Vol 5 Chapter 33: : Leave the difficult things to others

Su Jin shook his head: "There is no way, this is destiny, as a mortal destiny. Wap.EbookFREE.me If I cast a spell to delay this time backward, then when the robbery comes in the future, it will be more violent . Mo said that another kind of existence continues, and that the soul is flying away, and the smoke is extinguishing, which are all possible results. "
Bai Qian's eyes were slightly reddish. He looked up and tried not to let the tears flow down: "It's because of that nightmare. The bronze bell weirdo in that nightmare is the number of robbery I hit."
"Yes." Su Jin said: "So you can't sleep anymore, otherwise, in the next dream, it is possible to release him, and then he will come to you."
Bai Qiang licked his dry lips and hugged Su Jin's waist gently: "Uncle Xiao, let's go home. After coming out for so long, I'm homesick ..."
At dawn, after 11 and a half years, Su Jin returned to Donghuang Junji Mountain with Bai Qian again.
On this day, Bai Qian didn't cry, and she didn't even see any sadness on her face, she still smiled like the stupid fox before.
But unlike the past, she cooked rice today and the taste was not unpleasant. Today she washed Su Jin's clothes carefully and gently, without rubbing.
Today, she is very quiet and gentle, without the frankness and stupidity, as if she grew up in an instant.
Su Jin's heart was a little deep, but he didn't express it. Both of them restrained all their negative emotions and tried to give each other a smile.
At night, Bai Qing pulled on Su Jin's sleeves and sat at the top of Junji Mountain, looking up at the Geng Gengxing River on the sky: "Uncle Master, after I disappear, will I rise to the sky and become a star? "
Su Jin said: "Do you want to become a star?"
"Think, if I could become a star, then even if I disappeared, uncle Master, you can see me as soon as you raise your head. Wap.EbookFREE.me" Bai Qian said.
Su Jin's nose slightly soured, and said with a smile: "Then don't change the stars, change the moon. The stars will not appear every day, but unless the clouds are everywhere, the moon will appear on time every day."
"Okay, then I'm going to be the moon ..." Bai Qing said with a smile.
In the early morning of the next day, Su Jin came to the shore of the sea with Bai Qian. Before Donghuang Bell, he turned and said, "Su Su, are you ready?"
Bai Qianxi first said: "I'm ready, what do I do next? Sacrifice some kind of existence by itself and destroy the monster in the bronze bell?"
"No." Su Jin waved his hand and said softly: "You just need to close your eyes."
Bai Qian looked at him deeply and said, "Uncle Xiao, I want to see you for a while."
"Su Jin, why are you here ?!" At this moment, Dong Cang Zhong suddenly sounded Qing Cang's angry voice.
Su Jin ignored him.
Bai Qian naturally will not talk nonsense with him.
After a long time, Bai Qing closed his eyes and held Su Jin's clothes corner tightly in his right hand: "Uncle Xiao, I'm ready."
Su Jin nodded, raised the index finger of her right hand, touched the position of her eyebrow, and began to dismantle her seals layer by layer.
After so many years, her body and soul are not as fragile as when she was just injured. Just unblocking it will not cause any trauma to her.
Three hours later, Su Jin unlocked all the seals on her body, but Bai Qian didn't open her eyes.
Su Jin knew that the former Bai Qian had already returned, and at this time was silently digesting his memory as a prime minister.
"Uncle Master, thank you." After a long time, Bai Qing slowly opened his eyes, and the light was like the same lake, but there was no such pure innocence.
In other words, that simple and young human girl really disappeared completely ...
"Welcome back, shallow." Su Jin sighed undetectably and said with a smile.
Bai Qing smiled and said, "When I was a Si Yin, you accompanied me all my life; when I was a vegetarian, you accompanied me all my life; Uncle Xiao, is this the third life? "
Su Jin said: "Finally accompany you this time, no more. Otherwise, you will eventually be bored with me one day."
Bai Qing shook his head with a smile, and turned to look at Donghuang Zhong: "What's the matter with Qing Cang? Only a few decades from the last seal, I have accumulated the power to impact the seal of Donghuang Zhong!"
"His two sons and a daughter are all blood guts that he raised. Once he is mature, he will be able to enhance his skills once he dies. Now that the great prince Li Yuan and Princess Rouge are dead, he has this level. Power. "Su Jin explained.
"Su Jin, how do you know this?" Qing Cang asked in shock.
Su Jin said indifferently: "There are very few things that can hide me in this world. Your little secret is not a secret to me at all!"
Qing Cang was silent for a long time, and said, "Don't be proud, even without this girl unblocking, Donghuang Zhong won't be able to trap me for a long time. When Ben Jun breaks out again, he will definitely wash the world, Bad heart. "
Bai Qiandao: "I'm back, you won't have this opportunity anymore."
Qing Cang chuckled and said, "Do you think I will fall twice in the same pit? Little girl, let me tell you straight, even if you try your best again, even burn yourself, and turn into a seal, it is impossible. Just like the last time, the perfect seal of the East Emperor Bell. At most, it is just a delay. "
Bai Qian said in a cold voice: "If you don't give it a try, how do you know if you can do it?"
"Shallow," Su Jin called.
"What's wrong, Uncle Xiao?" Bai Qian asked.
"Don't try, these four seas and eight wildernesses, not only you are a hero, but in times of crisis, there will definitely be heroes who will pull up their swords and cast off demons." Su Jin said.
Bai Qiandao said: "If it is an ordinary person, maybe this is possible, but he is a winged king, and he can also control the emperor of the emperor Zhonghuang.
"Actually, he is right." Su Jin said: "In your current state, even if you try your best, you can't help him."
Bai Qian was speechless.
"Leave the seal technique that Mo Yuan left to you." Su Jin said.
Bai Qianxin shook his heart and said, "Don't do anything stupid, Uncle Master, only the father, the goddess, and the bloodline can seal the Donghuang Bell, and outsiders can't try it."
Su Jin said with a smile: "Do you think I will be a person who deny himself to the world?"
Bai Qing paused and shook his head, "What do you want this seal to do?"
"There is a sacred person who is more suitable to do this thing than you, and is waiting to do this thing." Su Jin took out a copper bell and smiled.
Bai Qian: "???
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