Chapter 110: : Sometimes it's too troublesome to be too powerful ...

A man and a woman plus two dolls, so led by their men, walked all the way into the hall of Noble Garden.
[I rely, this building is really good! 】
[That ’s right, so tall and noble]
The two bear-child actors who had just died of dad, with the expression of a countryman entering the city, Yu Nu Wugua turned his head and glared at them, and the two dolls came down honestly.
Yu Nuwu continued to move forward with sighs, but not to blame these three guys. After all, it ’s the player ’s mentality. It ’s obviously a bit embarrassing to let them be like the secret agents in reality, plus the architecture here is indeed It feels very noble.
This exaggerated hall is at least more than 20 meters high, and it is cut with an extremely beautiful white stone. The overall design is magnificent and magnificent. Whether it is exquisite murals, outstanding patterns and carving skills, and noble architectural materials at a glance, All reflect the extravagance of nobility.
At this point, the special effects made by ancient ruins in the movie are completely incomparable, and it is no wonder that the expression of these three people, although the Mars base is technologically explosive, but after all, it pursues practicality and this artistic building that pursues luxury. Nature has different shocks.
"Several, please here!" The attendant led them all the way into the labyrinthine garden of the back hall. It's hard to imagine that a private garden will be more dazzling than their real parks. This is obviously After the wise garden designer designed the backyard garden with hundreds of flower workers taking care of it every day, the rain girl without melons couldn't help but get hot.
Secretly said in my heart: the ambition must be replaced by it!
"Admiral Wallis, they are here!"
Under a trimmed fruit tree, Wallis was sitting on a mahogany chair in a white dress. The large dining table was decorated with exquisite refreshments. The surrounding fruit trees were lush, and the fruit was red and beautiful, exuding the fragrance.
Yu Nu Wu Melon looked up, these specimens were collected from the fruit base, the name was unclear, it looked beautiful and the fragrance was fragrant, but in fact it tasted sour and awkward, it was difficult to sip, this nobility is obviously planted here just for beauty .
Dog Capital really can play Yu Nuwu's heart secretly vomiting.
"Icasio. Is Tully?" Wallis crossed his hands and looked at each other with interest: "Is the Tully family in Red River Castle?"
"Yes, the master" Yu Nuwugua stepped forward slightly and did a noble etiquette.
"I can see it," Varis slightly appreciated. "Only in the south, only the Tuli family has such sapphire blue eyes and this natural reddish brown beautiful hair."
"Adult's words are too heavy" Yu Nuwugua smiled slightly: "Aren't all the nobles who moved from the gray soil island in the Red River Basin like this?"
"Oh, look at my memory," Wallis said with a slight apology.
Yu Nuwu smiled politely on the face, but secretly sneered in his heart. The noble looked young but alert enough. If he had read the memory of the present owner, I am afraid it would be revealed.
Graystone Island is one of the Western Archipelago. Due to the active volcano on the island, it erupts all the year round. As a result, the limestone after the condensate melt is often named in the address. The magician who made the golem was relocated by the clan after the great emperor of the first generation of steel and military emperors. Now most of them live in the Honghe generation of the empire.
The status of the mage who can make golems in the Western archipelago is actually not high. The people of this island are often caught by slave traders to serve as slaves to the upper class nobles.
However, because of the immense significance of the city's defense in the Iron and Steel Empire, the status of the mage produced in the Grey Earth Island was straightened up, and soon occupied a place in the imperial nobility.
Once humble, they hated others mentioning this history, and the people on this island were so united that few nobles within the empire explicitly mentioned these ancient events, so for hundreds of years, in addition to reading the aristocratic history inside Personnel, outside civilians, few people knew about it.
"You must be hungry all the way? Please sit down!" Wallis smiled.
"It's rude" Yu Nuwu smiled and dragged the servants to change the skirt that she had just given her another salute before bringing the two stupid bear kids looking around into the table.
The knight who played Rob on the side stood quietly behind.
At this time, Wallis first noticed the other party's appearance quickly: "This is the heroic knight who escorted your mother and son to Codoville all the way?"
"Yes, lord!" Yu Nuwu smiled slightly, then gestured to Rob behind him, and Rob walked forward with a serious knightly kneeling ceremony: "Rob. Greetings, may the gods bless adults! ".
Ducaocia? This surname is decent, but Wallis thought about it but had not heard of this family. Obviously, like intelligence, he was a civilian knight.
Thinking about this, he looked at each other. This Rob was taller than the knights born in the south. This height seemed to be more than two meters. He specially asked the attendant to change his slim clothes and looked at the smooth lines. Wallis was more and more satisfied in his heart. It seems that although this guy applied to come to the south, he did not ignore the exercise as a fighter himself because of the slow-paced atmosphere here!
"I'm curious" Varis smiled softly: "The Flower Town is not close to here, even if you take the Empire Road and the whip, you have to spend two days and one night. How did you break through the orcs with women and children? And successfully arrived here? Can you tell me more about it? "
Speak Nima
The elf player who pretended to be Rob looked at the exquisite desserts on the dining table and watched the other two doll-dogging guys gobble up but could only stand here to bask in the sun. Why do you want to tell you a story?
I suddenly regretted choosing this role to play.
However, under the slightly threatening look of Yu Nu Wu Gua, the player remembered the system's 5,000 point deduction and confiscated the punishment of the field, but he couldn't help but pouted, but a serious and ashamed kneeling as per the script of the previous exercise Tao: "The failure to protect the Baron Master is in dereliction of duty, and I am willing to accept any punishment."
"Whether to punish you depends on the experience you tell!" Wallis wiped his lips with a napkin and said slightly: "I am a person who is good at listening to stories, so you better not make up stories."
"Yes!" Rob bowed his head and said: "It happened seven days ago in the afternoon. I was originally on vacation, and I am excited to date someone who introduced me to my blind date."
"Oh" Varis smiled slightly and secretly said: This beginning should not be false. After all, the Cavaliers in the south of the country spend most of their leisure time on weekends. To say that this time it is a bit fake to be loyal to the Lord's Manor.
"I didn't expect that the subordinates heard the cry of the attacking horn from the jackals without any warning. The subordinates thought they heard it wrong, but they didn't expect it."
"Is there no sign?" Wallis whispered: "Mordo was captured and you didn't receive any news from you?"
"Morendo really fell?" Rob asked with a complex tone.
Varys looked at each other carefully, looking at the seemingly unexpected but complex color on his face, Varys nodded and said in a deep voice: "You continue to say"
"It's an adult!" Rob obediently said: "At that time, everything happened too fast. I hurried towards the lord's manor, but when I arrived, I saw that Lord Barr Fair died under the leader of the cavalry, I saw that the rescuer had no choice but to sneak in through the back door of the manor, and finally found the lady lord and her two children in the basement.
Wallis: "How did you protect the two children from rushing out in that complicated environment?"
Rob: "Although the orcs were coming at that time, but their strength was not much, otherwise I could not sneak into the back door of the lord's manor. In the chaotic situation, I took my wife and children to break out from the northwest corner and were killing After several jackals and an ogre, they managed to escape into the thorn forest, and had been hiding in the thorn forest for two days before they brought the husbands to the trail. "
"Thorn Forest?"
Rob: "A mountain forest full of thorns outside the Flower Town, due to the complex terrain and dissatisfaction with thorns, is basically a barren mountain that no one is close to."
"You will choose the escape route," Varis nodded in satisfaction. The logic of the matter expounded in the other party's mouth is very smooth, and it also reflects his bravery and alertness. It is indeed a personal talent.
But the old knight Dane on the side suddenly said: "You just said that you killed a ogre alone?"
"Yes, lord!" Rob said head-on.
Yu Nu Wu Gua once said to him that he must show his bravery as much as possible before he could be reused, so this time he chose to raise his head and formally speak in the other person's eyes.
Old Dane laughed: "This is not a simple matter for a bronze knight"
"That's just for the soft-ball knights in the south," Rob said bluntly: "It's just a common thing for knights from the northern battlefield!"
Discourse was full of dissatisfaction with the other party questioning his bravery.
Varis was even happier when he heard this, and he didn't hate it at all now, which at least proved that the other party had confidence.
Dane continued: "Is it so beautiful to say whether it's such a thing that I need to know beforehand"
"It's an honor to be able to compete with you as a grown-up knight!" Rob said with a sharp breath.
In my heart, I sighed secretly: Trouble, it is really the same as the rain girl, and I still have to do it.
He is not afraid to do it. What troubles him is how to control his strength and perform evenly against the weak old man in front of him?
Hey sometimes strength is too troublesome
Player silently sighed
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