Chapter 423: I like to perfect people

"Master, you..." Yi Xiaochuan looked surprised and surprised: "Are you really willing to help me?"
Jiang Que kept his lips secretly, this guy really couldn't speak. What does it mean to be willing to help? Didn't he want to help before?
No wonder this kid doesn't wait to see him except Meng Tian, ​​he really can't speak.
"Since everyone is a fellow villager, I will help you again. Princess Yushu will bring you out. Tomorrow night you will pack up and wait for me outside the city. What if your kid is out of town? The moth can't blame me." He said lightly.
Also took the lead in admonishing.
If Yi Xiaochuan does not arrive tomorrow night, it would be a bit tricky.
If you don't tell you, people like Yi Xiaochuan sometimes drop their chains and shit. If Meng Tian asks him to do something to delay, it won't be beautiful.
Yi Xiaochuan nodded gravely when he heard the words, "Master, don't worry, I won't have any problems. This time I won't let the opportunity go, but Yu Shu is over there..."
This is also his last chance.
But I also worried that Yu Shu would not come out because of the danger to the country.
"Yeah." Jiang Que nodded faintly, and said casually: "Don't worry, I will naturally intercede for you from Princess Yu Shu and explain the situation."
Tu'an's population has been declining, and living supplies have also been blocked by Da Qin. These years have been less than one year, and even if Da Qin does not attack, it will decline.
"So thank you Master Xian, I will cooperate fully." Yi Xiaochuan promised: "I won't give up this time."
As long as Yushu agrees, flying far away is not a problem.
"I hope this can make up for him." Jiang Que secretly said, "I naturally have to intervene in the elixir of life. He doesn't think about the elixir of life, so he can compensate for his children's love."
This is considered a transaction, but Yi Xiaochuan doesn't know it.
He thought Jiang Que found it conscience.
After leaving Mengfu, Jiang Que rushed to the inn.
After confessing to Lv Pheasant and Lu Su, he quietly walked out of Xianyang City, showing his own method to the small country of Tu'an, he must resolve this concern of Tu'an if he wants to convince Princess Yushu.
Whether it's protection or other. After a few hours, he flew to the border.
Looking at Tu'an, who was about to perish, he could not help but sigh secretly, "The demise of the nomads is also a historical process."
But in order to convince Princess Yushu, he has to do something.
He clasped his hands together, formed the fingerprints of Dharma tactics in front of him alternately, and pointed at the sky where Tuanguo was. A beam of light shot out from it, covering the sky above Tuan for shelter.
"This enchantment can guarantee Tu'an for a hundred years without any hindrance. Foreign tribes cannot invade, but the inner tribes can't raise swordsmen. It's the best of both worlds." Jiang Que muttered.
With all kindness and righteousness, also all the love of children.
Throughout the ages, people's hearts are the most unpredictable.
Then he left here and went back to Xianyang City. With his cultivation base, he didn't need to care about the darkness or not, and he was not afraid of being limp on the high ground.
After jumping into it, he quietly leaped towards the Xianyang Palace, and entered the deepest place in a few flashes and jumps.
With his methods and cultivation, no one can see if he wants to prevent people from seeing it.
After a few breaths.
Jiang Que entered the harem, asked a maid at random, and ran towards the palace where Yu Shu lived, almost in the blink of an eye.
Princess Yu Shu has lived like a year since she entered the palace. She wanted to go so far with Yi Xiaochuan, but she didn't dare to do that for the sake of Anguo.
Once Ying Zheng is furious, Tuan will be destroyed.
Are there any eggs in the nest?
Suddenly feeling someone behind him, Yu Shu hurriedly turned around and asked, "This is the Great Qin Palace. You are so bold, how dare you trespass here?"
Since Jiang Que preached the world, the way of warrior has gradually begun to spread. In the past, there were some bold people who wanted to enter the palace to assassinate Yingzheng, but they all failed without exception.
Yu Shu has heard of such things.
The assassin came to her?
Secretly alert, no matter what, living is a very important thing.
Jiang Que concealed his true face and revealed his real face, "Princess Yu Shu, have you not seen you for so many years, doesn't it mean that you can't even recognize this seat?"
Looking at the princess of Tuanguo faintly, a weird look appeared at the corner of her mouth. "You, are you Master Jiang?" Yu Shu only felt his eyes light up, and suddenly remembered Jiang Que who she had met more than 20 years ago.
It's just that Jiang Que still looks like that after twenty years, and hasn't changed at all.
"That's right." Jiang Xiaojian nodded and said, "I wanted to make you and Yi Xiaochuan perfect. After all, I am a person who likes perfecting people."
He opened the door and explained his intentions, and didn't circumspect, so as to save Princess Yushu from guessing, maybe he would cooperate if he made it clear.
Yu Shu was startled, but shook his head and said, "Master, I can't go yet."
Jiang Que naturally knew the reason.
It is nothing more than fear that Ying Zheng will be furious, causing Tu Anguo to be affected.
He said lightly: "Since I dare to come to you, I will naturally help you solve Tuan's affairs and make you worry about the future."
As he spoke, he turned a little bit in front of Yu Shu, and a magic trick was picked out from his hand, and the golden light quickly dissipated to the surroundings, forming a circular mirror surface, in which he went to Tuan to arrange the enchantment like a movie. .
Seeing Yu Shu puzzled, he explained: "During the day, I have gone to Tu'an to set up an enchantment to ensure that it cannot be invaded by foreigners for a hundred years, and Tu'an's swordsmen cannot go out, so you can feel at ease?"
Yu Shu believes in such magical methods.
She hasn't seen Tu Anguo for more than 20 years, and she is a little excited when she sees it now, "Master, can you take me to see it?"
Jiang Que shook his head, "After you go out, you and Yi Xiaochuan will remain anonymous. You can go to Tuan by yourself, or you can go back to the homeland where you were born."
"What else do you think? I have already contacted Yi Xiaochuan. That kid is waiting for you outside the city. If you still love him, you should consider his feelings. You will only have a dead end if you stay. ."
Yu Shu was speechless.
But it is not alarmist, the reality is like this.
It's still impossible to be together after a hundred years and millennia, so it's better to let them be together directly, which is a good story.
There will be nothing wrong with Tu'an. A big stone in Yu Shu's heart is considered to be let go, but after leaving, she and Yi Xiaochuan become homeless, and they will definitely be chased by Ying Zheng, and will also hide in Tibet.
But then Jiang Que said coldly: "I have pointed out the way to you. As for whether you can go or not, I will not force you. It's a pity that Yi Xiaochuan has been waiting for decades."
What's so bad about being anonymous.
Don’t you say it’s a good idea to say that as long as you can be with your beloved, as long as you have deep feelings, even if you eat zhe ear roots, although many people like to eat it, in ancient times, only the poor could afford it.
Looking at Yu Shu's appearance, Jiang Que only felt that Yi Xiaochuan might be waiting for the wrong person.
But suddenly Yu Shu said: "Okay, Master, wait a moment, Rong Yushu packs up a few things and leaves the palace with you."
Now that Tu'an is all right, you only need to be careful in the follow-up to avoid accidents. This is also a great opportunity for her and Yi Xiaochuan to be together.
Jiang Weixing nodded and agreed.
Otherwise, he is about to take away the elixir of life and feel that he owes Yi Xiaochuan a favor, and he would not act like this.
After half a stick of incense.
After Yu Shu packed her things, she carried a small bag on her body. Jiang Que didn't ask what she had packed up, and said indifferently: "Since the packing is finished, then go with me and close your eyes."
After Jiang Que finished speaking, he shot a beam of light covering him. These ordinary people couldn't see it. After he finished casting the spell, he pulled it again, and the two invisible beams flew from the deep palace of Yingzheng. come out.
Go straight to the outside of Xianyang City.
This time the lover will finally become a dependent.
Outside the city gate of Xianyang.
Yi Xiaochuan was waiting anxiously. He didn't lose the chain because of something suddenly happened. He probably knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop.
He didn't doubt Jiang Que's ability, only worried that Yu Shu would not agree. After all, the reason why she entered the palace was because of her country, Tuan, a weak nomad.
"I don't know what's going on with the immortal master?" He is no longer called Jiang Que, just because he has become more respectful of him.
The gate of Heicheng was closed as soon as the sky came.
He prepared a fast horse outside the city, planning to leave Xianyang City completely after receiving Yu Shu, and never return.
Abandoned Xianyang, abandoned Meng Tian and the Meng family.
He is not a person in this world, and it is reasonable to leave, "I have left a letter in Brother Meng Tian's room, I think he will understand my painstaking efforts."
This is not his home after all.
Taking charge of the Meng Family Army is not the life he wants to live, and training those soldiers all day long does not make any sense. As Jiang Que said, once Ying Zheng takes the elixir of life, he will have no chance at all.
On the other hand, if Ying Zheng died, Yu Shu, as a concubine in the harem, might also be I'm afraid he would also be pushed into the underground palace.
Although everything was difficult to choose, he finally made a choice.
"come yet?"
Seeing Jiang Que and Yu Shu appearing in shape, Yi Xiaochuan couldn't help but feel happy, "It's been more than 20 years, is it finally going to succeed?"
Very excited, also very excited.
After waiting for her temples to turn pale, she was finally flying away.
"Yu Shu..."
He yelled, and quickly went up and held the beautiful woman in his arms to relieve the suffering of lovesickness.
It's been over twenty years.
Every day he lived like years, like suffering.
Yu Shu also buried his head in Yi Xiaochuan's arms, wanting to cry.
But Jiang Que, who was standing on the side, said: "Okay, you two should not be here at this time. It is not the time yet. Once someone finds that Princess Yu Shu is missing, they will definitely send someone to look for it. General Meng Yi who found him is gone, guess what he thinks?"
Two people: "..."
"Yes, Master Xian, you are right." Yi Xiaochuan nodded, restraining his emotions and said: "Yu Shu, let's go quickly."
It's best not to go back to Daqin.
The world is so big, there is a place to go.
You can go either in a wild and unhappy place or a place outside the Great Wall.
The two got on their horses and left, and soon disappeared.
"I've already paved the way for you. It's up to you how you go and how far you can go." Jiang Que showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.
It turns out that helping others also makes people feel very happy.
After sending away Yi Xiaochuan and Yu Shu, he gradually calmed down, "Next, I will wait for the heavenly stars to come to the world. I hope it will not disappoint me."
One month later.
The day when the heavenly stars descended has arrived...
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