Chapter 862: The transmission array has been destroyed

The 662th chapter of the transmission array has been destroyed
There is no increase in staff, it depends on Laozi alone. Is it true that Laozi is a war god?
Since the beginning of the war, due to the violent offensive of the Yaozu, the time is actually not long, but it has not been long before it has been a small half-day, let alone the transmission array, that is, it should be rushed over.
Guanlan City is only a hundred kilometers behind the Fortress of the Battle.
The mad lion smiled and could only say: "The news has been passed back before the war, but there is still no news to be sent back."
"What else is it?" Qin Qi frowned, knowing that one of the joints had a problem, but now where is the time to manage this?
The demon people suffered heavy losses this time. It is impossible to withdraw from the army. Otherwise, it will be unbearable, so they will definitely attack the city again.
Wait until then, the demon will come, what to resist?
The mad lion understands Qin Qi’s concerns. Why can’t he understand this?
However, the relationship between the various ethnic groups is complicated and there are many internal constraints. This is not the case in one hundred battlefields. This trend has already existed in the entire human domain.
"The support of Guanlan City is not very useful. The only thing that can be expected now is the domain master." The lion sighed.
"Hey, the transmission array in this central battalion is the gateway to Guanlan. We can't keep it. Do they feel that they can sit back and relax?" A deputy will be cold and sullen, and the people who watched the city can be said to be disgusted to the extreme.
Just to hear this, the mad lion has suddenly changed his face.
As the forefront of the battlefield, the transmission array of the Battle of the Battle is only connected to Guanlan City. This is because after the city breaks, the Yaozu enters the inner territory of the hundred war zones through the transmission array.
Once the battle of the hundred battles fell, as long as the return to Guanlan City, the transmission of a break, the Yaozu can only continue the offensive from the front.
Therefore, Guanlan City has always been the backing of the Battle Fortress. All the materials can only be passed from Guanlan City. Over time, it is to fatten a group of locusts. Unfortunately, the relationship is too complicated and complicated. Every family has interests in it. It is a change of heart, but it is powerless.
Of course, no one cares about this now. The battle in front of us is the most crucial. However, the reinforcements have not been for a long time, and suddenly I heard the vice-president, but the lion has thought of a chilling possibility.
"Predecessors, what happened to you?" Qin Qi frowned.
The lion took a deep breath and said: "Qin Shaoxia, let's go to the big camp first!"
Qin Qi has some doubts, but the lion has already left in a hurry, and he can only keep up.
The scale of the central battalion is not small. It is the core area of ​​the entire battle bastion. The energy source of the big garrison and the transmission array are all in this battalion.
At the center of the central battalion, there is a huge building with a dense array of texts, a transmission array, and a large transmission array that can transport a large number of warriors at one time.
There are three sides around this place that are closed. The walls and domes are extremely thick. They are mixed with various ore materials and can withstand the attacks of some powerful people.
At this moment, the Battle Corps has sent people to guard the only entrance, so it is very quiet and there is no sound.
The necessary place for the transmission array must be held and no one is allowed to approach. Otherwise, once a deserter emerges and leaves through the transmission array, the morale will suddenly fall to an underestimate and change.

What do seniors want to see?
Qin Qi asked.
"Qin Shaoxia waits first, I am just skeptical, hope is not true." The lion swallowed a slobber, then waved his hand and gestured to open the transmission array.
The transmission array is activated, and the brilliance is a little bit, reflecting the area.
"You, try it." The lion pointed at a warrior.
The man took a ritual and walked into the transmission array, and then the light became brighter and covered the man.
In the usual days, this person has already been sent out, but this time, the light converges, and the person is still standing still!
Everyone saw this scene, they all widened their eyes, and the lions were even more glaring and full of blood.
"They, they are so dare to do this!" The mad anger is unstoppable. The whole person is really like a lion. It must be made, and the wound on his body suddenly bursts open.
"Adult!" The deputy will exclaim, and quickly support the lion.
Qin Qi sighed and knew what was going on. The face suddenly became very difficult to look at, and the fundus was even more impressive.
"Predecessors, think about countermeasures first." Qin Qi whispered, a holy light fell on the lion to help him heal the wound.
The mad lion is trembling, because of anger and sadness.
"My soldiers are here to bathe blood and use their lives to resist the hoofs of the demon people, but they have broken the way we live!"
"How can they be so ruthless, how can they do such a thing of common indignation!" The lion roared, his face turned red, but immediately became pale as paper.
The transmission array could not be successfully transmitted, only the other side of the array had a problem.
In other words, the array method set in Guanlan City can no longer be connected to here.
In other words, they can't walk, and there is no way out.
The mad lion always insists on defending the city. It is because he expects the reinforcements to arrive. He does not want to give up the territory of the human race behind the city. There are many villages where mortals live.
But if it can't resist, the lion will let everyone leave, then destroy the transmission array, and continue to build a defense line in Guanlan City, so as to prevent the Yaozu from attacking again.
But now, this transmission is ruined, and the army of the demon in all directions has already surrounded the central camp, and no one wants to leave.
The lion stunned for a moment, as if he was ten years old. He bit his teeth and whispered: "Do you want me to tell the dead soldiers and tell them that their blood is flowing, their death is meaningless...

How sad it is!
"Predecessors, it doesn't make any sense to think about it now, no matter what the truth of the matter, the only thing we have to do now is to live."
"Dead, then nothing, only living, can get back to the dead for justice." Qin Qi indifferent, the voice is extremely calm.
The lion's body trembled. He was a veteran who had experienced the wind and frost. He was not a new soldier. He knew that he must not panic now.
Today's 100-war corps, the head of the army has not yet returned, and all the burdens must be on him, and there must be no loss.
He still has many soldiers, they are still alive, and they should not die without meaning.
"Deputy head, Qin Shaoxia said right, now is not the time to think about this, and it is not too early to decide, but the immediate danger is the matter." The deputy will sink.
"Breakout!" The lion sighed out, cold and cold.
The deputy opened his mouth, but now, there is no choice.
However, at this time, there was a loud noise outside, and the soldiers were cheering "the reinforcements arrived!"
It is said that the lion and other people look at each other and Qin Qi’s heart is also slightly shocked.
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