Chapter 3334: Killer, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the god-level training system!
Hill and others were all taken aback.
The comer knows naturally.
Come from the same Demon territory.
I just didn't expect it.
Actually will meet here.
on purpose?
"Banks, what are you doing here? Where do you want to lead us?" Hill said solemnly.
It's not a good person. He is strong and bloodthirsty, not to mention other races.
It's inside the demons.
He killed many.
Meet Banks here.
Hill is ready for the war.
"Hill, why do you talk like that, do you think I will hurt you?" Banks chuckled, spreading his hands.
That way, it seems harmless to humans and animals.
However, Hill and the others immediately stood ready, their magic shocked, and they planned to take action at any time.
See here.
Banks' eyes suddenly became cold.
"What do you mean, Hill, I'm very upset about you, are you going to take the initiative to be my enemy?" Banks' voice was cold.
There is a very dangerous aura brewing in him.
Hill's expression did not change.
She knew exactly who Banks was.
Therefore, it is unnecessary to talk nonsense.
Banks sneered, and then laughed wildly, "Okay, okay, it's you Hill, who is not moved at all. If you change to an ordinary person, you don't dare to tear my face directly with me, I always want to find some relaxation Room."
"However, that is the most stupid one!"
"It's a pity, even if you are careful not to give me a flaw, it will be useless."
Banks waved his hand. Behind him, several powerful demons appeared, and the powerful aura came out in shock.
Each of them is a good player.
The lowest realm is the 25th realm!
Behind the scenes, some magical battle maps are twenty-five layers, and some are even twenty-sixth layers.
The combat power is extremely amazing!
And that Banksy, his breath is still above these people.
"In front of absolute strength, there should be nothing to say, Hill, I didn't intend to kill you, so I just surrendered and told me the news of the blood pool, and then became my plaything, so that everyone can have a better life", Ben X slowly said.
Very cold.
At the same time, the winner is also in hand.
"We can only escape. If this continues, we will all die", beside Hill, there was a pale face of the young Demon Race.
His realm is only twenty-three realms.
It is impossible to be an opponent at all!
Even Hill and the middle-aged demons are both in the 26th realm.
But the opponent is obviously stronger!
They couldn't fight at all.
The chance of escape is slim.
"Do you think you can escape? There is only one battle," Hill said lightly, his eyes falling to Banks, not the slightest temperature.
By her side, Frost is not a gathering, which shows her attitude.
Banks looked gloomy.
He doesn't like when people resist him.
"It seems that you have chosen the most stupid path, and you will regret it!" Banks said grimly, raising his hand, and then waved it down.
All his subordinates grinned again and again, and they killed Hill and the others!
The war is about to start.
But the moment of contact, the victory scale was already overwhelmed.
Except for Hill, even if he was able to gain the upper hand even against opponents of the 26th realm, the rest had already been suppressed.
The middle-aged demons can only exchange injuries for injuries.
I'm afraid it won't last long.
"One minute, Hill, you can only support one minute," Banks folded his arms and sneered.
After a minute, everything should be over except Hill.
Hill's expression was cold, her magic power was even sharper, countless ice crystals gathered, and the ice was so cold that the opponent's magic power turned sluggish.
"Near!" As soon as the ice crystal spear in Hill's hand penetrated, the void cracked where it passed, but it froze instantly.
The attack power is extremely terrifying.
Hill was extremely fast, deceiving him and fighting in close quarters.
The ice crystals were frozen, and under the extreme low temperature, her opponent's speed was slowed down a little.
Just a little.
But it is enough to change the situation.
The opponent may not be able to catch this shot!
"Shield Array Kill!" The Demon Race expert roared, and slammed forward with a shield, which was both a defense and an attack.
However, when that shot arrived, everything was suddenly frozen, and the shield of the strong demon clan was directly frozen.
And Hill’s other shot has arrived.
The strong demon can only abandon the shield.
Quickly opened the distance with Hill.
"Stupid!" Banks snorted coldly, but didn't mean to interfere.
Hill drank low.
The ice gun has turned into an ice bow!
And this is her strongest form.
An arrow shot.
The demon strongman has no time to dodge.
The ice bolt directly penetrated his chest, and then, countless ice cones exploded, and the magic blood splashed out.
The strong demon screamed.
Although he wouldn't be killed in this way, he was already seriously injured.
However, the screams were more than this.
The rest of the battle has also ended.
The result of the battle was completely opposite to this one.
Hill's people were all beheaded.
That middle-aged demons.
Die with your opponent!
There is no chance.
"Hill, you are really beyond my expectation. You can defeat the twenty-sixth realm. It's a pity, a pity, your person is too weak", Banks laughed, and his magic power shook out.
Twenty-seven heavy magic battle map!
Represents the power of the twenty-seventh realm!
This kind of combat power can be said to be crushed.
Hill is the talent no matter how strong it is.
Nor is it an opponent!
"Do you know why I can have such power, because I was fortunate enough to get a blood pool, but unfortunately, it has dried up, otherwise, I will be stronger!" Banks slowly said.
"So, I must get more blood pools, Hill, and finally give you a chance. Where is that blood pool?"
Around Hill, the ice crystals kept moving.
The ice bow in her hand turned into an ice gun again.
At the same time, dozens of ice spears condensed and hovered around her.
"Stupid choice, it seems that I have to take care of your bones before you are willing to listen to me obediently", Banks sneered.
He will shoot.
And Hill is like an enemy.
At the same time, I couldn't help but despair in my heart.
She is indeed not Banksy's opponent.
It's just Banksy's means.
What she will experience next.
I'm afraid it's a more cruel hell.
"Come on, let me see how talented you are!" Banks laughed.
Just laughter.
But it stopped abruptly!
A blood-colored long sword directly penetrated his heart, and its terrifying power was frantically strangling his vitality.
Even his body is covered with blood lines.
It's a sacred text!
So, killing intent!
No matter how strong Banks is, he can't bear it!
Sneak attack.
Killer skills.
Dormant, has been brewing for a long time, it will kill you!
Is the top killer!
Banks was full of unwillingness in his eyes, but all vitality had been wiped out. "Sneak attack is still easy to use." Qin Qi smiled, and threw Banks' body aside, "Miss Hill, can we discuss the matter of the blood pool?"
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