Chapter 1811: Hope and despair turned upside down

   The youth knew that these alien races would not easily believe it, even if the guards outside were gone.
   It is impossible for these foreign dignitaries to believe what he said, after all, he is only a Han.
   Therefore, he continued: "Maybe you still have doubts about what I said, maybe you think you can take me hostage by virtue of your number advantage.
   But I can only say that this kind of thinking of yours is quite stupid and quite undesirable.
  Since our five-person team can kill you from thousands of miles away to the depths of your grassland, naturally they are not ordinary people. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/
   So, your thoughts are just thoughts.
   can never be turned into practice, or even realized.
   I can cut all of you flat with one sword. "
   Facing the threat of this group of foreign dignitaries, he was not afraid at all. As a warrior from Jiang Mansion, he also had the cultivation base of a small master.
   killed all the way from the border, he killed many people.
   has never been afraid.
   A group of foreign dignitaries.
   When an individual's brave combat power reaches a certain level, it is truly invincible.
  -at least, invincible in front of ordinary people.
   After personal force reaches a certain level.
   The situation will be different.
  The attempt of an alien can only be destroyed by thunder.
   What's more, this kind of stirring up the situation can also speed up Jiang Que's ability to absorb the origin of this world.
  He will naturally push.
   The young man was not afraid, because Jiang Que supported him.
   What's more, his kendo cultivation is not low.
   "Who the are you?"
  Although the sweaty man felt that the youth was too arrogant, too confident, and even too scary.
   But he still wants to figure out one thing.
   Who is this person?
   Or, what is the identity of the five-person team?
   came to the grassland to kill the nobles of the various tribes, what is the real purpose?
  Also, why can only five people dare to trespass into the grassland?
   What are the abilities of the five of them?
  According to the introduction of the youth before this, as well as this grassland sweat's own guess.
   The five-person team should be terrible.
   But how can people be so powerful?
   "It is Lu Bu, the number one man in the world in the legend of the Han Dynasty. It is impossible to be so powerful, right?"
   Khan secretly guessed, "Even the existence of five Lu Bu ranks, it is absolutely impossible to reach the depths of the grassland.
   I'm afraid I would have died halfway long ago, on the road. "
   Even if it is stronger than Lu Buna and others, it is just ordinary people.
   Faced with hundreds of thousands, even tens of thousands of troops, personal force is not much stronger.
   But at the moment this young man and the five-person team was beyond his expectation. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/
   really surprised them.
   This is also a place where Da Khan and other foreign powers are more confused. Only five people can trespass into the depths of the grassland.
   and also killed so many aliens.
   This is simply a miracle.
  They even stared at the young man with weird eyes, and couldn't stop thinking: "How can a person be so strong?"
   What kind of secret is there?
   People, how can they be so strong.
   "Do you want to know?"
   The youth smiled slightly, "I guess you want to know, but I just don’t let you know."
   If you want to explore the mystery of martial arts, it is not enough just to be an alien power.
   He glanced at the group of dignitaries coldly, and continued: "After such a long delay, your guards and troops should be almost dead.
   And next, it's time for me to solve you.
   To be honest, I actually don’t want to come over because you are all too weak.
  I am too weak to be interested in killing, but for the mission I have to come..."
  The rest: "..."
  The mission is really wolf ambition.
   This Han is also broken.
   Don’t you treat us as human beings?
   also came into the king's tent alone, do you think you are really a cow?
  Although it is true, even the profuse sweat of the foreign race has to admit that it is a miracle that a person can live alone by breaking into the king's court.
   But he still feels that the youth is entrusted to him.
   "You are too happy too soon."
   Khan said, "You have been killing all the way, and you have been killing for such a long time, you must be exhausted too?"
   The young man raised his brows and couldn't help asking: "So, you want to take a gamble?"
   The sweat continued: "Since you want to kill us, why can't we die?"
   The young man continued to shake his head, "The fish may die, but the net may not break, no, it must not break."
   The young man has already drawn a long sword from behind.
   The sword was as wide as two fingers. It was originally a long sword with white and shiny body, but now it is abruptly infested with a pale red.
   That is the result of blood invading.
   The color of the sword body will change because of the long-term blood infestation.
   The young man said lightly: "The explanation is almost done. Now it's time for you to get on the road."
   He once smashed a hundred men and horses with one sword, and also once smashed a thousand men and tens of thousands of horses with one sword.
   Shuttles through the jungle of arrows rain, wandering on the edge of death, the martial arts in his body has been exhausted time and time again.
   But he firmly believes in the idea of ​​martial arts becoming a god, and it has never changed.
   A little bit of murderous heart surged, and the powerful leaders of the alien race in front of them were just a chance in the mission.
   If it weren't for him to be the first to show off, this kind of killing only a few people would not fall on him.
   After all, his companions and teammates were killing wildly outside.
   This is a massacre.
   An uncontroversial massacre.
   " can't kill us?"
   The sweaty face turned dark, and he quickly said: "We are all big people in this king's court, you..."
   "The big ones are the ones who are killed. I don't want to kill the small ones."
   The young man slowly circulated the martial arts zhenqi in his body, blessing it on his long sword, and suddenly the sword light flickered.
   is like a magic weapon.
   In the eyes of Da Khan and others, doesn't it just exist like a god.
   "What the is going on?"
   "A sword can still shine, and there is such a terrible thing happening..."
   "Is he a man or a ghost?"
   "This is beyond the scope of human beings. It can no longer be regarded as a human being. This should be regarded as a god."
   "So, are we blasphemy?"
   Inside the Great Tent of the King's Court, the dignitaries of foreign races fell silent.
   Everyone seemed to have a gloomy old face, and a terrible face in black.
   It is difficult to calm the excitement.
   Death seems to be coming.
   From this moment on, I was desperate from sweating to ordinary people.
   They all looked horrified, and looked terrified.
   What should I do?
   It seems that the guard outside has been resolved by others.
   And this young man who looks soft and weak in front of him seems to be a powerful existence, just like a So, what to resist?
   "It's over."
   Everyone shook their heads, "We are done."
   "If you take me a sword, the undead can live."
   The voice of the youth continued, and this sentence seemed to be a natural sound.
   rang quietly.
   One time.
   As if giving them a chance to survive.
   The whole person is excited.
   Hope, this is hope.
   Hope born out of despair, even a little bit is enough.
   They are looking forward to it and want to live.
   Because it’s really good when I’m alive
   "Is this what you said?"
   "Don't regret it, as a strong man, you have to speak your words."
   "You must not lie to us."
   The corners of the youth's mouth twitched a few times, and he said: "Don't worry, this is what I said, and I will keep my promise.
   No one has ever been able to stop my sword, you will not have dreams. "
   Everyone: "..."
   A group of people stared at the young man with gloomy eyes.
   After a while, their old faces turned green.
   fell from the sky again, hope became despair.
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