Chapter 2057: Evening sunset

Qin Qi’s heart was a glimpse, but it was too late to ask the reason. The light flashed in his hand and a piece of white bone appeared.
That is the bone that was obtained after killing the dream diamond. It has been mysterious, and Qin Qi does not know its origin.
He did not know how this bone bone would help the situation at the moment.
Dead horse is a living horse doctor.
The bones appeared, and Qin Qi blocked it before the world.
If this bone is useless, then he and Green Luo, I am afraid I really have to explain it here today.
"This is!" The strong players in the field are all changed, but they don't understand why Qin Qi did this.
With their strength, they will be able to know the power of this bone in an instant.
However, no matter how you look at it, it is just an ordinary bone. However, some strong people who have studied human bones can distinguish it. This is the woman's vertebrae.
But how about this?
This bone is not even the bone of a monk, just the bone of a mortal.
But at such a critical moment, Qin Qi is not likely to do useless work. I am afraid that unexpected things will happen.
At the moment, everyone is refreshed and wants to see what happens.
One of the strong people, the dawn suddenly rose up, could not help but show hatred and anxious color.
There is no time to hesitate, there is no way to hesitate, she must shoot, help Qin Qi block this blow.
The world of arbitrariness seems to have to be cut off from the heavens and the earth. This goddess seems to have no fireworks, but if you face it, you can know that this is an unrivalled force!
In this attack, Qin Qi and Green Luo, at least one person died, and the other must be seriously injured.
However, before falling to Qin Qi and Green Luo on the day of arbitrariness, it was blocked by a bone shield.
This bone shield, the strength of the wave is very strong, is the secret treasure of the star glory, the defense ability is bound to be extremely strong!
It was a "squeaky" sound, and the bone shield was broken.
But a figure, but took the opportunity to come to the world before the world.
Bone forest!
In the meantime, the air of the Nether sweeps the whole audience, and countless white bones penetrate through the void. Each one is crystal clear as jade, which is stronger than the gold iron.
The arbitrariness of the world continues to move forward, the bones of the bones are constantly broken, but in the end, it will still resist the world.
The bones of the bones, the diamonds of the bones of the bones!
The bones of the bones actually shot, protect Qin Qi!
What is wrong with this, the bones of the bones suspect that they have lived too long, deliberately come to find death?
Qin Qi is also a horror, and at this moment, he also got news of different Kunlun.
Different Kunlun is certainly not willing to watch Qin Qi die. All his computing cores are used up, and he wants to figure out the vitality.
And this bone is one of the objects of his calculation.
It’s also their luck, today, the bones of the bones are also there, or I’m afraid I will get nothing.
Through the captured breath, Yi Kunlun successfully calculated the relationship between the white bone and the bone drill. It is impossible to see the white bone drill and watch the white bone destroyed.
Sure enough, she shot.
The bone-drill, the legend is made up of a psychic white bone, is a human form, is an extremely cold and stunning woman, and is also very famous throughout the world.
At this moment, the drill of the bones stood before Qin Qi, and the mouth was bitter and incomparable. Nothing dared to do anything. Only the fearful and uneasy look to the black king.
She shot for her own bones, but no matter how good the reason is, this is undoubtedly against the Black King, and is the majesty of the most powerful king of the rebellious generation.
It is very likely that the Black King will marry her directly!
Zhang Wang saw this, and finally sighed, and did not kill Qin Qi in the world.
Although it is the reason for the drill of the bones, but it is still blocked, he will not shoot again.
Everything, give it to the Black King to decide.
The drill of the white bones made everyone shocked, and when they saw the bones, some people remembered some hidden rumors.
It is rumored that the origin of the bone drill has not been complete, and an important vertebra has been lost, which makes her always trapped in the starry glory, unable to add to Wang.
Don't look at her very beautiful and beautiful, like a girl, but in fact her age is still above the black king.
It is the starry star that has lived for the longest time!
This kind of existence does have the possibility of adding Wang Hao. After all, no one knows how long she can live.
And if time does not bring aging, then living for a long time is definitely a big advantage, even for King Wang.
This is no wonder.
The bone drill will actually be shot at this time, and the bones, after all, are related to her further.
It’s just that, therefore, it’s wise to offend the Black King directly.
The bones of the bones hate Qin Qi.
She never imagined that today's drama, she even had her appearance.
Her temper is cold, it is really cold, and there is almost no human feelings.
But how cold it is, there is still fear.
She wants to kill Qin Qi immediately, as a sin to the black king, but she does not dare, because the black king did not let her do this.
She can't be the master!
Otherwise, you may once again anger the Black King.
She can only crouch, waiting for the black king's decision.
This is the difference between Xing Yao and Wang Xi.
It’s all crowning, it seems to be able to talk on an equal footing, but in fact, it’s just a certain respect for the king.
That's it.
The strongest king is so strong!
The Black King stood in the air and has been in this position since he came here.
My own bride and Qin Qi double repair?
He didn't care much.
Zhang Wang and Qin Qi fight?
He didn't care much.
Bone drill, shot for Qin Qi blocked?
He still doesn't care.
From the beginning, from the beginning of this cliff, his attention has not been placed on other things.
He was always looking at the horizon, watching the gradual sunset.
Now, the time is coming, and it is the time when the cliff glow is the most gorgeous.
This time, that is, the wedding time he set.
He, however, is just waiting for this time to come.
This time is finally here.
"The time is up, is it still empty?" Black King sighed, and it gave people a sense of ambiguity.
He is ready to go back and he is leaving.
But before that, he would wave his hand.
And this wave, Qin Qi and green radish, including the bones of the diamond, will be smouldering.
These people, in front of the Black King, are just the existence of a wave of destruction.
It doesn't matter if you don't add it.
However, when Black King wanted to do this, he suddenly stopped.
Not only the Black King, but all the strong, at this moment, they all suddenly felt that they all looked at the sunset outside the cliff.
The continuous fire burns the clouds, the endless beauty, the entire outer world can not find the second sunset, enough to match this place.
However, this sunset is never named because of its magnificent beauty.
Its beauty, only because of one person, that is the soul of this world of wonders!
Unfortunately, the soul has disappeared for millions of years.
The sunset that lost the soul is no longer so attractive.
But this moment.
This sunset seems to welcome their souls, the first beauty of the world, after millions of years, on this day, reproduce the world! A shadow, stepping on the sunset, slowly coming.
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