Vol 2 Chapter 119: : Not worthy

Su Jin is not a person who likes to be reckless. He doesn't like to do a certain thing in a hurry, and then after encountering various problems, she will rack her brains to figure out how to solve these problems.
He likes to make decisions and then move. He likes to think beforehand as much as possible. He thinks thoroughly. Don’t take risks if he can do everything he can.
Since the establishment of the nation of the Chinese ethnic group, the belief in Taoism is mainly the belief in Taiqing saints, and even in the hearts of most people, Taoism refers to the Taiqing line. No matter how famous the Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace’s reputation is in the spiritual world, no matter how glorious is the Taoism of the Wanxian Dynasty, the Taoist incarnation that people believe is Lao Tzu, the Taishang Laojun. It has been inherited and has never changed.
Although Yin and Shang did not believe in Lao Tzu very much in recent generations, Su Jin can be sure that even if his own power is poured into the field, from the king to the hundred officials, he would obey his words, but if he didn't give them any preparation, Suddenly proposing Lijiejiao as the state religion will definitely cause conflicts. Once this conflict appears, it will instantly break the balance in the court, which he doesn't want to see.
Therefore, before proposing this plan, Su Jin decided to find all relevant personnel to ventilate in advance, trying to finalize the matter in advance, and then everyone got together for a cutscene.
This first stop, he came to the palace, the big study!
"For everything inside and outside the hall, the national teacher can decide with one word, as long as it can ensure that the society is not lost, the country is not chaotic, and it will not affect the practice of the widow, and the widow has no opinion!" Sitting behind the royal table, listened. King Zhou said solemnly on the report of the Great Master.
Su Jin smiled and said: "Poverty Dao dare not take this. Yin Shang will always be the king's Yin Shang, and the only one who can make a decision in this kingdom is the king!"
King Zhou shook his head and said, "In the past and present, with the exception of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, many stunning emperors have now become dead bones in the mound, and even the bones have not been left behind. This proves that no matter how heavy Jiangshan Sheji is, life and death cannot be more important. As long as the widow can eventually become immortal and immortal, how about this country as a gift to the national teacher?!"
Su Jin gradually reduced her smile and said in a deep voice: "The king must not say this again. The poor way is a stranger. What do you want this beautiful country to do? If outsiders hear this, it will inevitably produce a lot of gossip."
King Zhou laughed dumbly and waved his hand: "Fine, no matter, widowhood is a vernacular, and you are so true. You know what widowness means, or that sentence, as long as it doesn't affect my longevity, no matter what, You can do it with peace of mind, with full support from others."
Not long after, Su Jin, who got a positive answer, walked out of the large study, turned her head and looked at it, feeling gradually in her heart.
If King Zhou's heart toward Dao does not change, it is unlikely that a new human emperor will be born among the human race in the future!
This is the real smart person, who seems to have entrusted everything to others, but if you think about it carefully, did he lose anything?
On the contrary, he got more things than most emperors in the past!
Soon after, after leaving the palace, Su Jin went to Pigan, Mei Bo, Du Yuanxian and other Qingliu's homes, explaining in detail the variables in the world of spiritual practice and the inevitable need to obtain support from the teachings. High-level support from Weiqingliu.
As for Fei Zhong, You Hun, and Fei Lian, a high-ranking official who was pulled up by him with one hand, there was no need to explain so many things. When an order was dropped, they had no right to question!
After serving the king and all his important officials, at the Great Court meeting the next day, Su Jin formally proposed to enshrine Lijie Jiao as the State Church of Yin and Shang Dynasty. Among the hundred officials, no one raised any objections, which became a foregone conclusion...
However, the establishment of the state religion was not the king’s consent, and the minister acquiesced. Even if this matter is completed, there are actually many things to do. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net
First of all, we must popularize the concept of cutting religion into the hearts of the people all over the country; second, we must build temples for the confidant and find temple blessings; and finally, we must show some miracles from time to time. Saving the dead and healing the wounded is the foundation, which makes people want to succeed. The essential.
In this world, whether it is a high-ranking official or a common people, everything is realistic. A belief that can't bring them benefits will not have any market at all.
Su Jin needs to formulate all these matters, and then hand them over to the administrative staff of the National Teacher's Mansion. Therefore, he will not be able to get out of his body for a while, and he will not be able to stop teaching and returning to life, let alone a trip to the lunar star... …
"Master, there is a very extraordinary white-robed Taoist outside the door. He wants to see you and discuss important matters." One day, in the afternoon, a little snow fell on the eaves, and Su Jin was sitting in the courtyard writing a miracle exhibition plan. Dressed in red, the peony, so beautiful as an elf, came slowly to him, whispering.
"Taoist in white robe?" Su Jin's brush front paused slightly, before hanging the brush on the pen holder, and said softly: "Did the other party report the family?"
Shaoyao was startled slightly, scratching his head and said: "It seems a bit strange, he didn't, I didn't ask, after hearing that he wanted to see you, I came over to tell you the truth!"
"I'm not willing to declare my home, I'm afraid that the person who came is not good!" Su Jin raised her eyes to the door. His gaze easily penetrated the jet-black door, but was dazzled by a burst of blue light, and he could not see clearly.
"Then I will go out and tell him that the master is not at home?" Shaoyao said.
Su Jin pondered for a moment, then shook her head and said, "It's not necessary, please come in... Be respectful."
Soon, Shaoyao walked in with a young Taoist with a handsome face and a dusty temperament, and said slightly: "The distinguished guest has brought in, my lord."
"Why didn't Master Xuandu come here in advance? Otherwise, the poor Dao must personally welcome him." Su Jin's face was instantly covered with a cordial smile, her expression extremely serious and sincere.
Xuan Du laughed and said, "If you tell me in advance, I'm afraid you won't see Dao Shen."
Su Jin said, "That's not true. I haven't done anything to apologize for being taught. How can I hide from the mage?"
"Knowing that Chief Dao is busy with his business, I won't fight with you." Master Xuandu gradually smiled and said softly, "I came to ask you on behalf of the teacher, trying to change the belief of the human race. for?"
Su Jin pursed her lips, and said, "There is no lie in front of the mage, this is my nomination for joining Jiedu."
Xuan Du was startled slightly, and said in amazement: "Are you actually going to join Jiejiao?"
"Shanmen expelled me from the teacher's school on an unwarranted charge. In the midst of the catastrophe, there are many crises, and the poor Dao is eager to find a backer. This should be normal?" Su Jin asked back.
"The idea is normal and understandable, but you shouldn't choose to stop teaching!" Master Xuandu sighed softly.
"There are only a few sages in total. Apart from intercepting the teachings, do I have other options?" Su Jin smiled and said, "For example, if I want to join the sages, the sages will accept me. Is it a direct disciple?"
Xuan Du's face condensed, and he honestly said, "No."
Su Jin shrugged and stopped talking.
"Shen Gongbao, the situation of the Three Religions is far from being as simple as you can see, and the cause and effect is also very complicated. At this critical time, it is more dangerous to lean on the Three Religions than if you stay away from the Three Religions." Master Xuandu was silent. After a while, he said sincerely: "If you are willing to trust me, just listen to my persuasion, leave this maelstrom immediately and avoid it far, so that you can reduce the suffering."
Su Jin smiled bitterly: "Mage, there is no turning back arrow when I open the bow. I can't look back anymore. My enemies won't just watch me leave. Even if I leave this position, there will be a group of people immediately. A wolf like a tiger is going to pounce on me and eat! You persuade me to leave, then I want to ask, when those enemies pounce on, can someone protect me?"
Xuan Du was speechless by him, and then he could only remain silent.
"Mage, go back, if you are lucky enough to be mentioned by the Supreme Saint, please tell me that Shen Gongbao doesn't have much ambition, and he doesn't have much ambition, but just wants to survive." Su Jin whispered.
Xuan Du stared at him for a long time, and finally sighed slightly and shook his head: "I hope you won't regret this decision in the future! Shen Gongbao, there will be some time later..."
Watching his back gradually disappear into the void, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, Xuandu still had a face, and he didn't mess around about beliefs, otherwise he would not be sure whether the fragile Yin Shang could withstand the anger of people!
It's just that he also understands that the other party didn't have an attack today, it doesn't mean that he acquiesced in this matter. When Yin and Shang moved to the camp of the Intercepting Church, the People's Church would definitely abandon this kingdom for the first time and turn to support other kingdoms. For example... Xiqi!
It is the answer to the old saying: good fortune and misfortune are impermanent!
Without eating or drinking, working without sleep for three consecutive months, from the cold winter to the early summer, Su Jin finally perfected all aspects of building the state religion.
At this time, the Jiejiao belief centered on Chaoge City and began to radiate to the entire Yin and Shang dynasties.
The temples of countless confucian masters have sprouted like bamboo shoots after rain on this land, and they are growing wildly at an extremely fast speed. Under the influence of man-made miracles time and time again, there are more and more believers of Tong. The master of Tong who feels very sensitive even sent someone over to praise Su Jin.
Everything seems to be developing on the bright side. Then, as long as it runs smoothly according to the plan formulated by Su Jin, the day when Jiujiao becomes the No. 1 Master of Human Race is just around the corner!
In other words, there is no need for him to stare at it...
Just when Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief and was about to set off for Biyou Palace, the two brothers suddenly came to the National Teacher's Palace hand in hand.
"Fang Bi Fangxiang (Chao Tian Chao Gai) pays homage to Master Guo Shi!" When they walked to Su Jin, all four bowed their heads and touched the ground with their heads.
"Get up." Su Jin stood under the willow tree in the courtyard, reached out and brushed off the green willow on his shoulder, and said indifferently: "What can I do?"
Xu was because he was so powerful that the four of them didn't dare to look up at him after they got up. Fang Bi took a breath, lowered his head and smiled and said: "Master of the National Teacher, our brothers recently discovered two talents. Based on the principle of making the best use of everything and strengthening the National Teacher’s House, we brought them here today. Please take a look. If you think it can be used, then it is their good fortune. If you think they can't be reused, it's their fate..."
Seeing him who was a little bit low-pitched, Su Jin was very puzzled.
Is he so scary? Actually let such a strong man who is not afraid of the death festival be so afraid...
"Look up and talk." Su Jin ordered.
Fang Bi was startled, and immediately said in embarrassment, "I dare not subordinate officials."
"What can't you dare?"
"You won't come up even if you are a junior officer." Fang Bi said, "Probably the more you understand the National Teacher, the more you can appreciate your majesty."
Su Jin shook her head, only as if it was psychological pressure from the class, she ignored it, and turned her eyes to Chao Tian and Chao Gai.
He remembered the names of these two people, but he did not hear them in reality, but remembered the two images in the book.
The most memorable scene is when the two men were chased by King Zhou chasing and killing the two princes, they chased to the Huang Concubine of the West Palace, and Huang Fei cursed them.
Relying on the decree of the son, wandering around the inner courtyard, playing with the imperial concubine, deceiving the king...
This behavior is even more exaggerated than the YY plot of some fake eunuchs rampaging the harem!
Su Jin can give Fei Zhongyouhun a chance, because they badly match their tempers, plus they will not destroy the relationship between himself and King Zhou, they are two useful talents.
He can also give the Fang brothers a chance, because these two brothers have blood and integrity, and they also have the inheritance of the witch clan.
But what does the Chao brothers have?
They have a hammer? !
"Chao Gai, Chao Tian, ​​since you are recommended by the Fang brothers, and they both agree that you are outstanding people, then you two will be transferred to their staff in the future." Su Jin said to the Chao brothers and suddenly changed eyes. Looking at Brother Fang: "As for the two of you, since you have brought them into the National Teacher’s Mansion, you must be responsible to them to the end. If they commit any mistakes under your hands in the future, add one more to your two sins, listen. understand?"
Hearing this, all four of them changed their complexions, and at the same time they felt bitter, but they had to promise.
"Okay, let's all go back, do things in my duty, be a down-to-earth person." Su Jin warned authentically.
The four of them took their orders, and until they left the National Teacher's House, the Chao brothers could not recover from this blow.
They are here to serve as a minion for the national teacher, not to serve as a subordinate to Fang's second fool. Is it comparable to being a big man's evil dog and being a character's subordinate?
Which link is the problem? Why is the national teacher so important to Fang's two stupid, but they abandon them like a brother?
"Chao Gai, Chao Tian, ​​don't be discouraged, follow us, and you will be able to get ahead after all." Fang Xiang saw their disappointment and said with relief.
It's okay for him not to say this. The Chao brothers who heard this are even more unbalanced. They are like a dumb eating coptis, and there is no suffering...
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