Chapter 1390: Suspension of sales

  Chapter 1382 Suspension of Sales
  The popularity of the second world is obvious to all.
  In just a few months of launch, it became popular all over the world.
  If it were not for the limited number of virtual helmets, the number of online users would have doubled again.
  Xingchen Group is not without a solution, looking for franchisees of virtual game experience centers all over the world.
  Although knowing this method, it is only a drop in the bucket for the hungry players around the world.
  But finally it barely solved the needs of some people.
  A large number of virtual game experience centers are blooming all over the world.
  Because everyone knows that as long as they can join, they will earn money.
  A lot of merchants came up.
  After the first round of preliminary selection, nearly 10,000 virtual game experience centers have been established around the world.
  Opening a virtual game experience center is very simple, as long as there is a virtual helmet, there is a place.
  Not all places must be built like Huaxia, and must be luxuriously decorated.
  For people in many countries, as long as they have a virtual helmet.
  If it weren’t for the Xingchen Group to have to conduct a corresponding investigation, I’m afraid they could be even more crude.
  Anyway, for players, they only need a place to sit and wear a virtual helmet to experience the real virtual world.
  The outside environment is invisible to them.
  As long as it is not particularly bad, it can be tolerated.
  But as the first batch of virtual game experience centers overseas, there must be some cards, can’t it really be like being in a dilapidated room, right?
  But even if it is decoration, they are very fast.
time is money.
  How can I do it if I don’t hurry up?
  Almost the first batch of overseas virtual game experience centers, all of them opened in less than half a month.
  The second batch of overseas virtual game experience centers are also undergoing intense renovation.
  According to this situation, it is estimated that by the end of the year, there will be nearly 100,000 franchise stores appearing all over the world.
  Each franchise store has the same virtual helmets, all of which are 100.
  It seems that there are many, but they are actually scattered in various countries, not too many.
  The helmet used in the virtual game experience center is different from the helmet used by ordinary players, and is a special customization.
  Xingchen Group simply relies on franchisees like these virtual game experience centers to sell virtual helmets, and it makes a lot of money.
  Players all over the world have long envied the ability of Chinese players to experience virtual games first, and now they can finally play these games in their country. How can they not make them crazy?
  Be aware that when virtual helmets were only sold in China, countless people tried their best to bring virtual helmets out of China.
  Of course, the virtual helmets are all advanced anti-theft devices, even if those overseas people buy virtual helmets, they can’t use them.
  Many people all over the world are thinking of buying virtual helmets for disassembly and preparing to imitate virtual helmets.
  This kind of copycat doesn't just appear in China.
  As long as there are benefits, they will appear all over the world.
  Those people who want to reverse the operation through the virtual helmet can only say that they think too much.
  The anti-piracy design is far more advanced than the current world, so that this idea was wiped out.
  These people didn't even open the outer shell, and the inside was bombed beyond recognition.
  It is harder to restore the real design of a virtual helmet through unrecognizable hardware.
  Not to mention, the key to the virtual helmet lies in the titanium germanium alloy, this magical material.
  Without this magical material, even if you can replicate the exact same virtual helmet, it cannot be used normally.
  The emergence of a large number of virtual game experience centers makes the second world and virtual games more popular.
  After months of publicity, basically wherever there is a network, they are covered by second-world advertisements.
  In order to allow more people to experience the virtual world, Star Group has made great efforts to produce virtual helmets.
  Virtual helmet production line, one after another has been added.
  Up to now, the annual output of virtual helmets has reached 100 million.
  And this speed is still rising. According to the internal forecast of the Star Group, the overall production output will probably remain at about 200 million per year.
  With the increase in production, the Star Group has gradually liberalized the ban on overseas sales.
  Same as Star Group’s previous products, the prices for internal sales and external sales are exactly the same, but the currency unit is different.
  Internal sales are Chinese currency.
  External sales are in U.S. dollars.
  At this price, would you like it?
  Xingchen Group is so domineering.
  In the beginning, facing this unfair sales treatment, there was a lot of opposition on the Internet.
  "Xingchen Group is crazy, right? The same product, why is it so expensive to sell to us? It is more than five times higher than China."
   "Demonstrations and marches must not allow the treacherous tricks of the Star Group to succeed. This is simply eating our meat and our blood. We demand fair treatment."
  "Requires equal treatment. If no equal treatment, we refuse to purchase virtual helmets.
  This kind of product with a huge price difference must not appear in our country. "
   "Xingchen Group is a monopolistic behavior, and heavy penalties must be imposed on this type of enterprise, otherwise it will be lawless."
  There are many people who attack the Star Group on the Internet, and most of these people are overseas.
  In the face of this crusade, Star Group has not issued a statement yet, and China’s netizens have confronted these people on the Internet.
   "You guys are funny, right? You originally asked for the Star Group to sell you virtual helmets. Now that you have a chance, you are clamoring here.
  If I were the person in charge of the Star Group, in the face of these clamors, I would cancel their purchase qualifications. "
  "If you treat them equally, I will hehe. In the past, which products produced to China in your countries have low prices?
  We Huaxia people use products with higher prices than other countries, and we have to be told by you.
  Now finally let you taste this taste.
  Don’t say much about other things, top one, come on, Star Group. "
  "What about monopolistic behavior? If you have the ability, don't you buy it?
  Even if the Star Group does not want to engage in monopolistic behavior, it still requires you to have this technology.
  If you don’t have this technology to come up with virtual reality technology, then buy it obediently and don’t talk too much nonsense. "
   "Haha! This is not the first time? If you think it is expensive, you can not buy it? No one is forcing you to buy it."
  "Reject, it's best to refuse all. That's good, we Huaxia people can get the virtual helmet as soon as possible.
  I am not satisfied, these helmets are squeezed out of China’s share.
  You don’t want it, so that we can buy our own virtual helmets faster. "
  There have been constant quarrels on the Internet, and Chinese netizens have formed an antithesis to overseas netizens.
  This kind of quarreling interface is getting more and more intense, and there is a great Internet storm.
  Some countries with ulterior motives, seeing this situation, couldn't help but step down personally to deal with the Star Group.
  Sam Country.
  Before the emergence of the Star Group, it was the country with the strongest scientific and technological strength on this planet.
  It can almost be said that most of the world’s science and technology started in this country.
   However, this situation was broken by China, who came from behind.
  Not only the Star Group, but also the previous Huawei Group.
  They don’t want to see other countries leading their own technological level. Faced with such a situation, they have carried out crazy targeting.
  This time is no exception, a brand new command was issued to the outside world.
  "In view of the fact that certain companies, the products they sell have monopolistic behavior and maliciously raise prices.
  If the normal price cannot be restored, the company’s products will be forbidden to be sold in Sam's country and allied countries. "
  Although there is no name or surname, everyone knows which company is mentioned in this order.
  There are many allied countries headed by Sam’s nation, which can almost be said to include most of the top countries on this planet.
  If there is such an alliance against a certain company, I am afraid it will really be closed.
  It is not the first time that they have done similar tricks.
   used to be for China.
  Now it is aimed at Huaxia's enterprises, but it is still aimed at Huaxia.
  As soon as this new command came out, there was another uproar on the Internet.
   "This time the Star Group is definitely going to be unlucky. Without the Allied market led by Sam Nation, sales will definitely shrink substantially."
   "No country can resist this offensive, let alone a private company? Wait for the follow-up."
   "I think this order will not have much impact on the Star Group.
  Because the Star Group is not listed, it is impossible to see their financial reports.
  However, according to the analysis of the Star Group this year, although the overseas market accounts for more than half of the profit of the Star Group, it is not necessary to choose the overseas market.
  The simple China market is enough to make Star Group earn a lot of money.
  It is very possible that this new order will cause a great counterattack from the Star Group. "
"This netizen's analysis is pretty reliable. The Star Group does not have the market of Sam Nation and its allies. It will indeed lose a lot of profits. But don't forget that this time the sales of virtual helmets are requested by players in your country , Rather than the active request of the Star Group.
  If it really prohibits the products produced by the Star Group from being sold in Sam Nation and its allies.
  The biggest loss is actually yourselves.
  This is definitely not an alarmist statement. If you don’t believe it, let us wait and see. "
  Star Group has not yet issued an announcement, and the players of Sam Nation and its allies have formed huge disagreements.
  "Isn't this order funny? The other party is also forbidden to sell products. You must first figure out who is asking whom.
  It's so funny to just listen to some people who don't know the so-called chattering and issue such an order.
  If you don’t have money, you can go to the virtual game experience center with peace of mind. Isn’t it good to line up?
  I have to buy a virtual helmet.
  It doesn’t matter if you buy it.
  But if you are poor, I can’t buy a virtual helmet.
  Don’t let me find who it is, one counts one. "
  "You’re right. If you can’t afford a virtual helmet, don’t mix things up here. Why don’t you go to the virtual game experience center and line up?
  Even if the price of virtual helmets is half as low, those who can’t afford it still can’t afford it.
  I only hope that the Star Group will not obey this order, otherwise, the virtual helmet we dream of will eventually be an illusion. "
   "Hehe! How many virtual game experience centers are there? Even if you want to experience it, you can’t experience it.
  The price of virtual helmets has come down, which is good for everyone.
  I don’t believe that the Star Group is so rigid, this is not a small market, at least it occupies nearly half of the market of the Star Group.
  Without these markets, Star Group’s profits will drop by at least 70%.
   Peace of mind, it won’t be long before you can receive the price reduction from Star Group.
  I dare not expect to drop too much. If the price can be reduced to half of the current price, it would be too comfortable. "
   "Half? No, no, no, I believe it will be reduced to the same price as Huaxia, and at most a little more transportation fee. This is also excusable."
  When there was a big disagreement within them, the Star Group did not get used to them and directly issued a brand new announcement.
  "I’m sorry to inform the players in the following regions. For some reasons, virtual helmets cannot be sold in this region for the time being. If there are players in the region who want to experience virtual helmets, they can go to other places to experience it.
  The sales time of virtual helmets in the following regions is to be determined.
  At the same time, the virtual game experience center in the area will be stopped at the same time, and the specific recovery time will wait for notification.
  Xingchen Group. "
  The announcement of the Star Group once again pushed this matter to a climax.
  Netizens from various countries have launched a lively discussion about this.
  Hua Xia netizen: "Hua Xia finally stood up. It is no longer the time when people were insulted.
  Strongly support the Star Group, good job, all of our netizens will give you a thumbs-up and cheer in the back! "
Overseas netizens: "Oh my God, is the Star Group so rigid? I thought there was some relaxation, but this involves a market of billions or even tens of billions of If you give up, you give up. Now? This courage is really great."
  Overseas netizen 2: "Don’t! I finally waited until I was able to buy a virtual helmet. Why did such a thing happen? Am I missing the virtual helmet after all?"
  Overseas netizen 3: "It's not a disaster for my family, don't let the virtual game experience center suspend, this is my only chance to get in touch with virtual games.
  Don’t deprive us of the right to access the virtual world in this way. "
  Overseas netizen 4: "If we leave these regions, can we buy virtual helmets in other regions? I have relatives who are not in these regions. I hope to get a positive answer."
  Overseas netizen 5: "Fortunately, my place is not in the above area, otherwise, I am afraid it will be the same as them."
  As soon as the announcement of the Star Group came out, a group of parades suddenly appeared in Sam's country.
  And the brand they held was: "Strongly request that the Star Group be sold in China."
  "We have the freedom to purchase goods, and we cannot make a one-size-fits-all product."
  The number of parades from various countries suddenly increased.
  (End of this chapter)
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