Chapter 393: Save people

Chapter 393 Saving People
"That being said, how do you know if you don't try?"
Hearing this, Dao Run's eyes flashed with hope, but it quickly went out, shook his head and said: "Impossible...impossible..."
God knows how many ways Daorun and his wife tried, and how many strange people and strangers they sought to find a way to save their children.
But without exception, they are helpless.
On the contrary, Dao Zhen looked at Ye Chen thoughtfully, but he said, "Since Daoist Murong has said it, why don't you try it? If it doesn't work, there will be Chixue Liuzhu Dan. It can detoxify..."
Daorun nodded, and was finally moved, nodding.
"Everyone, please follow me."
Everyone controlled the flying sword and came to a valley.
This valley seems inconspicuous, but it is protected by formations, and it is always shrouded in a mist of mist.
As an ordinary person, you will probably get lost in the valley by mistake.
But with Dao Run's leadership, he naturally wouldn't be bothered by this mere illusion, and he went all the way to the deepest part of the valley.
And here is where Daorun and his wife live in seclusion.
Seeing this scene, Dao Zhen's expression sank: "You guys are looking for a good place!"
In fact, not many people know about Daorun's love with the banshee.
Even Dao Zhen...
If it hadn't been for Dao Run to steal the Chixue Liuzhu Pill without authorization, he would be kept in the dark under repeated questioning, without knowing it.
Hearing the movement outside, a beautiful young woman in pink, holding a baby under one year old tightly in her arms, appeared in the sight of everyone.
And she.
It is Daorun's wife, Yin Fuluo from the flower demon.
When he saw his wife, Daorun's expression was also soft. He glanced at each other with some affection, then looked at the baby in his arms, and whispered: "I wanted to sneak into Shushan Pirate Dan, but I accidentally exposed it. I stole the Chixue Liuzhu Pill privately...Fortunately, I met this Qionghua school fellow Murong Ziying on the way, and said that it could help me resolve the poison on Rui'er..."
Without much hesitation, Daorun also told what happened in a few words.
As for Yin Flo.
From the look of the husband, he also understood the other party's hesitation.
After all, the Chixue Liuzhu Pill is the supreme treasure of the Shu Mountain School, stealing this treasure privately is tantamount to extinction from the Shu Mountain.
It would be okay if Daorun did it alone, but the two of them will remain anonymous.
But this matter also involves Dao Zhen...
If it is true as the Taoist in front of him said, being able to resolve the poison of his own child will undoubtedly solve a big problem!
"Also ask Dao Chang to help. The slave family is grateful."
"Little things."
With a thought, the baby in Yin Fuluo's hand flew out, floating in the air under the action of an invisible force.
Perhaps because of the inherent toxins, this baby is not as active as ordinary children.
Not only his face was blue and purple, but his eyes were also closed, as if he was asleep.

But the small body that kept twitching seemed to prove how much pain the baby under one year old had endured.
"My poor Ruier..."
Seeing this scene, Yin Fuluo couldn't help but stepped forward, but was held back by Dao Run.
Suddenly, the crystal teardrops fell like broken pearls.
As for the brothers Dao Zhen and Dao Run...
Although the two were not as sentimental as Yin Fuluo, but they were also afflicted. They both watched this scene in a daze. They didn't even dare to show up, for fear that they might disturb Ye Chen's spell to save others.
Although everything is for the infant child, if Ye Chen can smoothly remove the poison, naturally there is no need to consume this Chixue Liuzhu Pill.
In this way, Daozhen can also be exempt from the punishment of the Shushan School.
"Water Spirit Orb"
With the palm spread out, a light blue bead appeared in Ye Chen's hand.
Seeing this scene, Daorun felt nothing.
As for Dao Zhen, there was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes...
The Water Spirit Orb is the most precious treasure of the Qionghua School and has always been kept in the hands of the head. This is not a secret among the high-levels of many schools.
Compared with Daorun, whose cultivation base is flat, Daozhen's cultivation base talent has long been included in the core of the Shushan School.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy, and he got the Chixue Liuzhu Dan.
"It looks like... this Murong Ziying Taoist friend, in the Qionghua School, is not simple..."
Just as Dao Zhen was contemplating, Ye Chen on the side had a new movement.
As a mana was injected into the water spirit orb, the pure blue spiritual power immediately wrapped the baby as if in the blue ocean.
But Ye Chen manipulated this spiritual power and carefully penetrated into the baby's body.
This operation is like walking a tightrope...
After all, there is only a baby who has not been born for a long time, and is under one year old. His meridians are fragile, and if he is not careful, he will die!
As time passed, as the light blue spiritual power continuously penetrated into the baby's body, black particles that were almost invisible to the naked eye also floated out.
Although the particles are extremely fine, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is almost difficult to find.
But everyone present has a cultivation base, and it can be seen naturally that this is a toxin forced out by Ye Chen with special means.
Seeing this situation, the hearts of Dao Run and others that were almost hanging in their throats finally fell, watching the scene with satisfaction.
After more than half an hour passed, the baby's originally blue-purple face in mid-air gradually began to become ruddy, his eyes kept rolling, watching everything around him curiously, and a pleasant smile appeared on his face.
"Rui Er"
Upon seeing this scene, Yin Fuluo also understood that the poison in her son's body had been removed and exhausted.
"Fortunately not insulting life."
A mana bag wrapped the baby and slowly sent it to Yin Fu Luo's arms.
The brothers Dao Zhen and Dao Run also didn't care about their manners, and hurriedly moved closer to look at them.
"Great... the toxins in Rui'er's body have been removed completely!"
Even Dao Zhen came to Ye Chen's side and bowed deeply.
"Thank you Mr. Murong for his life-saving grace."
"It's okay."
Ye Chen waved his hand and couldn't help but exhorted: "This child was tortured by toxins as soon as he shot his hands. His body is much weaker than ordinary people. In the future, you and your husband will use mana to warm your meridians every day."
"As for fellow Daozhen, the Chixue Liuzhu Dan is the most precious treasure of the Shushan Mountain. To be on the safe side... you should go back for business as soon as possible."
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