, just like Fengying Yingyin.
The international version of MusicSpace has reached 7.17 million users. The two editions go online simultaneously. Although the growth rate of the international edition is not as good as that of the domestic one, the international edition users have higher commercial value because foreign intellectual property protection mechanisms currently dump N streets in the Mainland. It is an indisputable fact that the Mainland has a long way to go to establish a sound intellectual property protection mechanism.
It is worth mentioning that the current number of users of competitor Apple's iTunes has exceeded the order of 100 million. Since the launch of the iPod, its cumulative sales have exceeded 100 million.
However, in the face of MusicSpace music, Apple said that it is impossible to pay no attention and no pressure. In a short period of one and a half months, its user scale has reached about 7% of iTunes music from scratch. According to this trend, MusicSpace music uses one In one and a half years, it can complete the accumulation of 100 million users, and iTunes took more than three years to do so.
Innovative features bring a better user experience. New users sign up for one week free of charge, plus a super low price of $ 0.59 / first, plus the drainage of other social products from Bluestar Technology, and a small assist from Microsoft. These factors have contributed to the dazzling growth of MusicSpace music.
In the face of Luo Sheng's price war, at the cost of losing $ 0.004 for each song sold, MusicSpace Music tactics, Apple is still hesitant to drop the price and fight the price subsidy battle with its opponents.
But the decision has been delayed, and Apple is still struggling to maintain the company's market value with its iTunes rivals.
I really can confirm that sentence: from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality.
Uh ...
After the release of Bluestar Technology's product data, the industry's response is one word-hot eyes.
Absolutely enthusiastic, envy, jealousy and hatred to be filled, any product of Bluestar Technology, in addition to the poor valuation of Reddit, other products are more than enough to stand alone as a separate Internet company. With this dazzling The data can be successfully sent to Nasdaq, and the market value can definitely reach more than 500 million US dollars, which is still viewed at the current valuation.
What makes people jealous and jealous is that so many products are actually used by the same company. The previous Series B financing has propped up Bluestar's 27 billion yuan valuation. At that time, some people questioned whether it would be a bit inflated. The bubble is too severe.
But when this data that passed the third-party audit came out, was it overestimated? Now it looks far more than this valuation.
As soon as the report came out, it was transmitted to North America through the Internet the next day, and the major investors of Bluestar Technology were very happy.
As for the feeling of dissatisfaction with Luo Sheng's strategy of distributing copyrights some time ago, I have forgotten all about it, is this the case?
The earlier you invest, the higher the return. As an angel investor of Bluestar Technology, Tencent is definitely the biggest VC winner, and has obtained the most equity at the least cost.
The current Bluestar technology company has become the fragrant capital world. In addition to the original investors, some new investment institutions have also kept their focus on it and waited for the arrival of its Series C financing.
The more you enter the market, the lower the return, but the higher the success rate, in general, there are gains and losses.
After the news came to Wall Street, the next day, June 15th, the Wall Street Journal published a valuation article on Bluestar Technology from an authoritative analyst.
Wall Street analysts are very authoritative, because their predictions are almost the same as the actual trend, or even exactly the same, after all, there are many Wall Street mathematicians.
The analyst said: Bluestar Technology's current valuation is guaranteed at US $ 5.5 billion ~ ~ According to this development momentum, it will be reasonable and reasonable for Bluestar Technology to break through the US $ 10 billion mark next year.
This report went across the sea on the same day and spread to the port area. The entire Hong Kong stock market was excited because Tencent had publicly disclosed the number of shares in Bluestar Technology: 9.45%. Previously, the outside world only knew that Tencent was blue Star Technology's largest external investment shareholder, but it is unknown how much equity it holds.
Tengxun will be listed in Hong Kong tomorrow. There is no suspense. The news of crossing the ocean from Wall Street is undoubtedly a major positive. The market is generally optimistic about the drive of the incident.
On the eve of the listing, Tencent also announced the company's related operating conditions. The company expects to earn 516 million this year, of which Internet value-added service revenue accounts for 40.6%. The scope of services includes various instant communication services, community services, and entertainment services. In fact, the strongest Income is qq show. Middle school students, elementary school students, or female classmates in the next class sent a set of qq shows or something, which is quite hot at the moment.
As of mid-April this year, QQ registered users exceeded 300 million, with the highest simultaneous online users reaching over 6 million.
According to public information published by Tencent, in the first quarter of 2004, it made a profit of 127 million yuan, an increase of 92% over the same period last year. It is expected to have a net profit of 485 million yuan this year.
It is no exaggeration to say that this year is the time when Teng Xun completely announced that the salted fish has made a big turn. You must know that in the past few years, Teng Xun was uncomfortable because he could not find a profit point.
When the market was looking forward, the time finally came to June 16, 2004. Tencent was listed as scheduled. The Hong Kong stock market has been waiting for this moment for a long time. Numerous investors are looking forward to this capital feast.
Uh ...
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