Chapter 1617: Zhu Xian Sword Array

Many people want to try his Zhuxian Sword Formation.
It's not too bad for Hongjun.
Luo Hui agreed.
It just so happened that the unfinished competition on the shore of Chaos Lake can now continue.
Perhaps it is a good show.
I can also see that Hongjun has been waiting for a long time.
Luo Hu felt that there was no need for him to fail.
This kind of thing must be fulfilled by him.
As for the ancestors around Hongjun, that was incidental.
In comparison, they were much weaker than Hongjun, and Luo Hu didn't even take them seriously.
After all, ants are ants.
There will be no other results.
"Hongjun, since you want to see the Zhuxian Sword Formation in this seat, then this seat will let you have a long experience."
Luo Hui sneered and said, "I just hope that you don't regret it after seeing it, otherwise, this seat will not have compassion for you."
As one of the Chaos Demon God.
He believed that Hongjun should know these truths.
It should be clear.
"Naturally understand, but..."
Hongjun paused, and his voice changed, "Daoist Luohu, you are too proud of your thoughts. If you are not prepared at all, you will naturally not come here, nor will you have a fight with you."
Naturally, he will come over if he is confident.
He is confident if he is prepared.
Otherwise, he Hongjun would not even come.
Therefore, he had already thought about these things clearly, so when facing Luo Hu, he would not have other strange thoughts in his heart.
Luo Hui: "..."
After hearing Hongjun's words, he was a little shocked, and said in his heart, "Unexpectedly, after so many years, even Hongjun, who was once'coward and fearful,' has changed.
The world is getting worse. "
In his opinion, Hongjun should have been changed by the prehistoric world.
Storms are rising.
A big battle is about to begin.
For a time.
Actually there is a sense of tension.
It seems a bit weird, but there is also a trace of joking in it.
Luo Hui felt that Hongjun came to find himself and did a game, just because he found himself uncomfortable.
If possible, he actually wanted to wake Hongjun.
After all, he actually appreciates Hongjun better.
It looks like now.
This guy Hongjun was very unexpected, very persistent, or rather stubborn.
Like an old stubborn.
This is too much.
If Luo Hu didn't set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the other party would really think he could bully him at will.
How does this work.
It's absolutely impossible.
Luo Yu gave Hongjun a deep look and said, "Since you all want to experience the Zhuxian Sword Formation in this seat, how can this seat be unreasonable."
Must be placed.
It just so happened that it was much easier to kill these people with the Zhuxian Sword Array.
After all, the power of Zhuxian Sword Array is very powerful, possessing all kinds of magical powers, you can crush it if you want to.
For Jiang Que, this is a good thing.
At the same time, this should be what Hongjun and the others hope to see.
"Hongjun, don't regret it."
After Luo Hui said one last time, he waved his hand, and four mysterious rays of light appeared behind him.
Under the control of Luo Hu, he quickly fell in all directions.
The coverage is very large.
The four divine lights are exactly those four fairy swords.
The name is: Zhuxian Sword, Slaughter Sword, Absolute Sword, Sinking Sword.
Each of the four fairy swords is of the congenital supreme level, and when combined into a sword formation, it is even more of a congenital supreme level killing array.
It surpasses ordinary sword formations to a certain extent.
Possess incredible killing ability.
Since the establishment of the magic way, Luo Hu himself had not arranged this Zhuxian sword formation.
Today, he is the first time.
Once the sword formation is completed, everything will come.
All kinds of magical powers began to appear, and under the control of Luohu's strange magic arts, endless power began to emerge frantically.
Sweeping and impacting.
After a few breaths.
The sword formation space has become.
Those ancestors couldn't help but take a breath, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded.
For a time.
It was incredible.
Luo Yu's Zhuxian Sword Formation was so terrifying.
The sword formation has not yet begun to show off, but they have already felt the terrifying coercion of the sword formation.
What a terrible scene.
It is really shocking.
I was shocked to hear it.
Still have to face it.
"This is the Zhuxian Sword Formation of this seat."
Luo Hui appeared in front of everyone with a cold face, "Everyone, how do you feel now?"
Want to see his Zhuxian Sword Formation, he has already put it out.
This is not simple.
Zhu Xian Sword Formation was originally the ultimate treasure, the supreme sword formation, thinking that these ancestors are already shaking at this moment.
Luo Hui thought like this in his heart, "Although everyone is the same Chaos Demon God, although everyone used to be the same, but...
Even if they are both Chaos Demon Gods, they are different and different from each other. "
This is completely different.
Even now.
Demon Ancestor Luo Hu still disdainful in his heart, "Hongjun ah Hongjun, this time it is not my seat to provoke you, but you take the initiative to provoke this seat.
Therefore, even if it has fallen, you cannot blame this seat. "
A group of dying people.
Really, to Luo Hu, it doesn't matter at all.
As for the possibility that Hongjun might have a more powerful presence behind it, Luo Hu never thought about this question at all.
If there was such a powerful existence, Luo Huo would have discovered it long ago.
Why wait till now.
"It's very mysterious."
Hongjun nodded, "Under the four fairy swords, there are innate sword auras that breed and seal all directions. Now it is even more locked in my waiting for aura. With this sharp sword aura, the sword formation is a space of its own, which is very strange.
If it is difficult for ordinary people to escape, naturally there is no chance or possibility to survive.
The voice turned.
Although Hongjun didn't directly say the following words, Luo Hui had already understood it.
But he Hongjun is different.
Nothing more than that.
"So, does Hongjun still have back hand and hole cards?"
Luo Hu said indifferently: "You know, once my Zhuxian Sword Formation is opened, even Da Luo Immortal can stain his clothes with blood."
"I am a quasi saint."
Hongjun defended: "The quasi-sage is not the Da Luo Jinxian, but a stronger existence than the Da Luo Jinxian."
"Quasi Saint?"
Luo Hui raised his brows, "That's just Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it's not Tiandao level."
Hongjun: "..."
He thought he could fool Luo Hu, but who knew he could not fool him.
This is more embarrassing.
But it doesn't affect anything. Anyway, Hongjun's face is thick enough. Anyway, Hongjun feels that everything doesn't matter.
Of course nothing will happen.
In his opinion, Luo Hu is just showing off himself, and then uses his strength to suppress He understands all this.
But I feel nothing is wrong.
It was nothing more than that, what's more, he Hongjun also had a more terrifying hole card in his hand.
It's just not exposed for the first time.
He had to teach Luo Hu a lesson and let him know how powerful he was.
Hongjun said indifferently: "If Pang Dao didn't guess wrong, Fellow Dao Luo, you Zhu Xian Sword Array has four swords, so there are four gates. Four gates can enter into it, so you can break the formation.
I don't know if the poor way is right? "
Luo Yu was shocked, "You are right, I didn't expect you to have studied the Zhuxian Sword Formation in this seat.
Even if you know this, it won't work.
Because you still can't break the Zhuxian Sword Formation in this seat, otherwise, what is the difference between this Zhuxian Sword Formation in this seat and the ordinary sword formation? "
Don’t they have to be the same?
This situation is better now.
What about seeing through?
"Without strong strength, you simply can't break through the sword formation."
Luo Hu still had great confidence in his own Zhu Xian sword formation.
after all……
This Zhuxian Sword Formation has been practiced for countless years, and he has been able to exert its full power.
It is impossible to be easily broken.
This is impossible.
"Whether it can be broken, you still need to try to know."
Hongjun calmly said: "Father Luohu, in fact, you don't need to be so anxious, after all, it's still early."
Luo Hui: "..."
For a time.
Luo Yu felt a sense of astonishment, "What a Hongjun, what a cricket, he has broken his mouth and is so cheeky?"
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