Chapter 2141: Water

Ye Shenyu was trapped here for thousands of years, even know this?
It seems that this incident is not the temporary sustenance of Tian Zun, fearing that it will last for a long time, and finally made such a decision.
After all, for the first time in history, the powerful powerhouses forcibly intervened in the heavens, and the resistance must not be small.
"This is a scam?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.
"That is not, it is indeed undoubtedly against the sky." Ye Shenyu smiled.
"Why can we recruit the powerful people from the world to come, do we have more advantages than Tianzun?" Qin Qi Emei.
This is also what he has always been unable to understand.
Ye Shenyu nodded, then shook his head, and finally said: "It is not clear about this matter, but it is indeed a way to recruit you to come in. Maybe there is a chance and maybe."
"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter. If you don't have the ability to die, come here to take you away. Otherwise, you are here, can he bear on you?" Ye Shenyu smiled.
"But I can't stay here all the time," Qin Qi smiled.
Ye Shenyu was scornful and said: "I don't want to, how do you like me to spend thousands of years in this ghost place?"
Qin Qi heard the words and could not speak.
For a long time, Qin Qi said: "Is there really no possibility of leaving?"
"Yes, but you can't do it," Ye Shenyu shook his fingers with green fingers, and then walked straight back. "Don't think too much, you should consider it first, do you want to live in A Huang's nest, after all, It will be late at night."
"Ye girl, is there anything that will come out at night?" Qin Qi quickly chased him up and couldn't help but ask.
"You will know when you get there. Anyway, if you are in danger, you will go to A Huang's nest. Naturally, nothing will happen." Ye Shenyu smiled.
The two walked back to the simple wooden house, and the squid fish sat on the only wicker chair, basking in the sun that had begun to slant west.
Qin Qi, who was picked up by the leaf squid, fetched water at the well.
This well does not know where to go. There is a sense of coolness standing at the wellhead, and with Qin Qi’s perception, it is impossible to touch the bottom of the well.
If this is really the top of the mountain, if you dig a well here and want to get out of the water, would you like to dig it down the mountain?
Qin Qi swallowed the mouth water, lifted the wooden bucket at the well, placed it in the well, slowly released the rattan, and waited for the bucket to hit the well.
This wooden barrel is still good, but the weight is not as good as the bamboo basket, but for Qin Qi, the burden is not small, especially the vine that has been put away for a while, has not yet bottomed out.
Qin Qi simply speeded up and finally let it fall on its own.
But after waiting for a long time, there is still no meaning to stop, and this vine does not know what is going on, but there is no end to it, so it can be put down.
"You are like this. It is estimated that you can't get a bucket of water at night. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you can't get the water, you can't stop it this night." Ye Shenyu lay on the wicker chair, lazy way .
She doesn't mean to help a little.
Qin Qi heard the words, biting his teeth, the strength of his body was stimulated, and he was attached to the rattan, making it fall faster. So, with the falling speed, the speed is getting faster and faster, and finally, it is almost a breakthrough. Void is general.
Even so, the rattan is still endless, and there is no need to worry about it.
So, after a little half an hour, the rattan finally stopped sliding down, presumably the barrel has touched the surface of the water.
It’s just that Qin Qi can’t help but look white.
This speed, with such a long time, how high is this ghost place?
And, do you want to pull it up?
Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water and some cold sweat fell.
"Hurry up, or you can be late." Ye Shenyu Road, then changed to a more comfortable position, continue to bask in the sun.
Qin Qi took a deep breath and grabbed the rattan with both hands and began to lift it up.
Good weight!
This is Qin Qi's first feeling and the only feeling.
This is too heavy, and it will be fine for a while. If it has been so constantly, Qin Qi is not sure how long he can persist.
But Ye Shenyu should not lie to him. If he really can't get it, he may not be able tonight.
Therefore, compared to death, this hardship can still be tolerated.
Ye Shenyu stretched out, the sun in the west has already sunk, and the temperature is gradually decreasing. The night is coming.
She blinked her eyes, every movement was very touching, and when I just woke up, I still had some sleepy eyes, and I was stunned and intoxicated.
However, no one can appreciate this beauty.
There is only one person here in the millennium.
Even if there is more than one person today, this person is almost exhausted, not to mention just getting awake, just getting out of clothes, that is also... oh, it still has to take a look.
"Not bad." Ye Shenyu took a look at Qin Qi.
At this moment, Qin Qi was soaked in sweat, and it was no different from just getting salvage from the water.
It seems that it is already exhausted, but the muscles are still bulging like a meteorite. If the meridians are smashing, they will make a mistake in the muscles and transport a strong blood.
Like the trend of the dragon, even if the dragon is not released, there is no more.
It is indeed a dragon of human form.
Ye Shenyu looked, Mei can not help but flash slightly, she saw the shadow of Kunlun in Qin Qi!
And it does not flow on the surface, but it is incomparable with the flesh.
In other words, Qin Qi did not borrow the power of Kunlun, but he himself, which is part of Kunlun.
The eyes of Ye Shenyu are naturally very accessible, and the essence of Qin Qi’s power has been seen in an instant, and the look has indeed changed for the first time.
In her view, the Taoist, or the heavens and the world, the people who cultivate the power of Kunlun are in fact not a minority.
But the vast majority, only touched the fur, can only borrow the power of Kunlun, and can not really grasp it, and force it out.
Only the Kunlun disciples on the Kunlun Mountain have truly mastered the power of Kunlun.
"This kid is a Kunlun disciple?" Ye Shenyu blinked.
But not right.
She felt that Qin Qi did not lie to her. He did come from outside the Taoist circles. She did not see the Kunlun disciples, and there were still some differences with Qin Qi.
What Qin Qi actually cultivated, the main body is Long.
But the Kunlun disciples have the same dragon power, but it is only for the foundation of Kunlun.
Feeling, just the opposite!
But the fish is amazing, but I don’t see the difference between the two.
It should be said that the Kunlun disciples have mastered the most orthodox inheritance of Kunlun's power. Any modification will only become damaged, and it is impossible to compare with Kunlun.
And this can be unusual, enough to make Ye Shenyu feel horrified.
"Tired?" Ye Shenyu suddenly opened his mouth.
"Tired!" Qin Qi's difficult road, the eyes are covered with bloodshot.
He is almost unable to hold it, and the physical strength has been applied to the limit, but this barrel is still a little worse.
But if you let go now, that is to give up, he can never do this.
"In fact, although it is just a simple water pumping, it is an excellent opportunity for your body to temper," Ye Shenyu said.
Qin Qi gritted his teeth and slowly lifted the bucket up. There was no extra strength to answer the leaf fish.
But he knows that Ye Shenyu is right.
This is indeed an exercise for the flesh, and because of the special circumstances of the environment, the effect is particularly obvious. After all, if you do it in the past, even if you do more physical work, it will not help.
But now, although he is exhausted, the surrounding spirits continue to penetrate into the body, into every muscle in the body, in every vein.
The horrible consumption caused Qin Qi to be damaged everywhere, but he was still fresh everywhere.
"Just, it’s too late." Ye Shenyu continued.
In this regard, Qin Qi only smiled, he naturally knows this, although the benefits are there, but it is too late to balance, continue, the flesh may collapse.
This is also the body of his dragon veins, Kunlun to the dragon, otherwise, the high body of the yellow environment, may not be able to support.
"But it, only once, the next is not an example!" Ye Shenyu stood up, and the hand was lightly lifted, then there was a force falling on Qin Qi.
Qin Qi only felt that the body was light, and the burning sensation that disappeared throughout the body disappeared instantly. Instead, it was a kind of briskness.
And his physical damage is far faster than the new situation, and it has been reversed in an instant, and it has been balanced.
Ye Shenyu did not restore Qin Qi's consumption, but only helped him balance damage and new life. After all, only when Qin Qi completed the watering was meaningful, and the benefits were more.
Finally, on the occasion of the sun setting, Qin Qi raised the barrel from the well.
"Still", Ye Shenyu sees that Qin Qi has no more forceful pneumatic bombs, so there is no difficulty in Qin Qi, he lifted the water, and then walked to the side of the simple stove.
She poured the water into the pot, then put some unknown hay into it, and immediately lit the fire in the furnace.
Qin Qi's direction can be seen, there is only one piece of wood in the stove, one end is already black, just a little, the fire is very strong!
Qin Qi felt an extremely blazing temperature, but it was not a physical feeling, but a psychological one.
Qin Qi believes that if it is not that looking at the simple stove barrier, this fire can burn him directly!
Soon, the water boiled, and the squid took out two wooden bowls and poured the soup in the pot into two bowls. However, after a few squats, hesitated for a while and gave a bowl of simmer. Half a spoon.
"Drink it, drink it, you can live tonight!" Ye Shenyu handed the bowl to Qin Qi.
This should be the bowl of more.
"Thank you for the girl." Qin Qi quickly took the bowl and thanked him.
"The sun is going down the mountain, I will go back to the house first." Ye Shenyu smiled. "I will give you a piece of advice. I can't do it. I went to A Huang's nest to hide, and it is better than death."
Qin Qi nodded, and could not help but be nervous.
But the kennel, can't go without going!
Qin Qi glanced at the soup in the bowl. It was very light. There were a few leaves floating in the white water. Looking at the shape, it seems that the seedlings planted by the squid are somewhat similar.
When Qin Qi no longer thought about it, he drank a whole bowl of soup.
Immediately, Qin Qi squinted and stood up.
He only felt that there was a flame burning in the body, and there was no blaze. He had to burn him from the inside out.
It is really going to be burned to death.
Qin Qi even has a feeling that he is already facing death.
The horizon, the last stagnation of the sun, has completely disappeared.
Heaven and earth, darkened.
The indescribable coldness and silence have become the main theme.
"Who are you?" The woman stood in front of the tub and looked at the man who had prepared herself in the flower bath, the sudden appearance of the man.
Sheng Qianmo stood up from the water, and some did not know where to hide, his face was red, and he burned to the neck.
The woman in front of her eyes, naked, apparently intends to bathe, but the bathtub is occupied by him.
However, this woman did not even mean to avoid the shackles. She looked at the holy thousand silently. It seems that Sheng Qian is not a man, and she is not naked.
"Girl, in the next holy, not intent to offend you!" Sheng Qian swallow a few mouthfuls of water, and quickly said.
"Where did you come from?"
"Crap, not outside, where I am asking where you came from!"
"Outside the road."
"Through the gateway to the Taoist Palace?" The woman faintly said.
"Exactly, I don't know how to become like this!" Sheng Qianmo quickly said.
"I know, get out." The woman is still indifferent.
"Yes!" Sheng Qianmo quickly ran out.
Until standing outside the door, Sheng Qian Mo was relieved, and by his side, there was a set of clothes, apparently the girl just now. There is a jade card on it, which reads, Ke closed the moon.
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