Vol 2 Chapter 503: The war that determines the future

Stormy seas, stormy waves.
From Grimm to the stormy sea, the distance Reed can not be estimated, only know that Castro flew a full day and night to reach this sea area covered by storms all the year round.
Reed is the first time I have seen this famous advanced map.
Unlike the lost sea area, which has its name, the storm sea area is really as its name, as soon as it enters the sea, it is enveloped by a hurricane.
At this moment, the storm on the sea level rolled up tens of thousands of waves, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart by the terrifying hurricane.
This horrible scene is like a natural disaster that destroys the world.
Even the cracks in the sky appeared because of the storm.
Amidst the waves, Castro spread his wings, the sharp blades of the blade cut through the waves, and went rampant.
It adds a bit of life to this doomsday picture.
"Under the crown of Yiluo, after you get the fate slab fragment, can your Highness Yisha inherit the power passed down by the ancestors of the Silvermoon tribe?"
At this time, King Silver Moon, who had been relieved of his breath, said with some caution.
"Don't worry, the Silvermoon Clan's inherited power for thousands of years is very clean and will not cause any damage to His Highness Yisha. Without the protection of His Highness Yisha, the Silvermoon Clan will not survive long..."
Hearing this, Reed raised his brows and glanced down at Isha who was looking at him eagerly.
"I need to confirm whether the inheritance you are talking about is safe. If it is safe, then helping you solve the long tail troll is nothing."
Isha smiled instantly.
King Silver Moon was also greatly relieved, and said excitedly.
"Thank you for your kindness."
For him, other things are not important, the Silver Moon Clan is the foundation, without the Silver Moon Clan, everything is in vain.
After receiving the promise from Reed, King Silvermoon dared not say anything, and stayed in the magic shield honestly.
There was nothing to say all the way.
Moving forward in the wind and waves is full of danger, and the huge wave that engulfed ten thousand tons of seawater hit Castro's back immediately and caused a lot of shocks, which looked particularly frightening.
On several occasions, Freya had to get through the crisis in person, otherwise he might have been swept into the sea by hurricanes and huge waves.
Reed didn't know how the King Silvermoon calculated the position in the storm. After entering the stormy sea, he flew for a full five or six days before the opponent let Castro slow down.
"Under Yiluo's crown, after crossing this sea area, you will reach an oval island.
The cliff on the left side of the island is connected to the city-state of Silvermoon. There is no need to activate the magic circle, as long as it hits the cliff, it can pass. "
There were strong winds and heavy rain outside, Reed couldn't see it really, but since the Silvermoon King said so, he was too lazy to think about it, this guy hasn't gotten enough of Freya to guard him.
Sure enough, after a few breaths, Castro appeared on the island, and the cliff that King Silvermoon said was very conspicuous.
The blade of the blade flapped, and Castro's speed deliberately slowed down a few minutes, and finally passed through the cliff calmly. The cliff rippled like water waves.
Behind the cliff is a dimly lit cave, but it's very loose here, and I don't worry about Castro's flight being hindered.
A few minutes later, after a long flight, suddenly the front lightened, and then the eyes of Reed suddenly opened up.
A city floating in the sky appeared in front of him.
Countless stone slabs flew horizontally in the air, connecting the sky city.
This scene looks a lot like the dwelling place of the gods in myths and legends.
Reed saw this scene with a rather subtle expression.
He had seen similar scenes before, but it was on the spider plane. The reason why the spider plane made the mountains fly upside down in the sky was because the plane was about to collapse and the power was overflowing.
After a few moments, I felt thoughtful.
The Silvermoon City State was indeed built on another plane.
However, this plane is very stable, unlike the spider plane that may collapse at any time.
"Under Yiluo's crown, this is our city-state. Our ancestors believed that the glory of Silvermoon City should be more radiant than the sun and the moon, so it was named Silvermoon Radiance!"
King Silvermoon mentioned this with a particularly proud expression on his face.
Reed smiled, is a city more brilliant than the sun and the moon? The sun and the moon are too dim...
"lead the way."
He is too lazy to talk nonsense, now is not the time to talk with this guy, he needs fate slate fragments, needs to hunt the gods, and there is no time to waste here.
The Silvermoon King smirked and hurriedly gestured toward the front.
"Fly directly into the city and land on the central square."
Castro immediately flapped his wings when he heard the words, and in a flash, he flew directly into the city amidst the exclaim of the residents of Silvermoon City.
Then woo~
The sound of the trombone sounded, and the whole city immediately entered a state of alert.
Countless soldiers in armor took to the streets, and the central square was surrounded by water.
Why didn't the steel beast seem like a good thing, Castro rushed into the city without notification, and was naturally treated as an enemy.
But when the soldiers saw King Silvermoon, they immediately looked at each other.
Not the enemy? ?
The Silvermoon King got down from Castro's back in fear, fearing that the soldiers would attack Reed and hurriedly yelled to everyone.
"Remove the alert, this is the rescuer I brought back from Grimm under Yiluo's crown!"
Reed heard the words and the corners of his mouth twitched. Why do you hear these words so familiar?
A head guard who had reached an extraordinary level immediately stepped forward to salute the Silvermoon King upon hearing the words, and then took the sideways to see Isha in the arms of Reed, and the aura from the other party surprised him very much.
"Your Majesty, have you brought back the golden descendants?"
When he saw King Silvermoon nod his head, the chief guard was immediately overjoyed, and then shouted to the soldiers and residents who looked at them eagerly outside.
"Your Majesty brought back the golden descendants!!
No need to worry, those long-tailed trolls can no longer threaten us! "
The crowd boiled instantly.
"Long live Your Majesty!"
"Long live Your Majesty!"
The Silvermoon King was embarrassed and couldn't say anything at this time, so he could only secretly observe the face of Reed, and finally said slightly stiff.
"Under Yiluo's crown, please forgive them, the Silvermoon tribe has been harmed by the long-tailed demon for too long..."
Reed nodded slightly and didn't delve into it, he didn't bother to care about these little things.
"Where is the Shard of Destiny Tablet?"
"It's suppressed in the kingdom, you come with me..." King Silvermoon quickly stepped forward to lead the way, regardless of the surrounding residents.
At this time, Yisha looked curiously at the Silvermoon people who had eyes like her.
This little girl has never seen such a scene before, and her heart is full of joy.
Although no one dared to discriminate against her anymore in Scarlet Mage Tower, the feeling of incompatibility still cannot be eliminated. After all, the stereotypes formed over millions of years cannot be easily eliminated.
Seeing that everyone has a pair of blood-red eyes, at this time they finally have a sense of belonging.
Reed took the little girl and went straight to the palace, but didn't care too much about this city with a peculiar architectural style.
After ten minutes, he bypassed the exquisite buildings one after another, and finally came to the hall of the kingdom.
At this time, when the King of Silvermoon had returned with the descendants of gold, the hall was already crowded with senior figures of the Silvermoon tribe.
Everyone looked at Isha who was holding Reed with scorching eyes, their eyes full of expectation.
The Silvermoon King ignored the crowd and turned to look at the chief guard, "Immediately take the fate slab shard."
Then, under the gaze of countless people, he came to the throne and said respectfully to the Reed beside him, "Below the crown, please sit down."
This action directly caused an uproar in the house.
That is the throne of the city-state of the silver moon, how can you let outsiders sit down? !
King Silvermoon, is this a cerebral hemorrhage? ? How to do such a stupid thing? !
A second before someone wanted to stand up against it, the space around Reed was directly shattered, and then in the shocking eyes of everyone, twelve black wings of death seraphs stepped out.
Divine power enveloped the hall in an instant, and everyone at this moment only felt as if they were being stared at by an ancient giant beast, and their hearts were almost swallowed by fear.
The dissatisfaction of the crowd just disappeared without a trace after Freya appeared, leaving only fear in his heart.
Especially those who were going to stand up against it were even more ugly, and they almost died.
Twelve-winged angels protect it? !
The goddess is on top, is it possible that the one who sits on the throne is under the crown of the goddess?
Everyone looked at King Silvermoon eagerly, as if they wanted him to explain.
King Silver Moon smiled bitterly, how dare he talk nonsense.
Quickly took a peek at Reed and found that he had no unpleasant emotions, then bit the bullet.
"Everyone, this is the master of Grimm, the great of daybreak, under the crown of Yiluo!
Yiluo Mianxia came for the fate slab shards, and the golden descendants were also brought by Yiluo Mianxia. "
The ebony crowd on the court heard these words and did not dare to speak, even to respond to the Silver Moon King.
Freya's supernatural power was so terrifying that they couldn't think about other things at all.
King Silvermoon also noticed this, and sighed lightly, and he didn't say much any more, and said nothing.
The fate of the Silvermoon City-state was doomed when they were defeated by Freya.
They only had two choices, either to obey this crown or to watch the city-state of Silvermoon be destroyed.
Reed also didn't want to talk nonsense with the Silvermoon people, and quietly waited for the fate slab fragment to be sent.
King Silvermoon didn't let him wait too much.
A few minutes later, a large group of guards pushed a small car into the hall. The car was covered by slates, densely sealed with a spell, which seemed to be full of weird feelings.
King Silvermoon was relieved when he saw that there was no mistake, and then he personally uncovered the slate covered with seals, and then presented a treasure-like display of the fate slab inlaid on the stone in Reed.
The strong power of destiny gushes out the moment the stone slab is uncovered.
The eyes of Reed shined, and under the shocked gaze of everyone in the room, they directly stepped forward and buckled out the fragments of the fate slab.
This? ? !
Can you touch it directly with your hands? ?
Seeing Reed without any damage, the faces of the crowd became extremely exciting.
In order to activate the shards of Destiny Slate, how many people they lost, they did not expect to be picked up by Reed in the end.
Of course, these words were held in my heart, and on the surface, I didn't dare to put a fart.
Sensing the power of fate in his body, Reed in a good mood turned his head and glanced at Freya.
"Freya, go and help Isha to check the so-called inheritance of ancestral power. If there is no problem, help them eliminate the hidden danger of the long-tailed troll by the way.
I need to retreat. "
Now that he got the things he wanted, he wouldn't be stingy to help Silvermoon City-state.
More importantly, this is a member of Yisha's clan after all. If he kills these people, the little girl will inevitably be sad when he grows up.
Hearing the words of Reed, King Silvermoon was instantly full of surprises.
"Thank you for your kindness, Yiluo crowned!!"
They asked Isa to come back and inherit the power of her ancestors to deal with the long-tailed trolls, and the power of the twelve seraphs of death was definitely stronger than that of Isa after inheriting the power of her ancestors.
Maybe it can completely eliminate the hidden danger that has plagued them for millions of years.
The surrounding crowd were also full of surprises when they heard this. The twelve-winged death blazing angels have all made their moves, so what else can there be?
And at this time, Reed is not yet known. Just when he got the fate shards to retreat and devour the power of fate, in the center of the main plane of glory-the ancient forest, a shocking event happened that shocked the world. .
The holy city built by the League of Angels at a huge cost has encountered hunting.

Ancient forest.
This mysterious forest that has existed since the beginning of the world has always been the private land of the elves, with incredible magic power. For millions of years, even if the elves have lost their status as the master of the continent, this forest has never been tainted.
But today, this forest is about to be destroyed. The trees are withering in large areas. The fertile land in the past is now dry and cracked, and even yellow sand has appeared.
This vibrant world seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye, and lifelessness was the main theme at this moment.
And the instigators of all this are those old evil gods who exude a decadent aura and pass by in nothingness.
Those tyrannical, cruel, and bloodthirsty old lives are the end of all evil, and their mission is to destroy the world.
At this moment, looking down from the sky, you can clearly see that the huge monster covering the sky and the earth is moving towards the depths of the ancient forest.
Wherever he went, the forest was rotten and the land was dry and cracked, a scene of apocalypse.
Those weird lives are so distorted that they can’t be described in words. They have octopus-like bodies, but dense eyes grow on each of their tentacles. As long as ordinary people look at the eyes on the tentacles, they will immediately fall into madness. Become a slave of the old evil god.
Some are like a pool of rotten silt composed of countless flesh and blood, squirming on the ground, and all life wherever they pass will be swallowed by him.
Some seem to be pieced together from various corpses, and the organs of most of the lives in this world can be seen in them.
And following these abominations are densely decaying lives like locusts. These old monsters have long since ended, lost all their thoughts and themselves, and become extremely evil things dominated by destruction. .
The only purpose of these old existences was to destroy the holy city in the central area of ​​the ancient forest, the strong city built by the gods of the light system.
The evil gods of the old camp have gathered more than two hundred, and at this moment, all the main gods of the angel alliance have returned, and hundreds of gods are waiting for them.
An unprecedented battle of the gods is about to begin.
And this time it will no longer be a civil war between the gods of glory, but a just battle to defend the world.
Once the League of Angels was defeated, the holy city was destroyed.
Then, the most promising resistance force will be in vain.
The future will change again.
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