Vol 2 Chapter 74: : The Avengers in the Dark

As the younger brother of one of the four great princes, Beibohou Chonghouhu, in this mundane world, there are only a handful of people who can respect the black tiger religion, and this middle-aged man who looks gentle and amiable is one of them. . wap.EbookFREE.me
The reason is not because this person is Xibohou, nor is it because the other party is stronger than his elder brother, and the country of Hou is broader than their northern country, but because there are many capable people and strangers around this person, and they can count on it. , And at the same time, he has a strong combat power, and when he really fights, his immediate general is not necessarily the opponent's opponent!
Therefore, after the other party spoke, he was completely honest and stayed quietly in the army.
In front of the city gate, Hong Jin took a deep look at Xi Bohou, not at all deceived by the other's gentle appearance, and full of fear in his heart.
At that time, he was ordered by the national teacher to investigate the vision in Xiqi, knowing that this person is powerful and his great prestige in Xiqi!
Practitioners who ordered to enter the sea, and even immortals, this is something that the current King Zhou is far from able to do, but Xibo Hou Jichang did it. Moreover, according to Hong Jin’s original observations, it seems that there are no fewer than ten immortal gods who are only obedient to his account, let alone some hidden personnel. If there was no Wenzhong in the past, now there is no national teacher. , This person has the strength to overturn Yin Shang at any time.
"If you have decided, please order your sergeants to camp outside the city, and then join me into the city. In order to express the joy of your arrival, the National Teacher's Office has arranged all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation for you, please Don't worry." Hong Jin said solemnly, taking his gaze back from Ji Chang.
Before long, the princes acted according to their words, hundreds of thousands of troops, and eventually less than 10,000 people followed Hong Jin and stepped into the bustling Chaoge City...
Arranging the food, clothing, housing, and transportation of the princes in the eight hundred towns is an extremely cumbersome task. Even if Hong Jin is an immortal and has an unforgettable ability, he is busy until the evening before he can escape and return to the National Teacher's Mansion. wap.EbookFREE.me
"Master Qi, the princes of the eight hundred towns have all been arranged." Stepping on the clear moonlight, and walking straight into the garden, Hong Jin bowed to the figure on the bluestone.
On the bluestone, Su Jin slowly opened her eyes, and two purple rays of light flashed from his eyes: "What is the reaction of the princes?"
"Beibo Hou Chong brothers expressed their dissatisfaction with the National Normal University, but they were persuaded by Xibo Hou Jichang...The reason why the princes of the eight hundred towns were able to enter Chaoge City so cooperatively, Ji Chang played a huge role in it. Role." Hong Jin said.
Su Jin's shining eyes narrowed slightly, and he chuckled, "I can't afford to be profitless. Ji Chang is so witty, I'm afraid he can't do anything. I suspect that the princes of the eight hundred towns saw him, and he was in series. .
After all, compared with other princes, this wise prince and king among the people is an out-and-out womanizer. There are countless beauties in the harem, and the number of biological sons who can be entrusted is only 17. When Qi is really promoted, it is torn apart, and it is uncertain whether there will be Xiqi Hou Guo in the future. "
Hong Jin said, "The subordinates have also recruited many practitioners in the past two years. Should we send someone to stare at him?"
Su Jin shook her head and said: "No. Ji Chang has great wisdom and great fortune. Unless you stare at him personally, it is easy for him to pass false information to us through the people we monitor him. So there is no need to specialize. Just stare at him and send someone to stare at their residence. As long as they don’t make any trouble, we don’t have to show up and do anything..."
At the same time, the minds of the princes who had just settled down became more active. Some people took advantage of the night and took a heavy gift to knock on the doors of the important ministers of the Shang Dynasty, including Bigan, May Bo, Du Yuanxian, Wei Ziqi, Fei Zhong, You Hun and others.
Some people even came to the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, but no matter how they knocked on the door, the National Teacher's Mansion, sitting and lying like a black tiger, did not respond!
The self-proclaimed righteous Bigan Meibo and others sternly rejected these gifts and sent these great princes out of the house immediately. However, Fei Zhongyouhun and two of them refused to accept these gifts, so they ate a blood full, like two pieces of rotten flesh, attracting a large number of flies, and Fei and You were almost crowded in the dark.
"Hou Jizhou, I heard that all the princes are giving gifts to Fei Zhongyouhun. In the idea of ​​not sinning against each other, we are also going to send a small gift. Do you want to go together?" A few days later, in the evening, three or four princes Wearing plain clothes, they came hand in hand to the residence of Hou Suhu in Jizhou and asked in a low voice.
This Su Husheng's is like a raging fire. He is upright and upright. He will deal with injustices and illegalities severely in the closed country. How can he tolerate secret gifts? Immediately his face changed slightly. Not only did he refuse to confuse him, he seriously warned the princes who came to win him to give gifts, and the princes who listened to him with awe-inspiring resignation kept their teeth down.
I listened patiently for a while, and saw that he was still unwilling to give up. The four princes finally couldn’t bear it. They all got away with excuses, and quickly spread the scene that had just happened, so that no princes came to him to give gifts. .
It's just that, although no one came to bother again, but in the face of this naked corruption, Su Hu became more angry the more he thought about it, so that he couldn't sleep at night and kept wandering in the courtyard.
"Why are you worried about the prince?" At this time, a follower who followed him into Chaoge came slowly and asked curiously.
"The princes gave gifts to the ministers of the DPRK in an imposing manner. Everyone actually chose to ignore it, or even confuse them. This ugly thing makes me upset." Su Hu said in a deep voice.
The entourage thought for a while, and said: "Years ago, I traveled with my master. I heard that Wang Shu Bikando had a good reputation. Now Bigannai is the prime minister of the country. The prince went to see him secretly and told him It may be a miraculous effect if you clarify the situation."
Su Hu's eyes lit up slightly and said, "You are right, I will go to the Prime Minister now."
"Lord, wait a minute." The servant hurriedly said: "Although this can be done, we must not let others know that we did it, otherwise, would you not be an enemy of the princes? So the subordinate suggested that you pretend to go and give gifts secretly. Whistleblowing, not only is there no danger, but it can achieve what you want."
Su Hu thought for a while and looked at the person with admiration: "Zheng Lun, it would be a pity to stay in the army as a food superintendent with your talents. From today onwards, you will stay by my side as a planner. Lord."
"Thank you Junhou for the promotion." Zheng Lun smiled slightly, actually showing a kind of pampering attitude, which made Su Hu more happy as he watched.
Soon after, when Su Hu went out with a package, Zheng Lun sent it to the entrance of the alley, turned around and looked in the direction of the National Teacher’s Mansion, a trace of sternness and murder flashed across his face quickly...like a vengeful evil Wolf, spying on his prey in secret!
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