Chapter 160: : The truth of the world (middle)

"Talk about..."
Ysera seemed to be very interested in the elves in the dog's mouth.
Faced with Ysera's request, Brother Gou couldn't refuse for some reason, so he didn't have any defense, and talked about things in the base endlessly.
"When it comes to elves, I have a big stomach. Obviously, they were all such strange hairballs at the beginning. After the evolution, they were all handsome men and beautiful women. I knew that this young man would not choose this meat bump. You said this meat bump is no one. It doesn’t matter if you can beat others, but in fact, even if you fight, most of the Titans can’t beat the elves..."
"Which ones you can't beat?" Ysera had an expression of interest, as if a classmate who had better grades than him while listening to a child describe him in school.
"Actually not much.... First of all, it is the Doudou. It is purely a metamorphosis of racial skills. The natural shading skills seem to be able to distort all attacks. No matter how good your weapon skills are, you can't fight at all. In her, I really don’t know how there is such a bug race in the world. If it is a game, it should be like the Sword Girl in LOL. It’s too buggy to hack it hard."
"Then that guy Xu Xian, that guy looks bored like a rock on weekdays, and his hands are really unambiguous. If the first shooter of our base is not majoring in long-range, it is estimated that Leng Xing's operation strange may not Get past each other."
"You ask who is Leng Xing? He is our Green Titan's card face, the only Green Titan who can be ranked in the top five of the top five."
"And Li Goudan, I'll go, such a foolish guy who entered Xinghai at least half a year later than me. He overtook Ben Shao abruptly. He was hit by that stinky girl several times when he was hit on the ground by that stinky girl. ..... I seriously think we should strengthen the Titans... well, this does not seem to be a game..."
Ysera was smiling on the side, listening to the opponent chattering quietly. When he heard the opponent complaining about her genes, Ysera laughed and said: "The agile life forms will be very dominant in the early melee combat. But this advantage will become smaller and smaller in the future. Titans are the strongest melee race in the world. You have to believe this..."
"Really?" Brother Gou was immediately excited when he heard this, meaning that they were actually in the late stage?
This relationship is good, let's say it earlier, it turns out that those dog elves are the prestige!
When I think of this dog brother, I suddenly feel that the future is bright...
Just when Brother Gou was so happy, a cold voice interrupted Brother Gou's excitement.
Brother Gou heard the reputation, and immediately stayed in place.
To be honest, I used to think I was a little immune to the beautiful appearance. After all, the elves in the base are very beautiful, and they are several times better than the stars with the filters.
There should be no better-looking existence in this world, but after seeing the woman in front of him, Brother Gou felt that he was wrong.
It's really a mountain higher than a mountain...
It was a figure with silver-gray light, covered with a set of silver moonlight-like veil. The graceful figure embodied the word beauty to the fullest, only feeling that the entire beautiful scenery around her was centered on her.
"You can finally give it up?" Ysera grinned.
"Huh..." The woman snorted coldly and walked slowly towards Brother Dog.
"Stand up straight and raise your head!"
Brother Gou was taken aback, but still subconsciously followed suit. Although the other party was a bit cold, he inexplicably didn't want to refuse the other party's order.
But the other party did not have the affinity of the green dragon.
Why would I be so obedient?
Do you lick a dog too?
Can't it?
While thinking about it, I saw the other party's two white hands stretched out from the silver-gray shadow gauze, gently pressed them on the shoulders of the dog, and quickly fumbled.
"You...what are you doing?" Brother Gou was so scared that he wanted to back off, what's the situation with this woman? I just touched it when I came up, we are not that kind of person!
Didn’t you see someone watching?
"do not move!"
The woman glared at Brother Gou, and a strong pressure made Brother Gou be honest in an instant.
After groping for a while, the woman stepped back slightly, looked at Brother Dog carefully, and muttered: "Unbelievable..."
"Right?" Ysera smiled: "I didn't even dare to believe it at first. A married vaccination, regardless of the purity of the skeleton and bloodline, is even more pure than the authentic royal brother. It seems that the old guy did not lie to us. , There is such a existence in this world..."
"It seems to be..." The woman squinted slightly, carefully felt the breath on the dog's body, and nodded slightly. The aura on this person was indeed the same as those of the royal family at the time, even pure!
"I said..." Brother Gou couldn't help it finally: "Should you explain what happened?"
A bunch of inexplicable words, and some inexplicable woman came up to fumble him, just want to pass it? What is he really?
"It's also..." Ysera nodded when she heard the words, "Some things should really tell you. After all, although there are many people with this physique, there are not many royal bloodlines now, not everyone. All as lucky as you."
"Royal blood?" Brother Gou was taken aback. What happened?
"First introduce..." Ysera's voice became solemn: "My name is Ysera, I am the last guardian of the Emerald Dream of the Green Dragon clan, and the next one is Diana, a moon elf. The last survivor of the royal family..."
"Moon Elf?"
At this moment, in a valley thousands of miles away, in the matrix of layers of space folded, Xi Ye looked at Lulu in amazement, "There are moon elves in this world?"
Anyone who has studied racial studies should know the three ancient species of elves!
The wood elves representing life, the demon elves representing time and space, and the moon elves representing the spirit system!
That is the royal family in the true sense of the elves. It used to create the three ancient families of the splendid elven civilization of the universe. But now, in addition to the wood elves that spread the essence of life, there are still a lot of genes, and the remaining two species seem to disappear directly. general.
If it weren't for some historical records of the elven civilization, many people would not know that there were such two races, and even many historians questioned this documentary, thinking that it was made up by the starry sky elves in order to improve the historical status of elves.
Because indeed, countless archaeologists in the Universe Federation have not been able to find even the slightest trace of the other two species.
But this is also normal. Compared with the wood elves that spread vitality, the power controlled by the other two elven royal families sounds too unbelievable. In the eyes of many historians, those two existences are more like myths fabricated by the elves themselves... .
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