Chapter 2287: Female worm

Bloody faintly, 瞳力 was weakened by Qin Qi, but in this way, Qin Qi was able to use it to a greater extent.
The gas-blowing oven roared, Qin Qi flashed out of the air, almost a flash, has come to the dark subordinates.
Qin Qi has already learned the combat ability of the dark subordinates. At this level of speed, the other party cannot react.
Sure enough, the other side snorted, and the dark particles above the claws rushed and snapped down.
However, the bloodyness of Qin Qi suddenly illuminates at this moment, and the speed at which the claws fall has become slow in the eyes of Qin Qi, and it is easy to avoid.
Qin Qi did not dare to avoid too fast, but controlled at a speed that Kankan could avoid, and at the same time turned to the back of the dark subordinates, to the weaknesses seen in the blood, directly kneel down.
Sword one!
A sword follows the gap of the back bones, straight down, and the power of annihilation smashes the dark core of the dark subordinates and directly captures its life.
After doing this, Qin Qi violently gasped, the consumption has been a bit huge, and the body burden is still too heavy, although the attention is controlled, there is no physical collapse, but it is also feeling weak.
However, in a moment, a dark subordinate, but also an extremely amazing record, this consumption, naturally nothing.
"More sophisticated!" Xiaohua laughed, but did not pay too much attention, his eyes fell to the distance.
The scream of the dark slave just now has alarmed the other tribes in the nest. At this moment, the whistling of the response is ringing.

Come on?
Qin Qi’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the body’s blood was swaying, reducing wear and tear, and quickly receding backwards.
Next is the performance time of Xiaohua.
Soon, the earth's vibration has spread to the near, and then, the darkness of the black lightning from the far and near, almost at the moment of the naked eye, has already rushed to the front.
The quantity is even more numb, and there are dozens of heads.
It seems that this nest is not small.
On their heads, six pairs of compound eyes are constantly sweeping. The first target is naturally small flowers, but they are also sharp enough and not deceived by the ordinary appearance of small flowers.
Behind them, a heavy bone armor unfolds, and the inside of the honeycomb hole gradually lights up, from red to black, apparently it has begun to compress the power.
A dark ring, formed in them in the mouth, some in the claws, but no matter what, it is extremely terrible, will all fall on the small flowers.
If this number is used, Qin Qi will use sputum, regardless of the physical disintegration, and it is impossible to hide.
The small flower is a cold scream, and there is a arrogance in the bottom of the eye.
She, but the owner of the group Fangguan, even if this dark subordinate power has the attributes of the natural enemies of the world, but in the face of absolute power, it is still nothing.
I saw the little flower sticking out my hand and then pressing down.
Dozens of dark subordinates, instantly fixed in place, and then heavily plunged into the ground, the hard and exaggerated exoskeleton, all shattered.
In an instant, all the cracks were suppressed. This is the power of the small flowers.
"Come on, you should harvest these lives?" Xiaohua looked at Qin Qi and smiled.
Qin Qi’s heart was moving, but he didn’t care. Even Tianzhu could detect his promotion, not to mention a small flower.
When Qin Qi hurried forward, one by one, and the stars were constantly lit, feeling not too good.
This is the happiness of a large belt, this time really holding a thick thigh!
However, just as before, Qin Qi still feels that there is something missing from these dead dark subordinates, and he can't help but care.
"Go, look inside their nests." Xiaohuadao, even her, has never entered the exile, not to mention the dark-dependent nest.
I have chosen to bypass before, but now that I have arrived, of course I want to take a look.
"Good!" Qin Qi is the same idea.
When the two men rushed to the lair, there was no obstacle along the way. It seems that these dark subordinates are all hot tempers. When they heard the companions for help, they all came over.
"It's there," turned over a precipitous mountain, and the picture in front of him suddenly opened up, and a huge canyon appeared.
On the rock walls on the four sides of the canyon, the honeycomb caves are particularly eye-catching.
This is the darkness of the nest.
"It's similar to their core. It feels like a honeycomb. Isn't the dark subordinate a worker bee?" Qin Qi couldn't help but spit a few words.
"Go, go in and see", Xiaohua is also the first time to see, naturally can not answer Qin Qi.
The two jumped from the mountain and walked into one of the caves.
Of course, the inside of the cave is dark, not a little bright, just like the darkness belongs to himself, and the darkness is the eternal color.
Qin Qi's palms ignited the flame and illuminate the surroundings.
These caves should be connected to each other and lead to the same place, but the cave is very clean and has no secretions or excrement.
What you can see is a variety of skeletons. It seems that even if there are no outsiders invading, the dark subordinates will kill each other.
All the way to the end of the cave, Qin Qi they came to a relatively larger space.
"There is life fluctuation!" When Qin Qi arrived here, he suddenly felt a wave of volatility, and his look suddenly became tight.
This nest, which obviously weakens the perception, does not seem to have a shelter for the dark subordinates, and can completely hide their breath.
After Qin Qi was able to come here, he immediately realized that there is life, and it is already powerful.
"Don't be nervous, I've locked it before, there won't be anything." Xiaohuadao, she was already aware of the moment she came in.
She was also cautious in her heart, but now, almost certainly can determine this nest, and can not threaten her existence.
Qin Qi exhaled a breath, and the flame in his hand suddenly brightened, illuminating the entire cavity.
The things inside are also clearly seen.
"This is, has been the mother insect?" Qin Qi Emei, in this hollow, a larger body of darkness is subordinate to the ground.
And its form is very different from other dark subordinates, not only bigger, but other obesity that dark subordinates do not have, it can be said to be vividly displayed.
At this moment, it is looking at Qin Qi and two people, each compound eye reflects the shadow of the two.
But it didn't move, still lying there.
Is there no fighting power?

Is it already exhausted?
Xiaohua said faintly.
No wonder those dark subordinates all rushed out and did not leave a few protections here.

Because there is no need for protection.
This dark mother has already reached the end of life.
Although I don't understand the ethnic distribution of dark subordinates, there are some similar things in the heterogeneous categories, such as spiders, bees, and so on.
As the core of these ethnic groups, the female worm is an extremely important existence. Once the female worm loses its vitality, but there is no new female worm as a substitute, the ethnic group will decline.
It is like the dark subordinate community in front of you.
"These on the ground, it seems to be a heavenly stone?" Qin Qi seems to be relaxed at this moment, after all, there are small flowers, he does not have to worry too much about accidents, so there is extra effort to observe the surrounding. What surprised him was that the paving of the female worm was actually a heavenly stone.
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