Chapter 1544: Prehistoric world

Everyone is prepared for the world that is about to be traversed, and they are all looking forward and curious.
They don't know what kind of world they will face next.
I don't know what kind of legend this world has, let alone their strength.
Therefore, there is definitely a sense of anxiety and awe.
They are also afraid.
However, after all, he remained calm.
This is not an opportunity for them. If they succeed, their strength will usher in a big explosion.
The adventure is worth it.
Everything is rewarding, and there is no such thing as nothing.
The world is relative.
But in the final analysis, it is actually multi-level and multi-dimensional.
In the prehistoric world, a strange phenomenon was silently produced, shaking the surrounding places.
But soon it calmed down, as if nothing happened.
After a loud noise, several figures appeared.
Perhaps it is because such a vision often appears in the entire world full of wildness, causing this vision to be undiscovered.
It was Jiang Que and the others.
Now he has a weird look and a bit of emotion.
"The aura of this world is so strong."
"Yes, we feel it, but this world seems to be very desolate again, giving people a sense of wildness."
"There is not much vegetation around, let alone life, as if it is a big forbidden area."
"I don't know what kind of world this is?"
Everyone was talking and expressing their thoughts.
In Jiang Que's view, this world should be very fresh.
"It looks like the legendary prehistoric world."
Jiang Que secretly said, "I can see that supporting Tianzhu, which is the legendary Buzhou Mountain."
After he told everyone about it, everyone didn't believe it.
Jiang Que could only explain: "Rumors say that after the great Pangu opened up the world, he turned into a prehistoric state, and there was a chance that the mountain would rise up.
The mountain we see now should be the legendary Buzhou Mountain.
Moreover, this world is quite desolate, and it is also related to the opening of the world and the birth of heaven and earth. Everything is still being adjusted.
Naturally, there will not be too many strong people, and there will be no more creatures.
According to my guess, it will take some time for the first creatures to be born, and it happens that we can take this opportunity to preach in this world! "
"If this world is really a prehistoric world, it would be very good for us."
Yang Jian also said: "A world that hasn't been perfected is the most suitable for proving the Dao, but Daozu's side..."
"Do not worry."
Jiang Que comforted: "He proves his and we prove ours. They are all irrelevant and different."
Yang Jian:"……"
Although Jiang Que's words were a bit irrational, Yang Jian still agreed.
This time, even Dao Ancestor could not stop them.
They want to become the strong ones, and they want to become the supreme beings, even Dao ancestors cannot stop them.
"Brother Jiang, if this is really the legendary prehistoric world, what should we do?"
Yang Chan asked: "Or, what should be the top priority?"
When they first arrived, they naturally didn't know anything, and they didn't know anything.
and so……
It is inevitable that there will be a feeling of loss, at a loss.
I don't know where to start.
Jiang Que smiled slightly, "It's very simple, let's find a place to live first, which is the dojo.
According to legend, in the east of the East China Sea, there are three fairy islands, namely Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou.
Not only is it a small world on its own, but it also has all kinds of magical innate guards, and it is not under the jurisdiction of the prehistoric heaven.
We are going to find these three fairy islands and see the beauty of these three fairy islands.
The follow-up matter can only be said later. "
After listening to Jiang Que's suggestion, Huang Rong and Yang Chan had no problems. Naturally, Jiang Que was the main one.
Yang Jian hesitated, thinking about the legend of the three fairy islands, plus there will be countless wars in the entire prehistoric world in the future, and no place is peaceful.
In this way, it would be necessary to find a place like Penglai Xiandao.
After all, Jiang Que said, that place is not under the control of the prehistoric heaven, nor can it be managed.
There is also a big formation naturally.
This is also a natural sanctuary, which is the best for him.
Jiang Que can go to occupy Penglai Fairy Island, and Yang Jian can go find the abbot or Yingzhou.
It's close anyway.
Yang Jian nodded and agreed.
He said: "It's just that, taking advantage of the fact that the gods of the prehistoric world have not recovered, the first creatures have not yet been born, and the guys who have escaped from the chaos have not yet awakened, we can take the fairy island first. Even some innate spirit treasures can be collected first..."
Yang Jian published his long talk, which made Jiang Que amused.
"If the second brother can't find a job in modern society, he can become a successful speech master."
Jiang Que thought to himself, "Absolute enthusiasm, absolute passion, and there must be many people listening."
In a world like Honghuang, even if Yang Jian had the ability to learn success, it was useless.
In the face of such a world, it is impossible for him to have a stage for speaking.
"Let's go."
Afterwards, Jiang Que flew over the East Sea with the three of them.
At this time there is no dragon clan, and even the first innate creatures have not yet been born, let alone others.
The journey was unimpeded, violently absorbing the surrounding innate aura.
Compared with the acquired aura, these innate auras are more unpredictable and a big level higher.
It is directly transformed from the Qi of Chaos, which is of great benefit to immortal cultivators like Yang Jian.
In time.
It has all sorts of strange things.
And now.
They are working hard to cultivate, seizing the time to absorb those innate auras.
Jiang Que is an exception.
He didn't have any idea about this, because he didn't cultivate by absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.
Now it is the original force directly.
An energy that constitutes the most basic function of the world.
no doubt.
With a diamond bracelet, he is like a fish in the wild world, and he can naturally acquire more world origin power.
Coupled with the previous storage in Journey to the West, he will soon be able to break through to another realm.
Quasi-Saint late!
And now, in this wild world, even the first batch of innate creatures have not been born.
"Don't panic, go find the dojo first."
Jiang Que's heart was clear, he understood everything he had now, and finding a place to settle was the most important thing.
Otherwise, the fairy islands belong to others.
You have to start first.
With this thought, a group of four quickly came to the East China Sea.
It's just that the waves on the East China Sea are raging, the floods are raging, and no creatures appear.
Of course.
They also did not see the so-called fairy islands, as if the three fairy islands only exist in the legend.
After carefully observing them for ten and a half months, they did not find the three fairy islands, and they did not see any shadows.
As if it didn't exist at all.
"Brother Jiang, are you really sure that there are three fairy islands in the world?"
Huang Rong asked suspiciously, "How do I feel that this fairy island does not exist at all."
After searching for a long time in the East China Sea, they did not find any trace of the fairy island.
It's like being cheated.
"There should be nothing wrong."
Jiang Que groaned: "As the saying goes,'No wind, no waves', the legend of the three fairy islands is by no means empty talk. If we haven't found it, it may be that we haven't encountered it.
Legend has it that these three fairy islands have the ability to hide secrets and breaths, and basically they will not appear in the wild land.
Therefore, I conclude that this matter is a bit weird, and it must be the wrong timing.
But we can wait, and if we wait for a while, we can definitely wait until the three fairy islands appear.
At that time, we can go to occupy these three fairy islands, and there will be a place to stay in this wild world. "
"Then why not find another place?"
"After the prehistoric world, there will be the first calamity of the Dragon and Han, and there will be the calamity of the lich. Every war is a waste of life and there is no peaceful place. These three fairy islands are our best choices."
After listening.
The other three finally understood.
Why Jiang Que always insisted on searching for the three fairy islands of Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou. It turned out that there was such a reason inside.
The rest of the time is nothing more than a long observation and But fortunately, when the world is born, time is equivalent to nothing.
In addition, no creatures were born, the first period of time was relatively peaceful for Jiang Que and the others.
Don't worry.
Anyway, time passed by, and they would have nothing to do. As long as they continue to wait, they can discover the legendary three fairy islands.
As a result, gain a firm foothold in the entire world, "The trajectories of these three fairy islands are really hard to find."
"If you don't work hard, where can you gain?"
This was what Yang Jian said, and Jiang Que blushed when he heard it, and said in his heart: "In this case, is it too..."
He suddenly felt like he was being taught by Yang Jian, but when he thought that Yang Jian was his second brother-in-law, he was relieved.
Forget it.
Who made him his brother-in-law?
Can't afford it.
Let's find three fairy islands first.
Day after day, year after year.
Fortunately, the time required is not many years.
The most difficult moments have passed, and now I can wait.
The next time, when they were lucky, they could see the traces of the three fairy islands in a little bit.
"Let's go, the great time cannot be missed."
Jiang Que yelled and rushed towards the three fairy islands first.
Yang Jian, Yang Chan, and Huang Rong were not behind, and they flew to the three fairy islands.
According to Jiang Que's statement, first take up all three fairy islands and let them become things of ownership.
The purpose of this is to no longer look for fairy islands in the future.
Lest to find it again and again.
"Not to be missed."
After seeing the timing, Jiang Que was the first to fly towards Penglai Xiandao...
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