Chapter 2131: To win, so please be an idol!

"You are a good person."
Bob replied.
Angie couldn't help but yelled again, because this was a reason.
"What are you kidding."
He said.
But Bob ignored him.
But Stephanie's face also changed, but she deserves the future. . No, the person who has become the captain. Although Bob's reason sounds outrageous, Stephanie accepted it.
After hesitating a little, she even reached out to Bob with a little joy.
She said.
But what to join. . Does Stephanie really know?
Bob nodded without saying much.
Carter looked at the two inexplicably and finalized an agreement. Suddenly felt that some of the strange coincidences and acquaintances that Bob told about before seemed not so unacceptable.
"Da da da!"
In the distance, there were hurried steps, and with the shouting, it was their reinforcements. The outside support finally broke through the line of defense of the lifeless spies and burst into it.
Without waiting for Carter to speak, Howard yelled first.
Support was quickly found here.
Carter did not continue to waste time on Stephanie and others, and signaled them to take a short break. She quickly communicated with General Phillips and the support staff, and sent Dr. Erskine on a stretcher to the treatment. . Although the hope doesn't seem great.
. . .
In a flash, the half-afternoon time passed.
The ruins in the stronghold have been cleaned up and the wounded have been treated. . But the dead person can't be resurrected.
As Carter worries, many important MPs and figures died in this operation, and their troubles to follow up were very large or even very large.
For example now.
"Seven parliamentarians, seven parliamentarians died for us!"
General Phillips threw a stack of materials on the table.
The old Carter stood beside him.
"It's useless to get angry at me, you agree with this matter."
Phillips sighed.
He certainly knows that, in fact, although he is higher than Carter, they are not a system at all. Strictly speaking, he cannot command Carter very well.
Carter is not to blame for this matter, he actually did not mean to blame.
He just. .
"I will show you how the group just told me."
"Did they not agree when the Super Soldier Program was launched?"
Phillips sat down angrily in his place.
The start of the Super Soldier Program must not be carried out by him alone. Indeed, he is the chief commander of the plan, but the plan requires a lot of capital and money, as well as the support of materials from all walks of life. It must not be supported by him alone.
So in this act of observing the ceremony, in fact, the people behind him also agreed. As a result, something happened now, but they all have to push on him.
Phillips was angry, but knew that this was actually a very common thing.
After all, the position he is in is already doomed, isn't it? Naturally, to enjoy everything in this position, we naturally have to bear corresponding responsibilities.
"anything else."
Carter ignored Phillips's complaint and asked lightly.
"They need Stephanie Rogers, the lady."
Phillips whispered.
It is true that they suffered heavy losses this time, but there is no one who can’t die in the war, and the number of people who have died since the battle has not been counted.
Even important people like parliamentarians did not die less, most of them were assassinations.
So even if seven died this time, that's all.
The trouble is that there will definitely be someone who can play on the subject, especially when a guy like Stephanie appears to be a super soldier.
"What do they want her to do on the battlefield."
Those guys stared at Stephanie. Carter wasn’t surprised. She was more concerned about what Stephanie needed to do next.
"On the battlefield.."
Hearing Carter's question, Phillips' expression became a little weird.
"Also... right?"
. . .
"Do you want to go to battle?"
"Do you want to contribute to the battlefield."
Stephanie looked at the black suit in front of him, with a greasy expression on his face, and his face was grim.
"of course."
She nodded solemnly.
"That's fine, join me, I can help you."
This guy was naturally the guy in the original plot who fooled Captain America to perform songs and dances to pull debts for him, and this time he was not surprised, but still stared at Stephanie.
After all, this Stephanie, in a sense, is more advantageous than the original Captain America.
in this aspect.
But of course, Stephanie doesn't know all this, she thought she really wanted to contribute on the battlefield.
But when she was about to agree, Carter didn't know where it came from.
"This is the only super soldier."
She froze and said to the guy.
"The girls under you aren't enough, even the idea of ​​fighting super soldiers."
This guy knew Carter naturally, and he smiled a little.
"Because she is a super soldier..."
"who knows?"
Carter asked directly.
Yes, who knows.
This time the battles were all within the stronghold, and there was no case where Super Serum was snatched away by Hydra agents, and there was no scene of Captain America chasing the murders and showing superhuman strength outside.
So, who knows.
Nobody knows what a super soldier is.
The plan was always well protected before it succeeded, so let alone ordinary people, even the soldiers in the war didn't know about the super soldier plan.
This gimmick is useless.
"Packaging! Packaging!"
This guy, full of bonds in his head, yelled as though sad.
"Nothing can't be packaged, no one knows, it doesn't matter, as long as it is publicized, a lot of people will soon know."
"So why can't you find an ordinary Be real, be real!"
The guy shouted again.
"Only true super soldiers can bring us victory, don't they."
He turned his attention to Stephanie.
. . .
Stephanie finally agreed.
She still doesn't quite understand what this guy is going to do, but listening to him, it seems that this is indeed a very important thing, which is about the victory of the battle. . It's about money.
And Carter did not deny it.
Stephanie doesn't know much, but she also knows money. . The importance of war, so although it didn't seem to be the way she wanted, she agreed.
Because this is what she wanted to do, to contribute to the war, not to do what she wanted to do unscrupulously.
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