Chapter 3109: Complete preparation

The second is very dissatisfied with this, and is not willing to give Qin Qi the core of Xianli.
Qin Qi said that he said that it was hard to get it from her hands, and the price is that once Qin Qi went to find the head of the criminal day, the two must go together!
This condition, Qin Qi certainly promised.
After all, there is no loss to him.
Besides, whether or not the second can go, does not depend on her or Qin Qi's thoughts, but also depends on the punishment of the day to let her go.
Qin Qi promised to have a fart?
It seems that Xiaonizi’s brain is not so good. The blood of the criminal day is combined with the blood of the emperor. Is this just right?
Qin Qi thought in mind that there is nothing.
In fact, in this month's time, Qin Qi also almost clarified the situation of the second scorpion, she also has the blood of the emperor and the punishment of the heavens!
This is of course not a product of the combination of the two. It should be that the criminal day used the blood of the emperor to create a second scorpion for some purpose.
However, the power of the ancestor is not so simple to control. Otherwise, the twelve witches are so powerful that they cannot separate the blood.
Now, I am afraid that there are countless powerful blood descendants.
But in fact, apart from the descendants of the sons and daughters who were born out of the combination, no one has ever succeeded in using the blood of the ancestors to create life!
In this way, the level of the Holy Beast is even the limit.
The strength of the ancestral witch is enough to resonate with the whole fairy world. The laws of heaven and earth are everywhere. Any life based on the blood of the ancestors will be countered by the law.
Will eventually die.
But the second is alive, and the strength is extremely powerful!
The reason is that she still has the essence of punishment in her body!
In the first day of criminal punishment, I was afraid that it would not be stable. I could only use my own blood to offset it. The final product is the current two.
Although Qin Qi is not a 100% sure answer, the big probability should be correct!
But even then, it is a miracle to be able to survive the second, and I don’t know if there is another way.
Or, the second is not a finished product, but the kind of split is suppressed by the punishment of the day, and it has since passed.
In short, the existence of the second scorpion itself makes Qin Qi very curious, but now it is not the time to think about it.
Qin Qi must put all his energy into the transformation of this laboratory!
This is another month.
Qin Qi finally combed the entire set of Xianli equipment, and all the added things were added!
Thanks to the strength of the different Kunlun, Qin Qi completed his original idea, this set of equipment will not affect the manufacture of the new head of the criminal day, and at the same time, they can be used for Hongnan children!
Be the cornerstone of their transformation!
Throughout the whole process, O'Neill was the head of the laboratory. The whole person was stupid. He did not expect that Xianli technology could be used like this. It was incredible!
And he is even more impressed with Qin Qi!
Of course, if he knows that this is not the power of Qin Qi, but belongs to the different Kunlun, I am afraid it is another feeling.
In short, it took two months, Qin Qi should do, all have been done.
The rest, it depends on whether Hongnan children can cross this level!
By the way, they will become stronger and achieve a very huge leap, which may become the most important creation in their lives!
But beyond, they will not have a future.
Everything is ready.
All the equipment and devices have been debugged to the best condition. As long as the button is turned on, the entire laboratory can be operated and the skull head is manufactured!
Qin Qi has repeatedly tested several times, there is nothing to increase, and several containers have all been opened, Lin Bijun they will go into each.
They will be sacrifices!
But at the same time, I can absorb these nutrients and achieve myself!
As for the secret door that exists in this set of Xianli technology, Qin Qi and Yi Kunlun did not find it.
It seems that the mother ship group did not leave a secret hand in this transaction.
This is somewhat unexpected.
It is hard to believe that the mother ship group did not intend to use this, knowing that they were dare to steal the fruits of the twelve ancestors.
Perhaps, Qin Qi and Yi Kunlun have lost their hands, and failed to find the secret door of the mother ship group?
This is not impossible.
After all, the twelve witches did not realize the secret method set by the great wise man at the festival of the ancient fairy.
Although different Kunlun is against the sky, it may not be omnipotent.
However, in order to be on the safe side, on the basis of the original, Qin Qi reconstructed the whole set of Xianli technology.
Everything in his view is a design with a hidden door possibility, all re-engineered, destroying and reorganizing the entire manufacturing process.
Although it does not affect the final effect, but the steps are different, it is naturally difficult to fall into the trap of the mother ship group.
All this, the punishment days are very clear, Qin Qi is doing this under his eyes.
At the end of the sentence, he did not raise an objection. Obviously, he approved Qin Qi’s plan.
So everything is ready.
Together with the body of Yuan Yebing, Qin Qi’s head was also in the central container.
He will be the material of the new skull!
With one of the same inputs, there are many extremely precious spar minerals, many of which can only be produced in the forbidden zone in the chaotic sea.
The value of some of the materials is comparable to the blood of the four holy beasts, but it is a treasure of heaven and earth!
It seems that for this transaction, the mother ship group really pays huge.
The more you pay, the more you want to get, the more you want to get. You just don't know what they want from prison.
After returning to the topic, Yuan Yebing’s body is not what it was.
Before investing in the container, the corpse has strengthened the body and the power has returned to the peak of Yuan Yebing's life!
The level of the three flowers gathers!
This is the best material appearance!
"Almost, you also enter the container, remember all the details I told you before, no mistakes can be made!" Qin Qi Shen said.
Now, it is time for inspection.
Although Qin Qi has done everything that can be done, but it can still be successful, but it is still an unknown number.
Moreover, the chances of success are by no means large.
"You can rest assured that my belief will be my backing. This time, I will be able to be born again!" Lin Bijun said.
"And at that time, I will use my power to overthrow the world of lies!"
"I hope," Qin Qi shrugged.
Lin Bijun paused, but he said to Qin Qidao: "Thank you."
Qin Qi smashed.
Lin Bijun is no longer staying, directly into the container of his own!
The special transparent liquid immersed her whole person, and the array nodes in the various places also lit up, and the sound of the parts was squeaky. Going in, there is no regret.
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