Vol 2 Chapter 132: New World Planning (Part 2)

Although the terrestrial world has undergone a major cleansing, it has reduced the population by at least one third.
However, with the emergence of the Qidian system, the technology of the Earth Star is changing with each passing day. After all, a little bit of technological knowledge exchanged in the Qidian system can lead the world of the Earth Star by dozens, even hundreds of years.
And one of them is the size of a football, but it can make a huge screen of hundreds of meters in mid-air, which can provide tens of thousands of people to watch movie and television balls.
Da Da Da Da Da Da ~ booming...
The sudden, dense sound of guns and guns also came from the film and television in Yan Guo.
The startled people suddenly looked up in surprise and looked at the huge screen in the air.
When the astonished people saw the picture on the huge screen, they suddenly opened their eyes in shock and terror.
Because, outside the ice palace in the Nordic bear country, nearly a hundred ice palace guards are madly attacking a human being, a human being as beautiful as a fairy mortal!
However, whether it is a bullet, a sniper bullet, a rocket, an air defense missile, or an artillery bombardment, when it reaches a hundred meters around it, it loses all its kinetic energy and falls to the ground.
Even those super heroes famous in the Nordic bear country, when approaching a hundred meters from their side, fell down as if they were evacuated with all their strength, as if they were falling down like a soup chicken, being continuously dropped by bullets, shells, and smashes. Full of bags.
After a full ten minutes of uninterrupted attack, the attack gradually began to stop, until finally all guards lost their confidence to attack, and decadently watched it levitate outside the Ice Palace.
After the guards' attacks stopped, the Huayan man, who was like an immortal, emerged with 9 handles emitting huge energy fluctuations behind him, faintly like a sword light with transparent water lines.
The shadowless and invisible sword flashed past, and the leadership among the Nordic bears immediately went to ten.
"Take me to your nuclear bomb library."
This man, who was like a fairy, naturally came to the ancient dust of the ice palace in the Nordic bear country.
Although Gu Chen speaks Huayan language, all the people present understood the meaning of Gu Chen naturally after the message was conveyed through mental thought.
"I... we don't know where the nuclear depot is, so Joseph knows where!"
Faced with the ancient dust that could not be defeated at all, no, it was like the ants faced the dragon, and there was no chance of fighting.
The first master of the Nordic Bear Country today, one of the top ten masters of the earth star world, the world's first awakening giant warrior in the past life, very consciously gave up resistance, said the bag covering his head.
"What do you want to do?! If you want to use these nuclear bombs to do evil, then I will commit suicide now, and will never let you succeed!"
Chessef, betrayed by the giant soldier, is an old man with a goatee.
Although he is not young, the fortitude and anger on his face are stronger than many young people present.
He didn't wait for Gu Chen to ask who was Joseph, and he took out his pistol and put it on his head, glaring at Gu Chen and scolding.
Regarding the threat of Qisef, Gu Chen casually used a sword light, and shattered the pistol in his hand.
"That disappointed you. I just went to destroy those things. After all, no one wants to have a bomb in their house, right?"
The intention of this suspense is to give himself a step.
As long as he can successfully achieve his goal, Gu Chen does not mind following him, giving him a step down.
"I believe that a strong man like you will not lie about such things at will. These are the places where our Nordic bear country stores nuclear bombs."
I don’t know. At this moment, Chessef, who was performing a global live broadcast, hurried down after giving himself a step, and then told the dust to the Nordic Bear Country about the storage of the nuclear bomb.
"It's true, in the future, the Nordic Bear Country will be yours. If there is nothing wrong, just watch the live broadcast of my stay."
After accepting the electronic map in the hands of Chessef, Gu Chen nodded with satisfaction, and after leaving a word, he moved towards those locations.
"Live broadcast? What live broadcast? Why didn't anyone tell me just now that this is a live broadcast?"
Hearing Gu Chen's words, Qi Shifu was stunned. After Gu Chen left, he quickly roared and roared.
Hearing the roar of Qisef, he saw the guard he had just looked at. He immediately sneaked a direct control of a film and television ball in the Ice Palace and connected to the live broadcast of Hua Yanguo.
In the constipated look of Qisef's face, when Gu Chen's figure appeared again, he had reached a reserve in the Nordic Bear Country hidden in the mountain.
Just like the scene at the time of the Ice Palace, the attack of the guards of the reserve can never be close to the range of 100 meters from Guchen.
After stunning these guards with mental shock, Gu Chen directly took out all the nuclear warheads in the reserve.
Then, after going deep into the air, the nuclear warheads were detonated in the eyes of everyone in fear and disbelief.
The dazzling mushroom cloud shone high in the sky, but there was no energy at all, and it spread from the explosion in the high sky.
As if it was an explosion in another time and space.
The reason for this is naturally because Gu Chen raised his sword domain skills to the level.
Within the sword domain, this kind of even the rule level has not been reached. It is completely an explosion that achieves the damage effect by volume. Naturally, it is completely controlled by Gu Chen.
Gu Chen knew the difference in energy levels, so he wouldn't find it incredible.
However, for the rest of the entire planet, Gu Chen is just as powerful and terrifying as the gods.
You know, Guchen detonated not a nuclear bomb, but at least hundreds of nuclear bombs!
At this moment, all the people in the entire planetary world who saw this scene were shocked by the collective loss of voice.
Detonating a hundred nuclear bombs without dying, which completely shattered the worldview of all viewers, and highlighted the invincible power of Gu Chen's unmatched match.
With these 100 nuclear bombs immortal deterrent, Gu Chen successfully destroyed all the nuclear bombs of the Nordic Bear Country. They even gave up their resistance completely, and when Gu Chen arrived, they voluntarily handed over the nuclear bombs one by one.
Immediately afterwards, Gu Chen walked through all the known nuclear countries of Earthstar as if he were going to collect protection fees.
After receiving a wave of nuclear weapons, Gu Chen presented a wave of fireworks in front of everyone.
When it blew to the back, all the people who watched it were even numb. They would also discuss which mushroom cloud exploded and the number of nuclear bombs detonated more...
After destroying most of the Earth's nuclear power with his own strength, Gu Chen began to find other testers in the Kaidian system, and how he managed the parent star after acquiring his own parent star.
As a result, this search turned out nearly 10,000 plans.
With a curious and academic attitude, Gu Chen opened some of them and looked at them.
"The mother star is the weakness, and the weakness is not necessary. Exterminating the mother is to exterminate your own weakness!"
"In the beginning, I let them freely develop for three years. However, the technology obtained from Qidian Mall allowed their strength to grow rapidly. What grows together with strength is their ambition. Driven by their ambition , They launched a war against me, and I easily defeated them. However, my family was affected by the war and all left me. Losing the beloved planet, there is no need to exist..."
"This is my planet, and I am the only king on this planet! My family, future generations, have become the noblest existence of this planet, with the right to dominate all life and death. However, it is the most terrible devil, I love the most 'S son, even plotting with my enemies for the rights of this planet. Although I ended up killing the enemies and crushing their conspiracy at the cost of serious injuries, I never wanted to return to this planet. . Since you want rights, then give you all the rights. But, without my protection, how long can you survive in this universe where hunters are everywhere..."
Randomly open a few plans, the results of several plans, all ended in failure.
Then, Gu Chen quickly brushed through these programs, or records, messages, and emotions.
After looking at each of the plans that failed or succeeded, Gu Chen finally selected one of them, a plan to raise his own weight as a plan for the earth star.
The so-called self-reliance of the invaders is of course to cultivate suitable enemies so that they will not lose value and obtain resources.
The reason why this planet will be chaotic is that the extinction disappears and the external enemies disappear, so it will naturally point the finger at the inside.
Therefore, Gu Chen intends to give these guys of the Earth Star a good enemy.
Of course, in addition to giving pressure and threats, Gu Chen must also give them a hope, a hope for them to see victory.
With the planned plan in mind, Gu Chen's first step is to sow the seeds of evolution into the ocean of earth stars.
Immediately afterwards, with the power of hardly resisting thousands of nuclear bombs, it was strongly announced that all countries must accept the leadership of the Star Lord House and the Ancient City.
The Star Lord's House, the ancient empty city, will rule the planet as an existence above the entire world.
Gu Chen initially thought that such a thing would be cumbersome and difficult.
However, after spending 200 million merit points to exchange for such a one, you can fly in the planet, and also have an automated production line, and the super-brained star main palace ancient sky city.
Along with the booming sound of machine work, a large number of combat robots began to take over the armed forces of various countries.
At the same time, Super Wisdom also created a new management plan for Earth Star.
Gu Chen does not need to worry about it at all. After Gu Chen granted his authority, he began drastic reforms, and the currency structure of the entire earth-star world.
It can be said that as long as the force and currency are controlled, the creatures in the earth-star world have no chance of turning over.
In the time when Gu Chen exchanged for the crystallization of God and improved his 6-turn breakthrough awakening, the whole world was plunged into turmoil.
Especially when Super Wisdom abolishes all currencies so that everyone exists on the same starting line and can only exchange goods through labor or creating value, the turmoil is far more intense than he imagined.
Amidst the turmoil, as time passed, Gu Chen did not intervene too much, and the development of this planetary world.
However, the ever-changing changes in the entire earth planet, Gu Chen can easily be seen.
After the military institutions and monetary institutions are all controlled by the Super Wisdom Brain, each country can basically only operate according to the rules established by the Super Wisdom Brain.
Even with protests and revolts, the super-intelligent brains that controlled the armed forces were easily suppressed.
With the promulgation of new laws and regulations, the authority of the terrestrial countries that have lost their military institutions has been further dispersed, and Super Wisdom has become more powerful and meticulous in its control of the entire terrestrial world.
All the plans of this super-intelligent brain are to respond to Gu Chen's requirements, that is, to keep the earth planet world in a stable, stable and united atmosphere without exposing the body of Gu Da Gu and Gu Ma.
Under the control of Super Wisdom Brain, the Earth Star World is running in an orderly manner just like the set mechanical world.
This way of living like a robot will naturally generate a lot of rebels.
It was at a time when countries were rebelling against the rule of super-intelligent minds.
Gu Chen's evolutionary seeds dropped in the ocean at the beginning, but they have urged the creatures in the ocean to generate a monster that can only land.
When the monsters under the sea rushed to the land with unstoppable momentum and destroyed cities.
The nations on the earth star finally couldn't bear it. When expressing their will to bow down to Gu Chen, they frantically asked the ancient empty city for help.
In the face of death, what freedom, what human rights, what will, no surprise, has become useless garbage like a roadside stall.
With the threat of the ocean family, countries have few rights and resistances, and they have been eaten up by super wisdom brains.
When the 20th day comes, UU reads www. uukanshu. The entire earth planet world has become the world of Gu Chen's imagination under the change of super wisdom brain.
Staying closed at night, leaving the road behind, travelling civilizedly, treating people politely, respecting the elderly and caring for the young are all basic. Under the supervision of a super-intelligent brain, violations of these basic etiquette and moral behaviors will be deducted from the current month's money.
Such as fighting, thieves, even robbery, strong X, touching porcelain, embezzlement, bribery, fish and fish people, it is no longer a simple deduction of the current month's money, according to the severity of the situation, the minimum is imprisonment , The highest can be sentenced to death.
The chaotic world uses heavy code. In Guchen, it is by no means a mere talk.
Extremely severe punishment, super intelligent brain's computing ability + collection ability + monitoring ability, death threat from the outside ocean family.
The joint implementation and emergence of these three conditions have directly led to the government and all peoples of the earth stars, and lost the last point of resistance.
The whole earth star has completely changed into the kind planned by Gu Chen, a paradise with no sin, no crime and no one dares to sin.
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