Vol 2 Chapter 12: : Soul Ferry Huang Quan: No Name Comes

"What am I crazy? What are you crazy about?" Meng Qi twitched slightly, but deliberately revealed a puzzled look. See ‘Mao. Line, Chinese. Text, Net
Su Jin was inexplicably angry, holding the Yang Juan and waving her hand. "This is Yang Juan, a magic weapon for the Mengpo family to settle down! It is a magic weapon for the Mengpo family to stand in the underworld! It is the lifeblood of your mother and daughter! Throw me out of nowhere? An outsider who has only been here for a year or two? "
"Are you an outsider?" Meng Qiyou asked.
Su Jin was extremely angry. "I am not an outsider or an insider!"
"I think you just want to be lazy." Meng Qidao.
Su Jin was speechless.
What does this girl think? Is it a temptation, or is it something else? It's impossible to be careless, right?
"I am lazy!" Su Jin threw Yang Juan back to her, and said, "Just I think, this thing is hot. Holding your mother's life and future, this is the weight I can't bear."
Meng Qi took the bamboo slips, a disappointment flashed in his expression, and chuckled "Su Jin."
"Do you even do that?"
"You guys collapsed."
Su Jin "..."
This sounded familiar.
"Just what happened to me, I just collapsed." After a long time, Su Jin said with a smile.
"With your delicious and lazy personality, you should n’t even have Jibao in front of you, isn't it because people have collapsed?" After listening to Su Jin saying this for two days, Meng Qi gradually understood the meaning of this trendy vocabulary. Already. Watch 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Website
Su Jin pursed her lips and said, "I think you may have some misunderstandings about me! You see me going out all day long, that is to sharpen myself in the 800-bar Huanghuang Spring. That's how I'm rejuvenating myself. You see, I often make you angry because it's because I'm afraid you're bored. Can I understand that? I'm definitely not what you think. "
If it had not been with him for almost two years, looking at him with a serious and sincere look, Meng Qi might still believe in his evil.
"Sanqi!" He glared at him in all manners, and Meng Qi called.
Meng Qi handed Yang Juan to her, and said, "Come and inquire about the life of the soul of the soul for him, and then let him determine how to deal with it. If there is a misjudgment and misjudgment, I will come and clean him up."
"Yes, Madam." Sanqi said crisply.
Su Jin "..."
Meng Qi looked at Su Jin's humiliation, rejoicing in the bottom of his heart, and came to the corner of the lobby. He sat comfortably and lazily on a chair, and summoned a little ghost at will, and he did not know where to carry it. Bunches of grapes.
Su Jin's eyes jumped. "Meng Qi, you are too much!"
Meng Qi turned a deaf ear to this, rolled a pot of fine wine between his sleeves, and considered it alone.
This ... Su Jin strives to suppress the unknown fire in her heart. If he can't beat her, she will definitely let her know what a peach blossom is.
"Who's the next one?" Su Jin groaned as she sat behind the judgment table with a stinky face.
"It's me. It's me. My lord, although I have done something wrong in my life, it's not bad. It's not a wicked villain." An official wearing a black hat hat turned around and said.
Su Jin said, "Stop talking nonsense, Sanqi, check what bad things he has done in his life."
"Oh." Nodded in three or seven, opened the Yangjuan to the official ghost, and a beam of light flew from the bamboo slips, connected to the ghost's chest. The flowing characters appeared suddenly in the middle of the Yangjuan. .
"Bullying a woman of good family, occupying her aunt, for seven years as an official, forcing 27 people in six households to die. This is what you said, isn't the feast?" Su Jin asked.
"It ’s just lascivious. Who is the man in the world who is not lascivious? But I showed it. Some people did n’t show it. I did n’t commit treason, and I did n’t burn and plunder. "The official ghost said seriously.
"Erotic is nothing, but you shouldn't use strong, you shouldn't kill." Su Jin substituted herself into the role of a judge, and exclaimed, "Where is Qi Qi?"
"Master!" Qi Qi, who was reckless, walked out of the backyard and bowed down to worship.
"You took this guy to the back for a while, and then found someone to throw it into Yan Luodian." Speaking of this, Su Jin suddenly realized something and looked up at Meng Qidao. In other words, the trial of the ghost should be the job of a judge. Right? Why are you a monk doing this? "
"There are three divisions in the underworld, and Meng Po is the first division. It is guilty to condemn. It is okay to kill and swallow directly. It is not necessary to put them in the underworld to cause burdens to others. Only those who are good or have no deep sins will Meng Pozhuang submitted it to the Palace of the Judges, and the judges conducted the second trial. After the second trial was completed, they were sent to the Yan Luodian for the third trial, which is the final trial. "
Su Jin said, "Doesn't this mean that there aren't many ghosts delivered to Yan Luodian?"
"Of course, otherwise, Yan Luoguang would try the prisoner, how could he still have energy to do other things?" Meng Qi said.
During the conversation between the two, Qi Yan had dragged the official ghost into the backyard, and a group of ghosts in the lobby listened to a horrible cry from the backyard. They suddenly clamped their legs uncontrollably. Wind eggs are cold.
"Next." Su Jin said.
A lot of ghosts looked at each other for a long time, and then you pushed me, I pushed you, and gave each other a friendly and modest attitude.
"What to make, stretch your head and shrink your head, just let it go." Su Jin slammed the table and pointed at an old woman.
Meng Qi watched it carefully for a while, and found that although Su Jin was unreliable most of the time, she was serious enough and attentive when trying to judge sin, and firmly held a scale. Although some judgments have their own likes and dislikes, there is no case of apostasy.
The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile. Meng Qi looked at the trial in the lobby and drank.
After three full hours, Su Jin finally tried all the ghosts, rubbed her sore eyebrows, and turned to the corner subconsciously, but she was surprised to see Meng Qi's drunk on the table case. The three thousand green silk is like a waterfall, covering the gorgeous face with a loose body, exuding a special charm.
"Does this woman really take me as a confidant, or is she wearing a mask, pretending to be drunk and trusting?" Su Jin really couldn't understand Meng Qi, and she even looked at her with unreserved trust. .
"A niang, a niang ..." Sanqi ran to Meng Qi, and slightly backed Meng Qi's shoulders, without getting any response.
"Take her back to the room to rest." Su Jin said, "Close up the sun roll, no one except you, your mother!"
Sanqi nodded in response. Although small and powerful, she easily helped Meng Qi walk back to the courtyard.
"Amitabha, nameless underneath, begging to see Meng Po." At this moment, a low voice suddenly sounded outside Meng Po Zhuang.
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