Chapter 1832: Permanent burning flame

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-two chapters will burn the flame heart
"What is going on, shouldn't this be a safe path?" Liu Yefei's face suddenly ugly.
With so many flower bones, if it blooms at the same time, the ghost knows what will happen.
"This is just a relatively safe road. However, it is indeed awkward. It was so encountered by us." Qin Qi said.
"It won't be, is this flower fairy doing the tricks?" You Xingzhou Shen Shen, the light and cold look at the flower.
A flower fairy is really hard to believe.
"If she has this ability, those indigenous people have already rushed through this killing blood." But it is a faint sorrow, the power of the body swept, the meaning of killing in the golden gas.
This figurative gold fully demonstrates the power of killing love.
At the same time, it also makes her more adaptable to this environment.
"Don't worry about those, stay ready to fight, remember, defense is a priority, first look at what these flowers want to do!" Qin Qi shouted.
At the moment, everyone is a war, and the golden gas bursts out, condensing a huge shield and protecting them.
At the same time, the flowers and bones of the mountains and plains bloomed.
The flowers bloom brightly, and the bright red pollen suddenly emerges, just like the yellow sand that flutters.
The pollen crystal is a little bit and falls on the defensive shield.
Immediately, the sound of "嗤嗤嗤" was heard, and the shield was eroded.
"Oops, leave here first!" You Xingzhou quickly called.
With so much pollen, they can't support it.
"Go!" Qin Qili decided now and the overall retracement.
Just a burst of noise, in the countless flowers and plants, there was a huge flower stem, thick petals, full of sharp barbs.
At the stamen, it is a deep red mucus, I am afraid that once it hits, it is absolutely uncomfortable.
"Boneless eater, don't catch it!" The flower's face was white, and she was more strongly pressed.
Between the words, the bone-eater eater has swooped down, and according to Qin Qi, their defensive shields are biting down.
The sharp barbs are directly plunged into the shield of the golden gas structure, and the deep red mucus flows down, and the loss of power is intensified.
If this continues, it will not last long.
"The realm of this skeletal piranha has not yet reached platinum. I will smash it first!" Killing his heart and drinking a low voice, his body is full of gold, and his hand is holding a spur.
This is the vertebrae of the killing beast. The above is naturally filled with strong murderousness, which is just suitable for killing love.
In order to kill the strength of the heart, the surrounding pollen is still not for her time, she saw that she turned into a phantom, the speed is fast, has already rushed into the body of the piranha.
The bone spurs quickly swelled, and the thorns of the arms were shimmering, and the stems of the skeletal stalks were instantly smashed into holes.
The bone-burning eater made a sharp whistle, but it could not support it and crashed down.
At the same time, however, it also sprayed countless blood red juices, and the void along the way seemed to be corroded, showing its terrible extent.
The killing of love is not seen, and she is dodging quickly. At this moment, her fighting skills are full, and it is indeed extraordinary. So many juices can not hurt her, and all of them have been avoided.
This kills the heart, the strength is not bad, and the fighting style is extremely simple and refined, it is indeed suitable for the battlefield.
Such a skill, direct people want to clap!
However, the fall of the bones of the piranhas did not make everyone feel a little peace of mind.
Because at the time of the fall of this piranha, more bone-eater cannibalism stood up.
The feeling of killing love changed greatly, so many bones and consuming people, and she already noticed her existence. The first time she opened the petals and spit her juice.
Even her, it is not easy to cope.
Killing love can only flash rapidly, and find a chance to kill a eater on the side of the body, and then retreat.
When she came back, she had a bipolar sacred disciple who was connected to her, treated her strength to bathe her body, and recovered some of the injuries suffered by the sudden situation.
"Fortunately, it only has strong corrosive power, not very poisonous, and can recover quickly." Killing love.
"Unfortunately, it is not only this kind of flower." Qin Qi Shen channel.
They have been surrounded by a variety of flowers.
Not only are their retreats blocked, but the road ahead is the same. The only direction that is weak is the area that leads to the red!
"Strong, maybe you can go back!" Yu Botao said.
These strange flowers have not yet reached the platinum level.
They still have the power to fight.
"I can't go out, the pollen here is not consuming our strength all the time, and the coverage is too wide."
"Adding these piranhas, the fighting power in the pollen is improved, and I have also sensed other flowers, I am afraid it will be more dangerous and difficult." Qin Qi Shen said.
"What should I do?" Yu Botao gritted his teeth.
"Spread out there." Qin Qi pointed in one direction.
"That is the red area!" You Xingzhou's face changed.
"What area do you think we are in now?" Qin Qi is screaming.
"Can you break through there, isn't it dangerous?" Yu Botao said.
"No, the pollen in that direction is relatively thin, and the coverage is smaller. Let's leave this area first." Qin Qidao.
In this way, even if everyone is not sure in their hearts, they can only listen to Qin Qi.
After all, they have no idea of ​​their own.
"Mullin, I am connected with life and death, ready to provide treatment." Qin Qi shouted.
"I know, Qin Dajie rest assured." Mu Lin seriously nodded, the body saved the death of the bright heart, a chain rushed out, connected with Qin Qi.
And Qin Qi is no longer nonsense, and his murderous murder suddenly emerges, and it has become like a color. It seems to be more terrible than this and bloody.
Mullin swallowed his mouth, even if he was the master of the bipolar master's killing, there was no such thing as Qin Qi.
It is Tang Sinuo, and I can’t help but look at it.
"You play with me as the sword front. In addition, don't kill the killer and leave me with the last sword." Qin Qi is facing Tang Sinuo.
This is a good hitter.
"What is this?" Tang Sinuo was curious.
"Helps increase my murderousness." Qin Qi yelled.
Don Sinuo nodded and did not suspect him. Immediately, her body lit up, and the flaming flame burned the pollen directly into ashes.
However, compared to this endless pollen, this power can only let her leave, but can not help the entire team to evacuate.
"Permanent flame heart!"
Killing a heart can not help but shrink.
The top ten gold hearts, no one will not know, Tang Sinuo has the tenth permanent flame heart!
Not only killing love, everyone is a big shock in the heart, I did not expect this woman who is not like a mortal, even has such a golden heart.
Don Sinuo did not pay attention to the surprise of others. She did not intend to conceal her identity from the beginning, but the people did not know.
At the moment, she just wants to prove the recent understanding of the fire through battle.
The flames turned into fire lines and rushed straight ahead. Qin Qi saw that there was a fierce force in the flame path, but it did not get out of control.
Obviously, Don Sinuo has mastered the methods mentioned in the previous discussion.
However, it is not very skillful.
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