Chapter 1237: : Puppet Master!

This guy is still so brave...
Brother Gou looked at the cowering grandfather, his expression couldn't help but his expression was awkward, he was so delicious and playful, his personality was exactly the same as when he was in South Africa last time...
When I think of the South African dog brother, I think of the liver emperor in their trio, and I don't know what happened to that guy or whether he was involved.
At this time, the battlefield was in a stalemate. Lord Bolton continuously introduced high-quality fire elements through the Balrog Star, while paved the way, while replenishing energy for the two fallen angels.
Sephiroth was mainly in charge of the game, and relying on the Wind King enchantment, his sensitivity reached the extreme, and he was able to handle the three zombies.
Vera's law is to walk in the distance, try not to be affected.
It's not that she didn't want to participate in the war, but from the very beginning Sephiroth was very disgusted and threw her away, letting herself not drag him down.
In fact, in the fight at this time, her eyes could hardly keep up with the speed of those figures!
Although those three guys are zombies, their agility and softness are not enough, but their explosive power is at the level they should be. The speed of the rampage is completely out of the star level. With that energy, Velafa feels that he will be touched. Bone to pieces, even Lord Bolton, who mastered the law, did not dare to approach, only dared to use the energy of the activation star to hit the control field from a distance.
Only Sephiroth who has mastered the power of the wind is mainly responsible for the game!
Looking at the three such powerful beings, Sephiroth who was still at ease, Verafa finally understood a little bit about why the future head of the family, known as the most talented in the past, would choose the inheritance of the wind king.
She vaguely heard from her mother that the leader of the previous generation of fallen angels died unnaturally and died at the hands of a void assassin. That time the fallen angels assisted the fourth lord, Queen Xi, to seal a void rift, but that time the fallen angels The leader didn't even play a role, and instantly died in the hands of the assassin who had the title of Queen of Blades.
He didn't even use the power of the fallen angel Ice King's bloodline. If it weren't for the Greek Queen to do it herself, I'm afraid the Ice King's bloodline genes would be lost.
When the Federation sent people back to the genes after the war, this matter almost became the laughingstock of the abyss. At that time, many lower-level demons even thought that the power of fallen angels was nothing more than that. After that battle, many Federation assassins began to dare to invade the third layer. Hunted down the blood of the fallen angel.
This is also the main reason why Sephiroth chose the bloodline of King Wind. The bloodline of King Wind is the most flexible bloodline and the bloodline that is least afraid of assassins.
At this time on the battlefield, Sephiroth’s basic abilities are actually not much stronger than Verafa. In terms of explosive power, Verafa has the blood of Gorefiend, but he does not, and may even be two points lower than Verafa. .
But in the face of three monsters several times higher than Villafa, he can handle it.
Every time those zombies try to catch him, he is like a dandelion in the wind, able to avoid each other very dexterously, and will really use the words of softness to overcome the strength to the extreme...
This is a good trial...
Sephiroth, who had closed his eyes at this time, completely invaded the Wind King barrier, feeling the changes in every trace of power in the world. This kind of uncomfortable, but explosive opponent cannot be encountered at any time. , A little carelessness can make him shattered. Under such extreme pressure, Sephiroth feels that he has almost used the power of the Wind King to the extreme!
Faintly, I felt a trace of excitement!
In mid-air, Bolton, who controls the energy of the Balrog Star and the Fallen Angel Star, looked at the battlefield and breathed a sigh of relief. This time it seemed that there was not much change. Sephiroth was indeed the most talented Fallen Angel since so many eras. The children of, have used this wind king inheritance almost to the extreme.
If this continues, as long as he continues to provide energy to keep him physically fit and accumulate the quality of the fire element, after reaching a certain level, he can use the star matrix forbidden technique to completely eliminate these zombies!
Fortunately, the opponent is just a group of beasts without IQ...
Although he was a little uncomfortable being used as a pawn, Bolton could still accept this level of opponents, and it was better than when these guys returned to Andrew's hands.
While thinking about it, suddenly there was a sneer in the space...
The sneer was so gloomy, like a sudden cold wind blowing into his spine, Bolton couldn't help but shiver.
Bolton scanned the surroundings carefully, but couldn't find the source of the sound for a while!
Is it an assassin?
It is impossible for a zombie to create a profession like an assassin, and this sneer is very malicious, and it is not a puppet object like a zombie that can be sent.
What the is that?
Sephiroth, who was in the formation at this time, also heard this sneer, and got closer. Upon closer inspection, he found that it was actually the tall and mighty Black Titan in front of him!
The corners of the Titan's mouth curled up, and a very weird smile appeared on his face. The original mighty and magnanimous image looked sneaky here!
"It's another delicious flesh..."
A creepy voice came from the Titan's mouth, only trembling with Sephiroth, who was close at hand.
"What the hell?"
Just in Sephiroth's horror, a more uncomfortable voice came. The sound, like the sound of joints and bones rubbing, sounded goose bumps.
Sephiroth glanced away from the corner of his eyes, and his face suddenly stiffened when he saw the source of the sound.
I saw the other two zombies suddenly lying on the ground, their bodies twisted strangely, and the visible changes in their bones and joints changed from mighty and majestic warriors into extremely strange alien shapes!
boom! !
In the next second, one of the figures suddenly rushed towards him at a very exaggerated speed, and the mode of action was extremely weird, completely not the way ordinary humanoid creatures should.
When Sephiroth saw this, he quickly retreated, using the power of the Wind King's enchantment and still dexterously avoided the strange attack.
Sephiroth smiled coldly: "It turns out that the puppet master was hidden!"
Puppet master, a genre of necromancers specializing in undead zombies, think about it, how can you not get a superb puppet master with so many top zombies?
At first, both he and the lord thought that Andrew was the puppet master, but he didn't expect someone else.
But what? Your own wind king enchantment is the most fearless power of speed. Even if you change your form and become more flexible, you still can't touch me. When the lord accumulates enough energy, your end will still be the same...
and many more....
Suddenly, Sephiroth remembered something, and suddenly looked in the other two directions.
Yes, if the zombies have human command, they will not only attack themselves without thinking...
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