Vol 2 Chapter 106: : Persuade Wen Zhong

"Meet the Master of the National Teacher!" After a while, the Fang brothers followed Shaoyao and came to Su Jin, kneeling down on the ground like a jade pillar, paying respects. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net
"I don't raise under my staff. What are the skills of your brothers to enter our teacher's residence?" Su Jin asked after calling them up.
"My lord, my brothers are both infinitely powerful and improper." Fang Bi said solemnly.
Su Jin shook her head: "Not enough. As long as I want, I can recruit a large number of improper warriors at any time."
"We are not afraid of death, we are not afraid of death, and we are willing to throw our heads and sprinkle our blood for the National Teacher, and we will die!" Fang Xiang said.
Su Jin said: "It's still not enough, the National Teacher's Palace, there is never a shortage of people who dare to die."
The Fang brothers glanced at each other, nodded tacitly, and finally Fang Bi said, "It's true, my lord, our brothers are both practitioners."
A surprise flashed in Su Jin's eyes: "You don't even have immortal energy in your body, what are you practicing?"
"The practice is a set of exercises uploaded by our ancestors, and it should be the cultivation of one vein." Fang Xiang said: "Up to now, we have found that we can control the body to become bigger and smaller freely. When it gets bigger, my brother is taller. Three feet and six feet, I am three feet and four feet tall. I can drive mountains with my fists and crack the ground with my feet. The average gas refiner is definitely not our opponent."
Su Jin moved in her heart and waved to him: "Come on."
Fang Xiang's eyes lit up slightly, and he tried his best to restrain his joy, and walked closer to Su Jin.
"Keep your head down." Su Jin said.
Looking at the national teacher whose height was only up to his chest, Fang Xiang simply knelt on one knee and stretched his head in front of the opponent.
Su Jin stretched out her hand and pressed it on his head, wisps of fairy energy flowed out from between his fingers and penetrated into Fang Xiang's body.
With immortal energy as his eyes, Su Jin clearly saw that there was indeed no trace of immortal energy or even spiritual energy in Fang Xiang's body, but another mysterious and powerful force was slowly flowing between his body and bones.
This power is full of ancient aura, like an ancient fierce beast, strutting its head and patrolling its territory aggressively.
"Witch..." Su Jin retracted her palm and whispered softly.
Uh? What is it? Fang Xiang was confused, and he didn't dare to ask, he could only push all the doubts back to the bottom of his heart.
"Go back. At the court meeting in two days, I will ask Fei Lian to invite King Fei Lian to promote the two of you to the generals of the town hall." After a moment of silence, Su Jin said lightly.
The Fang brothers were overjoyed, and they all said loudly: "Thank you, Master National Normal University, for your cultivation. Both of my brothers and I will surely do our best to serve the adults."
Su Jin smiled and waved her hand, and said, "Go, do things well, don't let me down."
Soon, when the two brothers left happily, Su Jin said to Hong Jin: "I just told you all the things that should be explained. In short, during the time I was away, King Zhou, Bigan, Fei Zhong, You Hun, Fei Lian and others can't make any mistakes, otherwise I will only ask you!"
Hong Jin solemnly clasped his fists and said, "Yes, my lord!"
Soon after, a billowing demon cloud gathered under Su Jin's feet, supporting Shi Ji and rising into Qingming together...
"Obviously, the person who cultivates is the Xuanmen Zhengzong, and the demon energy in the body has long been transformed into immortal energy. Why do you have to rise and ride the rolling demon cloud when you travel? Are you afraid that a righteous person suddenly pops out and wants to cast you down?" The breeze blew his face, Shi Ji raised his mouth subconsciously, and turned to Su Jindao beside him. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net
"Why pretend that we are righteous people? We should be cute and charming villains!" Su Jin said with a smile.
"A big man insists that he is cute and charming, and he wants to be shameless?" Shi Ji said grimly.
Su Jin shook her head decisively and said, "No."
Shi Ji: "..."
Suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness towards this product.
Looks like he's an old lady!
In the blink of an eye, two days passed.
On the third day, Yin Shang, Chao Ge, and Da Chao Hui.
After Fei Lian’s recommendation, the Fang brothers were unsurprisingly promoted as a general in front of the palace, and they are still a double general. Those officials who have been in the ocean for many years but still hopeless for promotion are both envious and jealous. They want to replace them. This includes the Chao brothers who are now on duty in the guards of the palace.
The same two brothers have not been reused for a long time. Now the Fang brothers have suddenly developed and are full of prominent families. How can they not be flustered or impatient?
After the dynasty, the Chao brothers grabbed many officials to ask questions, but they still couldn't find out the reason, and they were suddenly depressed.
"Brother, the Fang brothers have no talents, no virtues, and no merits. It is estimated that even the king has never heard of their names before. How did such two unknown generations make their way?" , Chao Mansion, the second master Chao Lei grabbed a jar of wine in his hand, took a sullen mouth, and said sourly.
"Now the king is not stupid, and the important ministers are even more wise. Two guys who have no foundation or even no prestige are promoted to generals, and they don't even have an objection from the important minister. This is an exaggerated thing. In my opinion, Looking at the entire court, there is only one person who has this ability." Old Master Chao Tian said.
Chao Lei could see through at one point, and Huo Ran raised his eyes and said, "Great Master!"
Chao Tian slowly nodded and said, "I think that Fei Zhong was originally just a poor scholar who was driven out of the house by a woman. He is as humble as he is, not to mention that it is in the eyes of those high-ranking officials or even in our eyes. Handmaid is not as good.
But when he joined a national teacher, what status is he now? Doctor Zhongjian, even if it is placed among a group of doctors, it is extremely expensive.
Besides, Na Youhun originally had the position of head of the House of Internal Affairs, but the entire royal family regarded the House of Internal Affairs as their own pocketbook. If they didn’t have any money, they would borrow them and would not repay them. This manager is not a person inside and outside, suffering and torturing, how can you look at it now? But the royal family dare to grin at You Hun?
In addition, there is also Fei Lian and evil, the Fang brothers, I won't talk about them one by one for the brothers. Which of them is not a high-ranking official? "
Chao Lei was fierce by what he said, and he touched his palm: "Yes, as long as you can rely on the big tree of the national teacher, you will not worry about getting promoted and wealthy. Brother, although our two brothers are not comparable to those geniuses, we must be like the Fang family. Brothers want to be strong, right? The national teacher even accepted the two brothers, and it makes no sense to keep our two brothers out..."
"Don't be careless, don't be reckless." Chao Tian said: "The national teacher is wise, the city is very deep, is it easy to fool? The Fang brothers must have paid a huge price to squeeze into the national teacher's mansion, otherwise, they The two do not have the qualifications! If we rush into the National Teacher’s Palace rashly and say that we must seek refuge in the National Teacher’s Office, I’m afraid we will insult ourselves!"
Chao Lei was anxious and said, "What should I do?"
Chao Tian stretched out his hand and squeezed his eyebrows, and said, "The only way to do this is to make friends with the Fang brothers. It doesn't matter if you keep your posture a little bit lower, so you can indulge them, and then find a way to join the National Teacher's House through them.
As long as we can enter the National Teacher's House, the lowest achievement of our brothers in the future will have to be their current positions. "
Chao Lei's face changed and changed, and he couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect that our brothers would one day indulge in their kind of fortunate villains, suffering, sad..."
A few days later, the North Sea was over the military tent that stretched into the sea.
Su Jin looked down at the legion on the ground, and saw the flags fluttering, the queues were in formation, the people screamed and the momentum was like a dragon.
Just as he was about to sigh when he heard that Zhongzhi's army was right, an old man in armor and holding a male and female dragon whip drove up into the sky from the barracks, rushing to the two of them, and said respectfully to Shiji: " Wen Zhong paid respect to Master Uncle."
Shi Ji nodded with a majestic expression, and waved his hand: "You don’t need to be polite, my nephew... I’ll introduce to you. The one next to me is Shen Gongbao, who is serving as a minister with you and is now trying to protect Yin Shang. Taoist."
Wen Zhong was startled slightly, his eyes suddenly became complicated: "Shen Gongbao...Shen Daguoshi, in the past few years, it has been like a thunder!"
"Let the Taishi laugh." Su Jin smiled slightly, and said: "Compared with Taishi, the foundation is ultimately shallow."
Wen Zhong looked at him deeply, and suddenly said, "I heard that you are already in the hands of the right now, and even the king has become a puppet in your hand..."
"The person who spread this kind of news to the Taishi is damned." Su Jin quickly reduced his smile and said in a deep voice, "He wanted to deliberately provoke a dispute between Taishi and me to consume Yin Shang."
"That said, you don't have a false kingship to make a hundred officials? You didn't turn the great king into a puppet?" Wen Zhongyouyou said.
"I can prove that he didn't." Shi Ji was a little impatient, not wanting to hear the two of them play the front with a small kingdom here: "Wen Zhong, do you believe me?"
"Of course it is." Wen Zhong said hurriedly.
"Then stop whistling about such small things, go to your handsome account, there are extremely important things to discuss with you." Shi Ji said.
Facing the overbearing Shiji Shiji, the Wen Taishi who held the sky with his hands in Yin Shang could hardly produce the courage to refute, so he could only take the two of them into the barracks uneasy and walked into the handsome account...
"What are you going to discuss with me?" After the two guests were invited to take a seat, Wen Zhong asked softly, standing in front of a table.
Shi Ji was silent for a moment, conceived the wording, and then said to Su Jin with a serious face: "For you."
Su Jin: "..."
Let me speak, do you hesitate to contemplate a hammer? !
"Why, don't you know what to say?" Shi Ji raised an eyebrow and asked.
At this moment, Su Jin was not in the mood to slap her up, and said seriously to Wen Zhong: "You have heard false rumors about me in Beihai, so have you heard that Xiqi has a destiny? People, explain and teach here to settle and control things here?"
Wen Zhong was slightly taken aback, and said in astonishment: "Is there such a thing?"
Su Jin shook her head speechlessly, and said with pity: "It seems that you just know what others want you to know. If the person who passed the news to you is a general in your barracks, then it is clear that you have been betrayed!"
Wen Zhong frowned tightly together, with Shi Ji's endorsement, he didn't think Shen Gongbao would lie to himself. But it is precisely this situation, which he least wants to see!
"According to the evangelical teachings, the birth of a man of destiny in Xiqi means that the Yin and Shang dynasty has come to an end. The future must be Xiqi destroying the Shang Dynasty and establishing a new kingdom on the ruins of the Yin and Shang Dynasty.
In order to resolve their own killings, they all plunged into Xiqi and secretly controlled the state.
It's not to show off to you. To be honest, if I were not there, Yin Shang would have been ruined now, and even you might not be able to save a life. "
Wen Zhong: "..."
If this is not showing off, then what is showing off?
What can be more direct and straightforward than these words?
"Uncle Shiji, what he said is true?" After a long time, Wen Zhong took a deep breath and asked seriously.
"I have been by his side during your absence from Chaoge and witnessed a lot of things with my own eyes." Shi Ji nodded silently: "Although what he said is somewhat boastful, he cannot deny its authenticity. "
Wen Zhong stared at her for a long time, and a wry smile gradually appeared on his face: "If you weren't the person who endorsed him, you are Master Uncle, no matter how you prove it to someone else, I can't believe these things."
Shi Ji smiled slightly, and said, "The reality is so outrageous. A group of self-proclaimed righteous fairy gods, for their own sake, will turb the entire world, burying millions of corpses, causing lives to be destroyed.
A demon who was expelled from the mountain gate by Xuanmen Zhengzong, but with his own strength carried the entire Yin Shang and guarded the world.
Wen Zhong, you should know that for me, a mere dynasty on earth is nothing at all. It is impossible to waste time on it, let alone lies.
Shen Gongbao does not seem to be a good person, but it is also relative. He is not a good person for Xiqi and Chanjiao, but for you, he is currently the most reliable ally. "
Wen Zhong: "..."
The words I heard today and the information I received were like a god's punishing thunder, forcibly shattering his original worldview, making him a little hard to digest for a while!
"Master Shiji, Shen Daochang, can you give me some time to be alone and think about it." Wen Zhong said softly after a long silence.
Su Jin stood up from the chair and said calmly: "We are going to leave now. You can be quiet and think about it.
If you feel really uneasy, go to Xiqi to take a look. Of course, if you want to go, you have to go secretly. It is easy to be left there if you go in an open and honest manner. "
Wen Zhong nodded, and then personally sent them out of the camp, and asked as they parted: "Are you going back to Chaoge now?"
"No, go to Penglai." Shi Ji turned to look at the east, and whispered softly: "My unfilial disciple, it's time to visit Master and his elder..."
Wen Zhong's heart moved and he turned to look at Su Jin and said, "Will Shen Daochang join Jiejiao?"
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