Chapter 1732: Dao brothers, we actually have no choice

After some explanations, the lead and Zhunti discussed again and arranged the plan again.
Zhunti anxiously headed towards Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace.
He is lonely and cold, and his heart has long been making waves and waves like a torrent.
Above the saints, there are more powerful and transcendent existences, who ignore the laws of heaven and possess all kinds of magical methods.
Such strength is definitely not something ordinary monks can possess.
Now that there is a great opportunity before them, Zhun Ti can't help but look forward to it.
One day he can become such a strong man.
But the premise is to experience hardships.
It may not be small.
There is also a high possibility that there is no chance.
If that were the case, he would have no future.
In any case, he needs to fight for it.
This trip to Kunlun Mountain.
One inquired about the news of Sanqing, and the other also meant to join forces with Sanqing.
No matter whether Sanqing knows the solution.
In Zhunti's view, now they are all grasshoppers on the same rope.
Everyone can't jump for a few days.
This is a very strange thing, but it is also a very strange thing.
The Kunlun Mountains from the west to the east do not actually need to be long.
With Zhun mentioning the cultivation base of the saint, he will soon reach Kunlun Mountain.
When he came to Kunlun Mountain, it once again became a situation shared by the three religions.
However, now the disciples of the Three Teachings are not in the mountains.
One after another sent out to find treasures.
As a saint of heaven, Zhunti naturally discovered it the first time.
Although he was surprised, he was also surprised.
But still couldn't help frowning, and secretly said: "Sure enough, Sanqing has also begun treasure hunting."
This allowed Zhunti to see a state where the disciples of the Three Sects were no longer limited to the Conferred God and the Quantitative Tribulation, and even began to abandon the Conferred God and Quantitative Tribulation.
For them, the struggle for luck and sectarianism seems to have no meaning.
Perhaps, the other is the most important.
Based on.
He guessed that Sanqing must have figured out what the master wanted, and that's why Sanjiao disciples were dispatched to hunt for treasure on such a large scale.
Although you may not find any treasure, to a certain extent, it diverts the attention of the disciples of the three teachings, the contradiction between cause and effect, and the accumulation of contradiction between quantity and calamity.
Regardless of the casualties in the treasure hunt, or other reasons, as long as there is attrition, it means that the causal contradiction has also shifted out.
"This is indeed a good way."
I have to say that this method is good.
Even Zhun said that he was amazed.
It was beyond his expectation and it was too horrifying.
In other words, they have fallen behind the East in the West.
"If you fall behind one step at a time, you start to fall behind step by step. That's true."
Zhunti sighed, "That is to say, my brother and I still don't know the solution. If we know the space for ascent, why should I come to the East."
He even guessed, "According to the current trend, Sanqing may already know the solution."
And this method is obtained from an expert.
It must be so.
"In Xia Zhunti, I am here to meet the three Daoists of Sanqing."
No matter how blushing with Sanqing before, how there are cynical contradictions.
Even the scene of a fight when they meet.
The one who should come is still to come.
Those who should be combined must be combined.
There is not much life and death among the saints.
Now there are only interest entanglements.
And he believed that Sanqing would not refuse, after all, he and Jiying were also saints, and they were exactly the same as Sanqing.
It is a grasshopper on a rope.
If they are together, they can cooperate naturally.
So he had an idea.
Yuxu Palace.
Sanqing was discussing matters, and suddenly heard Zhunzi's transmission, and the whole person was stunned.
Can't help but feel a little surprised, especially Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan.
They couldn't help but glanced at the Master Tongtian next to him, the third brother who hadn't been exposed before, this time his performance was very special.
And it's quite obvious.
Earlier, Tongtian had analyzed that the two Westerners would definitely come to seek cooperation.
And they can also cooperate with it and unite against the one in the Purple Cloud Palace.
After all, the cultivation base of the person in Zixiao Palace is probably already higher than that of ordinary saints.
But it should not have reached the Heavenly Dao level.
This is the basis of their cooperation.
of course.
At the moment Zhun mentions nothing about Hongjun, nor does he know how to deal with Fu Hongjun.
But Sanqing knew.
After the three of them looked at each other, Lao Tzu finally decided: "My third brother, the purpose of quasi mentioning this time is obvious, so let you negotiate with him on our behalf."
After he finished speaking, Yuan couldn't stop nodding.
After this time of getting along, he also believed in Tongtian's strength.
His face was calm.
If he was allowed to come forward, he might not have done it well.
Might as well let Tongtian come forward.
With this idea, he also agreed to let Tongtian come forward.
At least, the current Tongtian is smarter, he is no longer the irony Tongtian before.
He couldn't tell the specific changes.
In other words, the sky has always been hiding clumsy.
"Okay, then thank you elder brother and second brother for their trust."
Tongtian was confident and continued to analyze: "According to the current situation, Zhunti should have seen an expert.
But we also have advantages, he should not know how to break through.
He came to join us this time only because he had seen us come out of Jiang Mansion before.
Or it was the chance to learn about our situation through an expert.
This is our advantage. "
"Then what should we do to the best advantage?"
Primitive asked curiously.
To be honest, he didn't really think about it.
Lao Tzu also cast a weird look with a curious look.
But Tongtian gazes shiningly, and said: "It's very simple, cooperation is possible, after all, what we have to deal with is the existence in Zixiao Palace.
If you can cooperate, you will naturally have a little more control.
We can't cooperate in vain. After all, we know a little more information. If he goes to an expert, it will definitely cost some money.
Of course, our cooperation is only cooperation, the information will not tell them. "
"What do you mean?"
For a time, neither Lao Tzu nor Yuan could understand much.
Seeing this, Tong Tian began to explain, "Brother, brother, it's actually very simple. They need to show their sincerity to us before they can cooperate.
As for the sincerity, it can be a resource for cultivation, a spiritual treasure, or a human tradition, etc.
These elder brothers and second brothers think about it first. "
At this time, Lao Tzu asked: "Third brother, what do you mean?"
For the time being, neither the resources for cultivation, the spiritual treasure, nor the ethics of the world are important to them.
The important thing is only the cultivation base.
And they need to work together to lead a stronger road.
Therefore, Tongtian had an idea in his heart, "Big brother, second brother, I think that they are just like us, they are all saints of heaven.
To put it bluntly, they are all products of heavenly calculations and chess pieces.
We are actually grasshoppers on a rope.
You can unite them to fight against the one in Zixiao Palace, and you can also deal with future events.
We cannot kill them, nor can we kill them.
So why use it? "
Hearing this, both Laozi and Yuanyuan were taken aback.
Even thinking about one thing.
How to use it?
Of course, there may be other methods, or it may be caused by other reasons.
Under these kinds of magical means.
Tongtian began a new round of analysis.
Just listen to him saying: "We need to receive and quasi-provide each one's promise, and we can make every effort to help us each of the three cleanups without hurting ourselves.
This is the basic condition for cooperation.
After solving the one in the Purple Cloud Palace, the two Westerners are also quite talented. They may be able to advance to the Heavenly Dao level just like us.
And the promise of the two Heavenly Dao ranks is enough for us to plan many things in Sanqing.
Brother, second brother, what do you think? "
From Tongtian's point of view, if it's just some innate spirit treasures, let's not say whether the two Westerners have them.
Even if there is, it may not be of much use.
Now, are they Sanqing like people who care about Xiantian Lingbao?
All they care about is the gift to the expert.
I don't care at all.
Only when the realm of cultivation level is raised, that is the best thing, the most meaningful thing.
It can be better and more appropriate.
Other things.
I didn't like it.
Laozi, primitive: "..."
I have to admit that even in the eyes of Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan, Tong Tian's plans and ideas are very good.
All are useful.
At least, much better than the idea brewing in their hearts.
"Ahem, very good."
Laozi nodded, and immediately said: "Second brother, what do you think?"
The original word was startled, "Good, just follow what the third brother said."
He actually has no good way.
After a while.
Zhunti was led to Yuxu Palace by Antarctic Immortal Weng.
As he expected, Sanqing really discussed matters in the Yuxu Palace, "It is very likely that it is about cultivation."
Of course, he didn't click it immediately.
After the Antarctic Immortal Weng went out, Zhun Ti slowly said, "I have seen three senior brothers, this time I came here mainly to cooperate with the three Dao brothers.
I wonder what the three Dao brothers think? "
Hearing this, the Sanqing Qiqi was taken aback.
Although, they have already guessed the purpose and intention of Quasi-Advance.
But the quasi-mentioned directness is unexpected.
It's really incredible.
Laozi and Yuanyuan said that the Three Cleansings are one, and now their affairs of the Three Cleansings fall on Tongtian.
Zhunti glanced at Tongtian in surprise, and said in his heart: "What a master of Tongtian, he is so hidden, I didn't know he was so powerful before."
A person who can convince both Lao Tzu and Yuan.
It seems that the sky is not simple.
Regarding Zhunti's directness, after being astonished, Tong Tian also asked: "Zhunti fellow Taoist, I wonder how you want to cooperate?"
"Three Dao brothers, I have already met an expert."
Zhunti hesitated for a while, and said directly: "I already know the realm above the saint.
I thought about it carefully on the way here.
in fact……
None of us have the right to choose. When an expert told us, we had already made a choice in our hearts.
As grasshoppers on a rope, we can cooperate.
I also know that you probably know the direction and method of breakthrough, I don’t know..."
"and many more."
Tongtian interrupted: "I'm sorry to mention fellow Regarding the method and method of breakthrough, this is the expert told, if you want to know, you can find an expert.
None of us in Sanqing can cross the boundary, I hope you can understand.
The cooperation you mentioned is not impossible.
We need to see the sincerity of the two of you in the West. How would you like it?
After all, the two of you used to face us Sanqing, and we no longer trust you. "
Zhun mention: "..."
He felt that he was very straightforward.
But never expected that Tong Tian was more direct than him.
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