Chapter 895: Enter the fifth floor, save people

Chapter VIII Enter the fifth floor, save people
Wang Xiaoya grabbed Zhao Li's arm and pulled him to the door on the fifth floor.
"The little of feelings has already thought about it in his heart. I am here, but my heart is somewhere else. I'm looking for a next home."
Zhao Li complained.
"No... it's not right. I saw him go in today. Later, when I inquired, the people there said that no one had come. I called Dongqing. It was through, but then it was turned off. "
"Official Zhao, didn't you and Ye Chen said before, what kind of gluttony is this fifth son? Could it be that he was the one who killed Dongqing?"
Hearing this, Zhao Li's face was a little ugly.
Originally, he thought that Ye Chen's previous words were just speculation, but now it seems that the five sons are really gluttonous, and he is eyeing Xia Dongqing!
Thinking of this, some expressions were solemn.
"You told me yesterday that the soup base for oden in our shop was changed. Where did it come from?"
"Holly said it was given by the fifth son."
Upon hearing this, Zhao Li's face was completely dark.
His own person was cheated away under his nose, but he didn't even notice it. If Pluto knew about this, at least it would be a poor job!
"Where is Ye Chen?"
After learning that Xia Dongqing's disappearance was actually related to the fifth son, Zhao also knew that Xia Dongqing must have been targeted by the other party, and also thought of looking for rescuers.
And the one who is most convenient to contact right now is also the person most likely to make a move, and naturally it is also Ye Chen.
But seeing that Ye Chen came slowly with emerald, with an elusive smile on his face.
"Why, figured it out? Going to fight the fifth son?"
"No way, who told him to take Holly!"
With Wang Xiaoya beside, the official Zhao couldn't say so in detail, but he also pointed out the importance of Xia Dongqing.
"That's the person that Pluto must pay personal attention to!"
Can you not pay attention?
In Xia Dongqing's body is the remnant soul of Chi You.
And who is Chi You?
The original leader of the first generation, the brother of Chacha!
"Hurry up, you two, stop inking here..."
Wang Xiaoya also urged: "Let's go in and save Dongqing. He has been in for a long time, and I am afraid it will be too late."
"You and I should be able to compete with him."
Official Zhao estimated.
"That's not right. Although the gluttony of the five sons of Longsheng is not the gluttony of one of the four great beasts of the ancient times, it is also a rare enemy in this world..."
Ye Chen also said with a serious face.
"Fight, but I can't find a good job for you below." Zhao Li laughed.
"So dangerous?"
Jade was a little worried.
"It's okay, can't we run but can't beat it?"
Ye Chen glanced at the fifth floor, also thoughtfully.
"Don't struggle, it's useless."
After Wu Gongzi drove away Zhao Li, he came to check his plate of Chinese food. Xia Dongqing was tied on the table with cloth strips.
"let me go!"
Xia Dongqing roared.
"I went to bathe and burn incense just now. You must be cautious when you treat such a delicious food."
"Who are you?"
"I'm not human."
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to eat your eyes."
Wu Gongzi sat down, took the knife and fork with a smile on his face.
"You cannibals?!"
"I called you two-legged sheep a long time ago. I have eaten many people."
"You eat even people! You are too cruel."
Xia Dongqing said incredulously.
"I'm cruel, aren't you humans cruel? In order to eat fresh goose paws, you drive the big goose to the red-hot iron plate, and then cut it alive... You stab the meat from the live donkey to eat the donkey meat , Oh, that scream can be heard ten miles away, you also knocked the monkey's skull open, poured oil into your brain to eat the brain..."
"You still eat the newly born mice. Eat them alive. Take the chopsticks and clamp the mice. The mice squeaked, squeaked in the sauce, squeaked again, and finally put it in your mouth, squeaked, and squeaked, you I also gave this dish a name, called... Sanzhi."
"Are they not pitiful? They are also born and raised by their parents. Now I eat you, just like you humans eat chicken, duck and fish. The food chain is weak and strong. There is nothing right or wrong, but I am more kind than you. At least I eat you, no It will make you feel painful, so you are not qualified to complain. If you are stronger, you can come and eat me!"
Wu Gongzi fiddled with a knife and fork, and Xia Dongqing was so frightened that he closed his eyes quickly.
"It's useless. I'll cut your eyelids with a knife and dig out your eyeballs with a fork."
Wu Gongzi frightened.
Suddenly, Wu Gongzi keenly felt that some non-human beings broke in on the fifth floor.
"My delicacy, wait a moment for me to enjoy you again."
Ye Chen, Jade, Sun Moon, Zhao Li, Wang Xiaoya touched the fifth floor, Zhao Li went to pester the five sons, Wang Xiaoya went to find Xia Dongqing.
And Ye Chen took the jade, and Sun Moon prepared to support it in secret.
Wu Gongzi walked behind Zhao Li from nowhere.
"Fifth son, admiration for a long time." Zhao Li turned and said.
"Official Zhao, is it you?"
The fifth son saw Zhao Li's face and called out Zhao Li's name directly.
"you know me?"
Official Zhao was a little surprised.
"of course."
The fifth son looked up and down Zhao Li, as if recalling: "At that time you were still a human and a monk."
"Do you know my past?"
The official Zhao asked urgently.
"do not you remember?"
The fifth son looked at the official Zhao, and suddenly realized: "Oh yes...I forgot, the souls of your soul ferrymen have been handed over to Pluto, and Pluto has taken away the most cherished things in your hearts."
"What is it?"
"You want to know?"
The fifth son sat down and raised Erlang's legs high: "I don't want to tell you, get out of it, don't disturb me enjoying the food."
"The food you are talking about is people."
"No, no," the fifth son said, shaking his head, "I used to eat people, but now I don't eat people anymore."
"But you eat soul now."
"People now! Only the soul can eat it, but in my opinion, the soul will change its taste soon."
The fifth son sighed.
"Give me the boy you caught today, and I will assume that I have never seen you before and will not report to Pluto."
Official Zhao said solemnly.
"Leave it to you? Why, that boy's eyes are very different, there is something hidden in his body."
"If you move him, the gods of the underworld and Kunlun will not let you go, and your father, Dragon King, can't keep you."
Zhao Li threatened.
"You threaten me? You think I don’t know. Neither Pluto nor the gods of Kunlun can come to the world. In the past, the primitive man fought against the heavenly man, and finally the heavenly man cut off the Tongtian pillar. Since then, the power of God Was rejected by the rules of the world."
The fifth son said with disdain: "Just rely on you soul ferrymen to catch me? Say it again, get out!"
"Okay, let me go."
Official Zhao spread his hands helplessly.
Partial hall
Wang Xiaoya crept to the side of Xia Dongqing, which was on the table.
Xia Dongqing said in surprise: "You finally came to save me."
"Xiaoya, the fifth son wants to eat me."
Xia Dongqing said softly.
"The official Zhao and Ye Chen are here, and the official Zhao went to find the fifth son to delay time. Ye Chen is secretly supporting him, and the official Zhao asked me to feed this to you in his mouth, and later find a chance to spray on the fifth son. "
Wang Xiaoya motioned for a while, holding a water bottle containing a yellow unknown liquid in his hand.
"what is this?"
"I don't know, anyway, this is what Zhao said, and it won't hurt you..."
Wang Xiaoya gave Xia Dongqing a bite as he said.
"You will act on the occasion," Wang Xiaoya confessed, and then secretly hid under the long dining table.
After Wu Gongzi drove away Zhao Li, he returned to the Pian Ting, ready to enjoy his food. As soon as Xia Dongqing saw the fifth son, she was immediately frightened.
"Don't be afraid. I scared you just now. If you get a knife, the taste will change."
The fifth son looked closely at Xia Dongqing's eyes, sighing: "A pair of really good eyes, it will belong to me immediately."
Xia Dongqing took the opportunity to squirt out the liquid previously held in her mouth, and the fifth son screamed "Ah" and sat down on the ground wailing, covering her face.
Hearing the sound, Wang Xiaoya immediately got out from under the table and cut the cloth strips on Xia Dongqing's body.
Seeing that his food was about to run, Wu Gongzi endured the pain and got up to chase him.
And Zhao Li and Ye Chen also appeared in time and stopped in front of him.
"What use is it for you to use such a at me."
Looking at the gun in Zhao's hand, the fifth son also showed disdain.
"What about me?"
Ye Chen also spoke, with a playful expression on his face: "I have set up a formation on the fifth floor before, fifth can't run away!"
"Yeah, I also found a Taoist helper. What did you spray on my face just now?"
"Long urine."
"What is dragon urine?"
Jade, who was shrinking at the end, asked.
"I collected the urine of ten children of the dragon genus... Oh, it was distilled, it was pure."
Xia Dongqing was surprised and authentic, and there was a surge in her belly.
"You, you people are really mean."
"I agree with you, but I am not a human being, what can you do with me."
Zhao Li joked.
"Sorry... I don't seem to be a human, either!"
Ye Chen is also a faint way.
After all, his body is already half-legged into the existence of a saint, has transcended the boundaries of life, and naturally does not belong to a human in the strict sense!
"Don't look at me, Ye Chen said, I am from the Yelang tribe!"
Jade also said weakly.
"Listen, what sound is this!"
Official Zhao looked at the sky, thunder roared, and shouted: "I tell you, I can't control you if you eat people, but if you eat your soul, it will break the rules. I have notified the Pluto to upload the Three Realms, and the Dragon King will send someone to catch you. Up."
An electric light flashed outside the window.
"It's not that easy to catch me."
Wu Gongzi said with disdain.
Then it turned into a light and rushed to the outside of the building.
When they reached the door, they only felt that the entire fifth floor was shaken, and Ye Chen and Zhao Li couldn't help but stagger.
"It looks like this formation is still a bit unreliable..."
"Forget it."
Official Zhao also shook his head and said quietly: "If you really want to leave the fifth son, it will be troublesome. After all, we can't guarantee that we will be able to beat him... You made the thunder just now?"
After speaking, he also looked at Ye Chen with a look of "I have already seen through".
Ye Chen also nodded, a little melancholy.
This clone of him is not strong enough. If the deity is present, let alone the little gluttony, it is the dragon king's relatives, and it is just a reptile.
"Okay, don't froze, we should go now."
At this moment, Ye Chen also suddenly said, "If you count the time, the police should almost come."
Xia Dongqing said strangely: "Why did the police come? I remember we never called the police before?"
"I didn't call the police either."
Ye Chen turned to look at the official Zhao, and said indifferently, "But I believe that this guy must have called the police before he came."
"Right, Zhao Li?"
"I can't hide anything from you..."
Official Zhao also nodded.
"Then what will she do?"
Xia Dongqing seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked the woman who was still trapped in intoxication before the long table.
"The police are here, so naturally they will call an ambulance for her."
Ye Chen said, turned around and left.
As for the jade, although I feel that this scene is a bit oozing, it is also close behind.
And Zhao Li.
Although he called the police, he did not want to deal with the police.
"Holly, it's time to go."
Wang Xiaoya quickly took Xia Dongqing and left with him.
This place is really too weird, even if the fifth son has already escaped, as long as she thinks of several people being eaten by herself here, she can't help but feel the urge to nausea.
On the fifth floor, the cheongsam woman who was in charge of reception was naturally taken as a scapegoat by the late policeman.
The subsequent TV news also announced the cracking of this corpse case!
As for the truth, what is it?
No one wants to know...
"This is oden!"
Xia Dongqing pointed to the steaming steam in front of her and said.
"I want to cook it!"
An old man stood in front of Xia Dongqing's eyes and emphasized.
In the eyes of others, Xia Dongqing is speaking into the air, and this old man is a ghost.
"What does this old man do?"
Official Zhao glanced at a ghostly old man who had been standing in the store.
"You have to eat halogen cooking, you can't leave if you don't eat halogen cooking."
Xia Dongqing explained.
"Hurry up and get out of here, don't be an eyesore here, believe it or not, I will cut you."
Zhao Li waved his hand and threatened.
"If I don't leave, I'm going to eat stewed."
The old man said stubbornly.
"Hey, you old man, do you really think I dare not do it?"
The official Zhao rolled up his sleeves as he spoke.
When the old man saw this, he suddenly went down to the ground, and then wailed: "Help, the ghosts have to fight them, and there is no ghost trick."
"You play a rogue with me, right!"
The official Zhao pointed to the old man's lack of air.
"Why are you angry with him, he is a ghost on the road..."
Xia Dongqing hurriedly stopped in front of Zhao Li, gave him a step down, and persuaded: "You can look at the store here for a while, I will buy him stew, and I will go back."
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