Chapter 910: Tai Sui

Chapter 868: Tai Sui
no doubt.
What Ye Chen left behind, even if it was a talisman drawn by hand, a little magical artifact, etc., even though it was equivalent to his level, it could only be regarded as a toy.
But it is also enough to kill more than 90% of the monsters and ghosts in this world!
Xia Dongqing has told Jade that there are weird existences in the air that make people lose their power.
and so……
When Jade entered the dormitory building, he also took out a piece of talisman paper and blocked it in front of his nose.
Everything in the world is divided into Yin and Yang, and the smell that comes from such evil things must be the existence of the most Yin, so the talisman paper left by Ye Chen can also be well restrained.
With every breath of Jade, a faint light appeared on the talisman paper.
When passing by the window, Jade also carefully opened all the windows, allowing the strange fragrance in the air to be emitted.
These fragrances are from Tai Sui.
According to Dongqing's explanation, Jade found a place to detain Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan in the dormitory.
Every time I pass a corner of the corridor, Jade will sprinkle something on the ground, drawing a circle.
It is Tibetan sand, mixed with the powder of the seven most yang and seven yin things in nature, which can isolate the flow of yin and yang in space.
Jade looked for two floors, and the Tibetan sand in her hand also saw the bottom, and finally let her find Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan in a utility room.
Seeing Jadeite, Wang Xiaoya's eyes were surprised and shouted weakly.
"Shhh! I'm here to rescue you."
Jade made a gesture and gently walked into the utility room to help Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan untie the rope.
"Unexpectedly, this Xuannv will need you to help one day."
After untying the rope, Wang Xiaoya tried to get up, but she softened and sat down again.
"Don't worry, this is the antidote to the sad and crisp breeze, sniff it."
Jade also tinkered with a small bottle from the bag and handed it to Wang Xiaoya.
"Sorrowful breeze? What the hell?"
Wang Xiaoya looked at the small porcelain bottle suspiciously.
"It's teasing you. Ye Chen left it to me. He said that he was fascinated by evil things and smelled it, so he immediately became clear-headed, and eat it."
Jade said half-truth.
Wang Xiaoya's nose pressed against the mouth of the small porcelain bottle and took a deep breath.
In the next second, Wang Xiaoya almost vomited the bitter water.
"Oh, what is this smell, why is it so smelly?"
"I don't know, Xiaowan, it's you."
Jade handed the bottle to Xiaowan again.
In fact, Jade has seen in the book that this thing was made with inner alchemy after death of spiritual things like monkeys and orangutans.
As for why it smells so bad, this is a question.
Xiaowan originally thought it was Wang Xiaoya who exaggerated, but after sniffing it dubiously, she almost fainted on the spot.
Jade smiled embarrassedly, but luckily he hadn't smelled it.
I have to say that although this thing is not good, the effect is still very good.
After only a minute or two, Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan recovered some strength and could barely act.
"Where is Holly? Zhao Li went to save him!"
Wang Xiaoya asked concerned.
"The official Zhao asked Dongqing to solve the matter by himself. When he called me earlier, he said that he would delay the woman in black and let me rescue you first."
Jade Road.
"Then let's hurry to save Dongqing, I'm afraid he will be in danger after a long time!"
Wang Xiaoya hurriedly said: "By the way, what is the origin of that woman in black?"
"Ye Chen said it was too old."
Jade told the truth.
Too Sui!
Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan were shocked.
In this ancient land, there is basically no one who does not know Tai Sui.
There is a record of Tai Sui in the ancient Chinese book "Shan Hai Jing" thousands of years ago.
In "Shan Hai Jing", Tai Sui is also called "seeing meat", "jurou", "rouzhi".
According to the "Shan Hai Jing" record, "seeing meat" was first seen in front of the ancient emperor's mausoleum as an item that the ancient emperors liked to eat during his lifetime. It has the characteristics of "exhaustion of food, recovery and rejuvenation" and "eating one piece after another" .
"How can Tai Sui be alone?"
Wang Xiaoya asked suspiciously.
"Well, Ye Chen said that the woman was called Wanqin. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, she had eaten a piece of Tai Sui meat, so she lived to this day... Ye Chen said that the Tai Sui meat on her body had changed and turned into evil. , Attached to Wanqin, constantly absorbing the life of the living!"
Jade explained.
"How did Ye Chen know? Is he sure?"
Wang Xiaoya asked.
"That's what he said in the message he left. I don't know how to know..."
Jade also curled his lips and said, "Maybe, Ye Chen knew about this a long time ago, but he left us deliberately to test us."
Wang Xiaoya also nodded, thinking of the official Zhao, who could not be contacted anyway, and also very much suspected that Ye Chen and the official Zhao had planned this long ago.
Maybe, where are the two of them secretly watching!
"This is troublesome, I don't have the power to fight at all now, and I guess Holly is not much better."
While talking, Wang Xiaoya glanced at Xiaowan again, and said disgustedly: "Don't count on this little devil, this Zhao official is also true, he will drop the chain when it is critical..."
"Hey! Xiaoya, what do you mean, look down on people! There is still me."
Jade stood tall, quite confident.
Wang Xiaoya glanced in disgust, shook her head and said, "Forget it, you are better than Xiaowan. It's already considered luck to be able to rescue the two of us secretly. I really count on you to fight that ghost! If it was you Without an arm and a leg, Ye Chen still can't take us alive..." "
By the way, since your family Ye Chen knew about this, he didn't leave you with any means of self-defense? "
Jade smiled and patted his pocket.
"Before I left, I took away a lot of the gadgets in Ye Chen's room, it should be almost done..."
"That's good!"
Hearing this, Wang Xiaoya was relieved.
Although Ye Chen usually has a bad mouth and a dark belly, he always likes to count them.
But what he left...
Even a little leak from the nails is enough to deal with such a small character!
"Stop talking about it, hurry up and save Brother Dongqing! Later, I'm afraid Brother Dongqing will already miss you in the cool night..."
Xiaowan urged.
At this moment, a scream reverberated in the dormitory building, and then Xia Dongqing's figure appeared at the end of the corridor and rushed towards Jade.
When Xia Dongqing saw Wang Xiaoya, Jade and the three of them, she stood there waiting for herself in a daze, and screamed.
Originally, the fake Sister Qin and Xia Dongqing made up stories in Sister Qin's room. After being exposed by Xia Dongqing, they immediately showed a fierce appearance and forced Xia Dongqing to eat Tai Sui meat.
Just when Xia Dongqing fought hard, the real sister Qin stabbed the fake sister Qin from behind, and Xia Dongqing was able to get away.
As soon as Xia Dongqing ran to Jade's side, Sister Fake Qin chased him.
However, there seems to be something wrong with the fake Qin sister's state now. Her eyes are dull and dull, and her movements are a little stiff. While walking in the corridor, she seems to be still smelling something with her nose.
The jade's power of urging the medicine gathered in front of him, and when he looked intently, he was shocked.
Behind this fake Qin sister, there was a pile of soft things hovering, like plasticine, but it was flesh-colored.
After thinking about it, Jade knew that this was the evil Tai Sui evil creature, which was really disgusting.
Sister Fake Qin is now clearly controlled by this Tai Sui, like a ghost upper body.
It's just that when the fake Qin sister stepped into the circle that Jade had previously painted with Tibetan sand, she kept spinning in circles.
"This is how the same thing?"
Xia Dongqing doubted.
"She is now controlled by Tai Sui, just like the walking dead. It is not looking at the road with its eyes, but using the flow of Yin and Yang in the air to track us. The sand can isolate the flow of Yin and Yang in a small space. , Let it circulate only in that circle..."
"But it won't last too long, let's stop watching the show and run away--!"
Jade turned around and ran, jumping faster than the rabbit.
"Jade, wait for us!"
It didn't take long for Wang Xiaoya to regain his strength, unlike Jade, who was so alive.
Jade dropped its head on the spot, and hurriedly came over to drag Wang Xiaoya. Xia Dongqing held Wang Xiaoya with one hand and Xiaowan with the other.
Jade, a fledgling rookie, is not easy to bring a bunch of old and weak soldiers.
When Jade first arrived, the sky was getting darker, and only after walking around the dormitory building, the sky was completely dark.
"Next, let's watch this fairy's performance!"
Arriving in the open space in the dormitory building, the emerald chest has a way of making bamboo.
Xia Dongqing, Wang Xiaoya, and Xiaowan looked at Jade curiously, not knowing which one she was here again.
"I checked Ye Chen's things and found that there are gadgets that can be used to set up a sleepy formation. Then we will guide her into the formation, and then use the thunder talisman to direct the sky and thunder to strike her!
Jade spoke, showing a little devil smile.
Seeing this smile, Wang Xiaoya, Xia Dongqing, and Xiaowan couldn't help but shudder.
Bring the wicked!
"It's here."
Xiaowan pointed to the aisle on the second floor and said with a look of horror.
The figure of Sister Fake Qin was moving step by step to the first floor in the corridor.
"Don't be afraid, the circles of Tibetan sand paintings will have to delay her for a while. I will set up the formation first. If there is a change, I will be notified immediately."
Jade urged everyone, and ran away violently.
"Tsk tusk, it's incredible."
Wang Xiaoya shook her head and sighed.
"Did she get any stimulation!"
Xia Dongqing looked at Jade's back in a trance.
Yesterday, she was the same internet addicted girl who was eating noodles and sucking Wahaha. Today, she has changed her mind and will save everyone from danger.
"Brother Donggreen, are we waiting here?"
Xiaowan looked at Xia Dongqing and asked.
"Wait, you can't just leave, there are so many people there."
Xia Dongqing was helpless and authentic.
"I blame you, if you hadn't quarreled with me along the way, could I not find the weirdness here?"
Wang Xiaoya made a fuss unreasonably.
"Cut, it's not that you are incapable."
Xiaowan rolled her eyes in reply unceremoniously.
"Okay, you two should just say a little less, when is the time."
Xia Dongqing looked at the two of them.
Obviously a disaster is approaching, but they are still in the mood to quarrel, should they be called women?
"The formation is still a little too late to complete, Holly, you go to attract firepower."
"why me?"
Xia Dongqing was reluctant.
"You're a man, whoever you don't go."
Wang Xiaoya slapped him on the arm angrily.
Jade dropped the contents of the backpack to the ground, picked up the remaining endless Tibetan sand and drew a circle around him, just to enclose himself, Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan.
As for Xia Dongqing, she was ruthlessly excluded.
The fake Qin sister not far away has also broken through the restrictions of layers of hidden sand and appeared in the open space in the middle of the dormitory.
And Tai Sui behind her was also overflowing with bursts of earthy gray gas, and the faint fragrance in the air became stronger and stronger.
Jade quickly turned out a few pieces of talisman paper to Wang Xiaoya and Xiaowan, and lost one to Xia Dongqing.
What Jade said is true. The Tai Sui attached to Sister Fake Qin didn't use Fake Qin's eyes to see, but traced the prey by feeling the changes in the yin and yang around her.
There are yin and yang in the human body. For normal people, the yin and yang are basically balanced.
Of course, the balance of yin and yang in the human body does not mean that the proportion of yin and yang in the human body is 50-50.
In the body of an adult male, the general proportion of yang is seven, and the proportion of yin is three. Children or the elderly are a little worse. Generally, the proportion of yang is six and the proportion of yin is four.
Women are just the opposite.
People often say that the land of the most yang, or the land of the most yin, is not purely only one of the two qi of yin and yang, but the proportion of one kind of qi may be as high as 90%.
Feicui and the others used Tibetan sand to cover up the changes in their yin and yang, and Tai Sui could only chase after Xia Dongqing, which has the most obvious change in yin and yang.
Tai Sui passed by Jade and the others several times, but turned a blind eye to a few people in the circle.
Jade finally relied on the score this time.
"Emerald, are you ready!"
Xia Dongqing shouted out of breath.
This Tai Sui runs harder and harder, Xia Dongqing runs harder and harder.
"It's coming soon, don't rush!"
Jade concentrated on laying the copper coins on the ground.
These copper coins look ordinary, but in fact the year of each copper coin has a special significance, and it has the breath of tens of thousands of people. After Ye Chen refines it, it is equivalent to a set of small magical instruments!
"Jade, no matter how bad you are, I will confess it here."
Xia Dongqing shouted again.
In the next second, Tai Sui had scratched a few blood stains behind him, and it was aching pain.
The wound area was still blackening rapidly, and the evil thing was really evil.
"Xiaoya, go help Dongqing."
Jade stuffed a few charms into Wang Xiaoya's hands.
"This is what Ye Chen left behind, why didn't you take it out earlier."
Wang Xiaoya's eyes lit up, and it was done now.
"I forgot……"
Hearing this, Wang Xiaoya staggered and almost fell to the ground.
What expression should she use?
This Miss Jade is still unreliable as always...
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