Vol 5 Chapter 14: : Goku Biography: There is no fear

"Slow!" Seeing a crowd of executioners in black body armor coming from all directions, surrounded by thousands of Dixiange disciples, raised a steel whip studded with barbs, and Azi took Su Jinhe The shutters came at a rapid speed, said Yin Zhi. wap.EbookFREE.me
"Azi, do you have any questions about this?" The Dean of Heavenly Machine touched the round gem on the top of the emerald scepter with his right hand and asked softly.
"Master Dean, if even Xuexue cannot guarantee fairness and justice, in the future competition, wouldn't it be said that everything can be done? Because at the root, there is nothing fair about this Xuexue. What regulates the behavior of students? Without a good regulation, it will only lead to the separation of people ’s hearts. At that time, it is very likely that students who graduate from Tianji , will be full of resentment against academics. Then the end result is that we cultivate Countless enemies have come out! "Azi said.
"What if you do what you mean?" Said Tianji Dean.
"Please the dean give these students a chance and let them go this time." Azi arched.
The director of Tianji gave her a deep look and said, "Azi, you are still too simple. What can I change if I let them go today? Nothing can be changed, because there is no fairy tale in the school, only competition, survival of the fittest. This is Heaven. Besides, they did something to force the palace. If they were released so painlessly, where is the majesty of the school? Guardian, execution, one hundred whip per person, if there is violent resistance Or, abandon cultivation and debase the world. "
As soon as his words fell, countless black armor executioners raised their terror whip and slammed the students' heads, bodies, and every whip down, they would make a deep bloodstain.
Thousands of Dixian disciples, no one dared to resist, and let the blade-like whip be beaten on himself, but the pain is the heart.
Most of them did not dare to look up, not because they were afraid of the Dean Xueyuan not far away, but because the hatred in their hearts would come out of their eyes uncontrollably. Watch 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Website
Looking at the thousands of students who were tortured silently, Azi's eyes gradually lost color.
Still this result.
Still the same as before.
What she wants to change will never change.
What she wanted to save was never saved.
Behind her, Su Jin raised her hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder.
Ah Zi trembled slightly and turned around, "Let's go ..."
After a while, when the three of them were far away from the crowd, Azi suddenly turned around and embraced Su Jin's body, sobbing silently, tears soaking his shoulder clothes.
The curtain looked at the scene silently.
He admitted that he was sore.
How can you hold it, even if you are sad and sad, you can't hold a man so casually!
World wind, world wind!
"It's okay, it's okay, I can help you." Feeling the temperature from the graceful body in her arms, Su Jin forcibly pressed her heart and patted her back gently.
Azi froze over his shoulder and wiped the tears on his face. "You can't help me, no one can help me, maybe this is my fate."
Su Jin supported her shoulders with both hands, pulled her out of her arms, and looked at her eyes, "Do you believe me? I can really help you."
As he stared so intently, Azi's heart trembled violently, her sadness gradually disappeared, her cheeks turned red, she broke off Su Jin's arms, and turned to fly away. "I still have something, just go away, see you tomorrow."
Su Jin "???"
What's wrong with this girl, and her mood changes too much?
"Congratulations, brother, look at this, you won't be able to hold the beauty until long," Roller said with an envious look.
Su Jin glared at him and reprimanded, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry back to the dean to see the latest developments, hoping that this matter can stop here."
"Hope? Isn't it over? The dean has already punished the students who forced the palace." Rolling curtain asked puzzled.
"End? No, this is just the beginning." Su Jin said quietly.
"It's been killed, it's been killed." At this time, someone was pouring blood into the pupil in front of the dean's palace room, and yelled at the dean in front of the gate.
Beside him, a dixian fell to the ground with scaly wounds, and was completely out of breath.
The director of Tianji heard this shout, but his expression remained indifferent and unmoved.
One after another, the second deceased and the third deceased began to appear ... The psychic defenses of the celestial beings collapsed, they no longer accepted the attack silently, summoned their own weapons to start a counterattack, and as a result suffered a massacre .
In just half a quarter of an hour, more than 3,000 geniuses who were high above the earth were stepped into the mud, and the number dropped sharply to more than 800. More than 2,000 disciples were killed in this event. In turmoil.
When the corpse ran across the mountain, and the blood flowed into the river, the disciples in Dixiange were finally afraid, and they lost their weapons and fell to their knees in the blood.
"This is a lesson I give you. Regardless of what you have in mind or what purpose, you must think about the consequences before you think twice, especially when facing someone who controls your fate and life." The dean of Tianji spoke indifferently, turned and walked into his palace, leaving more than 800 students with a cold and cold-blooded back.
"Sure enough, you guessed it. Many people died." Not far away, the roller blind swallowed and said softly, "Why does the dean do this? Such a mass killing is really not afraid of planting hatred in the students' hearts. Seeds? "
"Because there is no fear," Su Jin said.
"Are you afraid?"
Su Jin nodded and said, "The Heavenly Machine God is originally the Three Realms of Supreme Education, with the Supreme Saint and the God as the backing. As the Dean of the Heaven Machine God, is he afraid that someone hates the Heaven Machine God? Even if there is hatred, how about he? If you want to live better, you can only surrender under his authority. Anyone who dares to challenge his majesty will suffer his brutal killing. "
The shutter was silent for a long time, and silently screamed, "The heavens are far more cruel than human beings."
Su Jindao "Relax, it's okay, as long as you don't challenge the bottom line of those in power, they will usually not notice us. In addition, you remember, if someone asks why the two of us were not punished, you I was killed and said that we were not in the right situation, so I asked Azi to rescue the soldiers. Unfortunately, Azi could not protect everyone. "
Under intense stimulation, the good and evil in human nature are easily multiplied. As Su Jin expected, after returning to Dixian Pavilion, some classmates with a wicked heart in their hearts suddenly remembered him and the two "survivors" of the roller blind, so they colluded with a group of classmates and started a room one room Looking for the trace of the two of them, and wanted to ask them a reason to survive!
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