Chapter 553: Okay, I get it now

Chapter 553, oh, I know.
This thunder is really too amazing. It seems that the stars fall into the ground. Qin Qi feels that the ears are changing instantly. Then, the thunder is falling, full of the scent of destruction, and it seems to collapse everything.
Qin Qi only felt a tremor, and the power was almost out of control. This Thunder is too terrible. It can't resist it. Even if the three martial arts form a three-team, it is difficult to offset all the Thunder.
And this is just the first thunder. In the midst of the rolling thunder, the endless thunder is falling.
"Ice and Snow Enchantment!" Qin Qi gritted his teeth and used the power of the Ice Queen to open up the field. At least, the power of the Thunder could be weakened.
But even if it was ice and snow enchantment, it was only able to support ten attacks. Qin Qi’s hands became black and were injured by the Thunder.
"Master, this power is too strong, we can't resist it!" Ice Queen Queen, fully assisted Qin Qi, but the power is still limited.
The green radish, at the moment in the protection of the martial arts three talents, has not been affected for a while, and her body, a miraculous force has flowed out, just like the world.
Tree world!
"Oh!", a green shadow of a giant wood appeared behind the green radish. This giant wood does not know where it is rooted, but it does not know where it is, as if it is connected to the heavens and the earth, endless stars surround Left and right, can not tell the vast shores.
When this force appeared, the Thunder was suddenly resisted a lot. It was just that the thunder was not only that. The Thunder continued to fall, and each of them was stronger than before, full of the atmosphere of destruction.
"Qing Bang!" Qin Qi feels that the body is not his now, and the blackness is a piece of black. If you have swallowed a lot of power before, now he is afraid that he can't bear it!
"Hey, can't hold it!" Qin Qi cried his teeth, and the power in the body broke out completely. The ancient gods and the power of the dragon's body all came out to resist the power of the Thunder.
But this is after all a thunder, not an ordinary thunder force, even if Qin Qi can now play the righteousness, can not resist the destruction of thunder!
"Booming!" A thunder that was thicker than the thighs slammed down. Qin Qi's whole people were shaken off, and the body was burnt, and the three talents could not be maintained.
In addition to the ice queen, the ancestral king and the martial spirit of Dante's lord have become a lot of gloom, and they are almost unable to support it.
"Let's stick to it, it's good!" Green Roar hurriedly shouted. Under the tree world, the little saplings on her head were bathed in the Thunder and undergoing transformation.
The soul of the green radish has been passed down from the world tree, and the body has gained the energy of the world tree. Now, as long as this thunder is passed, he will be transformed into a success, and he can truly use the world tree's universal power!
Still a step away, you must get through this thunder!
"Mom, I still don't believe it!" Qin Qi gritted his teeth, and the gold pen appeared in his hand. He began to draw lines and resist the thunder.
What is great about thunder, see Laozi have crossed you!
The pen is swiftly swiping, and countless formations fall. This is not a defensive type of formation, but an increase in the class, which is used to enhance Qin Qi's own strength!
The Wuhun Sancai array can't resist this thunder, then add one more, the Wushen four elephant array can always be!
Anyway, Lao Tzu is a martial art.
The sacred light, the bright priest also appeared, divided into four orientations to form a battle to resist the power of thunder!
This martial arts formed a battle, it is indeed extraordinary, the Thunder was once again resisted.
And Qin Qi, who is smoking a cigarette, but does not retreat, all refining!
In this way, the Thunder continued, and finally came to the climax, the thunder in the starry sky is more amazing, almost turned into a Thunder dragon.
This will be the biggest force of thunder, as long as this time, this thunder, it will be spent!
"Come on, let Laozi see, how strong is the power of God!" Qin Qi went up against the sky, all the powers were shaken, and the final blow of this thunder.
Immediately, heaven and earth, any starlight disappeared, leaving only the stout thunder from top to bottom, running through!
"Rumble!" Thunder sounded, and the nearby stars were directly darkened and destroyed by the power of the Thunder.
This last shock, it is terrible, to destroy everything, for a long time, the power of this thunder is scattered, a little green light, blooming in a black.
The small saplings on the top of the green radish have grown a bit. There are already a few trees, and the roots are there, and the power is even more extraordinary. Even the power of the faint laws is flowing.
Seedlings from the world tree, this is the best, it is the most martial arts!
At this moment, the green radish, a long green hair, and the forehead is a mark of a leaf. This mark is very complicated. I am afraid that even Qin Qi can't see how many lines are contained in it.
Gradually, the green radish opened his eyes, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and in the depths of her pupils, it was the shadow of a giant wood, very magical!
Her power at this moment is too strong, and she can no longer be measured by the realm. After all, who can successfully rob before the king of Wu?
"Good!" Green Luo suddenly frowned, feeling a sinking chest, almost straight to the waist.
"Hey, how can I not see my feet?" Green Luo blinked his eyes, strangely strange. As long as he bowed his head, he could see his own feet. Now it's good, let alone the feet, and you can't even see the ground.
"What kind of ghost is this ditch?" Green eyebrows tangled, and there were two mountains on her chest. The two mountains were squeezed together to form an unfathomable ditch, but she had no such thing before?
Stretched and pinched, so soft, great and flexible!
"Oh, I know, isn't that the chest?" Green Luo Dengwu, understood what it was, then shouted, how could she have this thing?
"Is it a relationship of form?" Green Luo is depressed. Now her form is different from before. It is in the shape of a tree god. As long as the power recedes, it can naturally change back to the way it was before.
"Call, scared my sister to jump!" Green Luo patted the chest, but the situation like the previous squeaking never appeared again, but caused a bounce.
Green Luo turned a blind eye, and quickly searched for Qin Qi, only to see a group of black charcoal in front of him, it is estimated that Qin Qi, look like, is already dead?
"Lin's egg is big, you can't die, or I will guilty!" Green radish covered her face and shook the black charcoal forcefully.
As if responding to her, the black charcoal was suddenly broken, and a white hand was extended from the inside, and then the outside was supported, and the whole person sat up from the black charcoal.
"Lin egg is big!" Green Luo blinked and quickly stepped forward.
There was some confusion in Qin Qi’s eyes, and it felt that the hand was holding a very spectacular thing and it appeared in front of the eyes, occupying all the sight.
This is something that can't be, look down, this touch, this shape, this elastic ghost.
Qin Qi thought for a while and finally realized that "Oh, I know, isn't this the chest?"
But soon Qin Qi looked up and found that it was the face of the green radish.
Huh? No, green radish has no chest!
Qin Qi was shocked. The hand quickly grabbed and pointed at the green radish and pinched it. This thing seems to be not fake.
Asked: "Who are you, say, go where the green chest of the chest is flat!"
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