Chapter 238: Blood Detective Fighting White No Phase 3

Guoshi Chonghua City said: "Young people should not underestimate the enemy! This appearance is more difficult to deal with than the white form! And you originally took advantage of the weapons, but now there is no more!"
Sure enough, the wounds on Junwu were swept away, and the head to the feet were completely new. He glanced at the national teacher and smiled: "In the face of teaching me how to deal with others, I will not kill you, you are more and more courageous."
The smile revealed a warning. The national teacher did not speak, but also looked directly at him. Thanks: "You can rest assured that Saburo has never been underestimated."
He can't be more clear. Even if the smile on the flower garden is unscrupulous, the hand will never relax.
Jun Wu stared at Jian Feng and whispered: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time."
Heart--or, it’s called sorrow, and it’s making a low humming in his hands.
Thanks to the past, I have always felt that my heart is not good enough. I may have folded it someday, but I did not expect it to be in the hands of the former masters and the momentum in my own hands!
Every time the heart and the embarrassment confront each other, the whole bridge is shaking, as if it will collapse into the magma at any time. Compared with the only one, Jun Wu’s strength and speed are obviously on a big scale. Although Huacheng still does not fall into the wind, but the brow is slightly stunned and looks even more embarrassing. It’s also a shock to watch a few people far away.
Because, every sword of Junwu is stabbing the right eye of the flower city!
Huacheng blocked twice and was extremely thrilling. He soon discovered that he was using this trick repeatedly, as if he had targeted the right eye as the weakness of Huacheng, and he had to dig again. Every time he shot, Huacheng naturally defended his defense and repeatedly stopped. In this way, isn't it a tug-of-war, nothing can be done?
Essence of the eye seems to sense the crisis, and it is full of anger. The black jade sword edge hit again. Just listen to a crisp "叮" - Huacheng did not raise the knife, Junwu received the sword.
Thanks for being in white, stopped in front of Huacheng.
Only then, he was able to bounce off the sturdy swordsman with a bang!
Thanks for the pity, I can’t help it. I entered the battle. He had the ability to catch the front with his own hands, but this was the first time he had encountered such a sinister sword. With a single shot, almost half of his arms were numb, especially in the palm of his hand. After a few steps back, he recovered consciousness. Huacheng said behind him: "Brother?"
Thanks for your pity: "Let's together!"
The two stood back to back and the war was aligned with the other side. Upon seeing it, Jun Wu smiled deeper and said: "Oh?"
Thanks and whispered: "You go to me!"
When the voice did not fall, the two of them split up and copied to Junwu. Thanks to the number of ways in which Jun Wu’s tricks are counted, he can vaguely guess how he should go next time, and he blurted out:

Huacheng said that the knife is back. Jun Wu is almost in the middle of the move, thank you again and again: "Boom!"
Huacheng once again said that this time without a knife, it was a bare-handed bombardment. Junwu’s shoulders were suddenly hit, and his body was sinking. If he was not too fast, both of them might have hit the key. Fighting, thanking and pity suddenly awakened, Huacheng is the ultimate in the world, how can you need him to remind him? This is too offensive, and the old mistakes have been made, busy: "Sorry! You don't have to listen to me!"
Huacheng smiled and said: "My brother said that it is the best choice, why not listen?"
Suddenly, the bridge surface collapsed, the flower city was under the air, and it was about to fall. Xie pity stepped on the bridge and smashed it, and rolled him back. The next moment, he only felt his neck cold, Jun Wu flashed behind him, and put his hand on his shoulder, said: "Xianle, good skills."
He relied too close, and thanked him for his horror. Huacheng Road: "Brother!"
He throws his left hand and whirls. Xie pity reacted very fast, slightly lower, and the embarrassed life swept over his head and slammed to the prince behind him. Jun Wu then let go of the hand on his shoulder, thanked the mercy machine and jumped back to the flower city, and the life was swirling back to the flower city. The two cooperated with each other, and the others saw only three figures flashing like a flash of lightning. It was almost unimaginable and suffocating. And Junwu’s laughter echoed above the magma dome, as if encouraging them:
Good. Very good! Continue!

While admiring the situation and avoiding the collapse of the bridge, he said: "National teacher! He... he is fine? He is laughing?"
Guoshi said: "I said it earlier! What is worse than his anger is that he is happy! This is just the beginning!"
Over there, Jun Wu got a heartfelt heart. Thanks for seeing him constantly holding the sword and attacking the right eye of Huacheng, timid and scared, screaming out the evil spirits, entangled the heart of the sword. Who knows, Jun Wu backhanded, thanked the pity and the whole person flew to him.
Xie Pity was shocked first, then calmed down. Anyway, he wanted to win the sword. He was fearless and rushed to the top. He immediately rehearsed more than two hundred strokes that might be played in the next, and unexpectedly flew into the air. Only grabbed him and pulled him back. Thanks for the pity, looking back, I saw the flower city in front of him, a black jade sword through the heart.
Seeing this picture, thank you for suffocating, said: "Sanlang?!"
Huacheng looked a little deep, and Junwu was waiting to thank him for hitting the heart of the sword. Seeing that he was stopped and pulled back, it seemed to be disappointed. Xie Pity simply forgot that the flower city is a ghost. Even if the chest is hit by a big hole, it is still alive and kicking. Now I am still not at ease. I put my hands on the wound that is not bleeding on the chest of Huacheng. "Zha Lang, you... what are you doing suddenly?!... ..."
Huacheng Road: "How can I let you be stabbed in front of me?!"
I don't know why, his tone is a bit too much, thank you for a slight glimpse, but listen to Jun Wu Wensheng: "Why is Xianle so sad? Anyway, he will not hurt, but it is a long-dead person."
"..." He actually reminded me of this!
Xie pity looked at him, full of anger: "Not all your fault?!"
Jun Wu sneered: "Is all my fault?"
Listening to his question, thank you for a sudden card.
Junwu’s words turned and said:
Maybe. But, Xianle, have you been in the world for a long time, have you forgotten what you have done? You still remember, what did you do after Xianle’s death?

Jun Wu reveals a meaningful smile and slowly said: "Do you remember, a ghost called an unknown name?"
Suddenly, thankful and pitiful white, blurted out: "Don't!!!"
The national teacher had a premonition that it was not good. He said: "His Royal Highness, what did he say? What did you do after Xianle destroyed the country?"
Thanks for a moment of inexplicable fear, looking at the flower city, and looking at Jun Wu, the expression also turned from the anger of Fang Cai to overwhelmed. Huacheng immediately grabbed him and said: "Nothing, Your Highness, don't be afraid."
Feng Xin also said: "Yes, first stabilize!"
The feelings are very sensitive: "What does he mean? Ghost? What ghost?"
But how can Xie pity still be stable?
It was the most embarrassing day of his life, and the last regret he had done. He never dared to think back. As soon as the pale smiley mask of the eyebrows appeared in his mind, he couldn't sleep, and he wanted to smash himself into a ball and never see anyone again.
Huacheng has seen the gratitude of the infinite scenery, the blessings of defeated and defeated, the blessings of the clumsy, and the pity of the poor. That's nothing.
However, he is afraid that he has never seen the praying in the muddy ground, the gratitude of the swearing, the gratitude of the full-hearted sorrow, the gratitude of the revenge of Yong’an, and even the blessing of the second human face epidemic!
That paragraph is too unbearable to look back. If it was in the past, it would shake out when it was not shaken, but now, Xie Pity does not want to test the flower city to know what expression he will reveal after a while.
Because he didn't think so well in Huacheng. He is not always spotless, sacred and clean. Even if Huacheng knows that he only reveals an incredible expression, he will probably live forever and never see the flower city again!
At the thought of this, Xie Pity could not suppress the face of the blue, the cold sweat on his forehead, his hand shivered slightly. Seeing him reacting like this, Huacheng’s hand is tighter and calmer:
His Royal Highness, don’t be afraid. Remember? It’s you, the scenery is infinite, the dust is also you. The point is 'you’, not 'how'. No matter what happens, I won't leave. You can tell me anything."
At the end, he softly said: "You tell me by yourself."
Xie pity a little bit of God, Jun Wu smiled and said slowly: "No matter what happens, will not leave." Once, my most loyal believers, best friends also said this to me."
The national teacher looked slightly changed, and Jun Wu also glanced at him and said: "But, finally, you saw it. No one really did."
The national teacher did not seem to bear with him and turned his head. Huacheng Road: "Trust me, Your Highness. Can't you?"
Cherish is not unbelief.
Just, he didn't dare to try.
In the end, Xie pity swallowed his throat, barely smiled, and felt that he should not laugh, bowed his head, and trembled: "...Sanlang, you first... sorry, I, maybe..."
Huacheng stared at him for a moment and said: "Actually..."
The voice did not fall, and a very strong murderous attack hit, both of them jumped. Thanks for the slightest pity, his face recovered from the white: "What happened to him? How is it more..."
Faster and stronger?
Compared with the white innocent form, now, the speed and strength of Junwu have been improved by at least half, and it is still growing, and each stroke can clearly feel this horrible enhancement!
Mu Qing also noticed another wrong place, shouting: "His Royal Highness! Be careful of his changing strategy! He does not attack the blood and rain.... It turns into only attacking you!"
Xie pity naturally found this. There is only evil in his hands. If the evil sees another heart, it will shrink, and it will not be able to face it. Fortunately, the errands have blocked every move that Junwu initiated to him. 2k novel reading network
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