Chapter 1207: : Bolton's Fate (Part 1)

"Sir? Lord Bolton?"
In a magical world full of biological fibers, Bolton was awakened by his subordinates in a daze.
Bolton turned his head and looked at the other person, calling him a huge demon, his skin was petrified, like a three-dimensional earth element, but the muscles, corners and physiological lines were perfect, completely similar to the stone man formed by ordinary earth elements. It is two varieties.
It is the commander of the Sixth Legion in his power: Rock Demon Bogus!
The magnitude of the huge space storm exceeded his imagination. Bolton looked around and found that it seemed that this stupid man was alone beside him. It seemed that the others should have been blown to different pieces.
When the storm rolled up, he felt very sensitively that the core of this world was operating, and it was obvious that the owner of this world had divided his team.
But he was not worried. Everyone who followed him was a top-notch demon, a direct descendant of the higher demon species, and they were as strong as Sabo or even stronger.
But he was curious, why did the master of this world keep Bogus by his side?
"My lord..." Bogus rubbed his head honestly and asked, "What shall we do now?"
Bolton looked around and asked, "Have you detected it just now? Are there any signs around you?"
"" Baogusi said with a silly smile: "My lord, you haven't spoken. I thought you were exploring, so I didn't disturb you. As a result, I saw that you didn't move for a long time. I found you in a daze..."
Bolton: "........"
Looking at the big silly smile, Bolton was a little speechless. In terms of strength, Bogus is definitely not below Saab, but in terms of IQ... Well, it's really easy to worry about being outside.
I don't know what the Rock Demon Tribe thinks, but actually sent this guy to his own power...
The process of obtaining the Celestial Qualification was a bit bumpy. At first, I was recommended by the elders of the Dylan Demon Clan, and then I was favored by the elders of the Flame Demon Tribe and Fallen Angel Clan, and finally obtained this qualification.
However, the high-level demons of other tribes are not optimistic about himself as a Dylan demon. In the abyss, Dylan demon is synonymous with greed and short-sightedness. Many high-level demons do not believe in themselves, although they have performed well enough in many cases.
Bolton was born after the upper three floors were closed, and he had no knowledge of that period of history.
He was shocked when he heard that the elders above planned to let himself become a god. After all, there has never been a case of a demon in the history of the abyss. He had always thought that the Federation had refused to become a god.
But I didn't expect the above to give myself such a path.
When he first heard this news, his heart was extremely complicated. After all, his original ideal was to become the patriarch of Dylan Demon and lead Dylan Demon to glory.
But I didn't expect that the above would be more optimistic about himself, and he actually made himself a to change the situation of the Abyss Demon in the Federation.
To be honest, he didn't think that such a major mission could land on him, but he was very excited. After all, this path was obviously more challenging and more meaningful than being a demon leader of a single race.
With incomparable enthusiasm, he came to the Celestial Academy and started the journey of the Celestial Dream.
But this road is harder than imagined...
With the backing of many demon tribes in the abyss, he will naturally not become a tourist lord like Xi Ye’s poor B. The opening planet and location are very good, the first-level initial planet, the indigenous group with excellent genetic qualifications, The surrounding good interstellar ecology, various energy mines and reserve life stars are perfect.
It is not difficult to get all of this, as long as they are willing to spend money, the top demons of the abyss are not short of money, and they are still crowdfunding, so they are naturally not short of this starting resource.
But the path of God Lord is not necessarily a good starting resource.
The federal government has a bill prohibiting the monopoly of large families. Except for investment promotion and school introduction, the lord of the gods must not hire outsiders beyond his fifth level, and the strength of the forces must comply with the rules of the gods contract!
The last sentence is very restrictive to the children of the big family, almost eliminating the possibility of the big family directly sending the strong to settle in the children of the gods.
This is related to the Tenjin Contract, which is not infinite.....
It’s not that a deity can sign in the strong without a brain as long as it has a site. This is not allowed by the laws of the deity, and the deity contract itself is not allowed. Once the capacity is exceeded, the deity itself will be burst because it cannot accommodate...
The rules are related to the territory.
With high-quality territories and world cores, the capacity of the gods will increase. With the beliefs of many people, the gods will be able to bear more and more contracts. Therefore, when signing the family children, the gods must It must have sufficient capacity.
Many people may ask, is it okay not to sign the Tenjin Treaty?
But it consumes a lot!
The law of the place occupied by the lords is very repulsive to the outside world. If you don’t sign the contract, the elements of the entire planet will reject the other party, which makes the advanced life forms unable to absorb energy through various methods such as breathing and meditation to maintain energy consumption.
There is no ordinary element to absorb and maintain physical energy. The higher the consumption of life forms, the higher the consumption, especially the dragon-level star power, which is very exaggerated and needs a lot of advanced nutrient solution!
And it can't be improved through local elements.
Regardless of the cost of the former or the stagnation of the latter’s evolution of their own life, neither the strong can accept it, so no matter how strong the family is, it will basically not settle in the strong to protect or open up the land of the descendants of the gods. It is not equal, and it does too much damage to the advanced power.
Investment promotion and school settlement are exceptions. Qualified companies and schools can be supplied through public energy channels provided by the federal government.
However, it is very difficult to apply for this kind of channel. Fortunately for schools, as long as there are higher education institutions with federal certification level 3 or above, they are all eligible to apply for public energy channels. However, companies want to apply and need very strict review. There is the Celestial Alliance for business. It is possible to assess that a large amount of customs taxes will be paid.
And whether it’s a school or a company, there is no Abyss Demon...
The entire Confederation can openly use the school to shelter the forces, only the Star Elves have done it.
Of course, there is still Xi Ye, but the way is different. The Star Elves relied on the strong background of their clan to establish a higher education institution, and the only who sheltered was the original one, Xi Ye... Relying on a group of hanging forces to attract the past.
So when Bolton started, although he had a good start, he did not have any other resources. He had to face a lot of problems, such as interference from other lord forces, or interstellar pirates. ! !
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