Chapter 1298: : Winning rate!

"Can they win?"
After Wei En and the group left, Xi Ye asked worriedly, looking at them.
Nowadays, because of the strange monster incident, a group of people are reluctant to work together, but once the crisis is lifted, they will definitely fight again, and the two allies that they are most likely to win are these two!
The rest, whether it was the undead with a mysterious origin or the Lord Vogu who had specially tracked Andrew, obviously couldn't mix with him. The reason why he didn't do it was just that he hadn't figured out his details.
As for Andrew... It can almost be said that he is endlessly dying, even Lulu of the fairy clan, none of these two in front of her make her feel clear.
Although the little fairy is cute, she gives Xiye a feeling that it is no less dangerous than Andrew and the others.
Xi Ye paused suddenly. Could it be this guy that was the fourth life class?
It is not impossible to say that the people of the fairy clan who survive today are actually old monsters who have been reincarnated. The only difference is that some people have awakened memories and some people don’t. If they awaken memories, they can use some special methods to achieve Fate sea level is not impossible, after all, these old monsters have been countless times before being reincarnated, maybe they are fate sea level powerhouses...
The principal was silent. He obviously understood what Xi Ye meant. With so many candidates selected, Xi Ye in other groups wished that they would lose both sides and even die in the hands of strange demons. Those who most hope to return without injury are the two in front of him.
"From the configuration point of view, they have the highest winning rate against the Blood Demon Realm..." The principal thought for a while and said pertinently: "The top assassins cooperate with the top rangers, and they have a good winning rate against this kind of blood demon fighting on recovery. They couldn’t win, and it’s not a big problem to retreat all over, and they also brought a blood demon of the same level. The other party also signed a contract with the gods. The alien demon used the power of the original gods to replicate the domain and gave the little guy a chance to activate. If she helps us sincerely, with her trying hard to test, and then there are Wayne and Lanaya looking for opportunities to find weaknesses, I think the winning rate is at least 50%!"
"Only 50%?" Xi Ye was taken aback.
Hearing the other party talk about a lot of advantages, he didn't expect the winning rate to be so small when the conclusion came out. He thought that the other party would say 80%...
"What do you think the domain is?" The principal gave the other side a blank glance: "The domain opened by the alien demon using the spiritual power obtained by infecting the emerald dreamland has almost fully utilized the blood demon star. It is of high quality and is used to strengthen one. The entire blood demon army of the interstellar group is enough. With such a high-quality blood demon element bonus, do you really think that the opponent is muddy? That Sabo has a reputation in the mercenary world, and his previous strength is by no means under Vayne With the Blood Demon Domain bonus, ten Vaynes are not opponents under normal circumstances, and now we can estimate that 50% of the winning rate depends on the little fallen angel girl who can give her whole heart!"
"Tsk..." Xi Ye heard the words, and frowned under his helmet. "It sounds like this cooperative operation is very hanging. What if they fail?"
"Very serious!" The principal solemnly said: "At least you have to win half, destroying the three cores is the most basic, otherwise once the opponent infects enough cores, the control stability rate of the dragon king will be greatly increased. If you let it completely Controlling Ysera, the Dragon King, with a life-threatening Titan, I'm afraid I can't even delay time!"
"But..... You just said that we have the highest winning rate here, and it's only 50%. Then the others..." Xi Ye felt a little uncomfortable.
"Yes..." The principal looked at the closed teleporter: "The situation is actually not optimistic..."
Xi Ye: "Really so pessimistic?"
The principal was silent, and finally analyzed sincerely: "In the remaining four groups, Vogu is a complete Celestial Lord, and there is an exclusive master Lan Ling to cooperate. If the organic armor team cooperates with the high-quality mechanical field, The defensive rock demon Bogus has a winning rate of almost 50%..."
"The group of fallen angels is not without a chance. The mysterious undead gods and Andrew are the same size. The guy who can use the spear of time and space must have a lot of cards, plus the same mysterious fairy clan. The Fallen Angel Wind Demon Realm with the highest combat power is not impossible, but there is no specific information, and the winning rate is somewhat uncertain."
"If we can win all three, it will give us a lot of breathing space."
"Huh?" Xi Ye was taken aback: "I won three places, just fighting for breathing space?"
"So what do you think?" The principal sighed, "Once the alien demon starts to infect, it will not stop. If it destroys it once, it will find a way to continue. And it has a way to control half of the emerald space. You have to know, this emerald dream. It has existed for many years, it is impossible that there is nothing in it, if there are some high-level creatures, it can also form great combat power!"
"Hi..." Xi Ye took a breath: "It sounds troublesome, how to avoid this situation? Win all five?"
"If all five wins..." the principal nodded, "it will put the other party into a very passive situation. No matter what method is used for leapfrog infection, there will definitely be side effects. Once it fails, the side effects may be on the spot. It will explode, not to mention being killed directly, at least the vitality is greatly injured, but the possibility of winning in all five places is unlikely...especially the latter two groups..."
"The latter two groups?" Xi Ye frowned: "You said that illusionist? She is indeed exaggerated to hit a field by herself, but the other group is Andrew, do you think you can't beat it?"
"On the contrary..." the principal sighed: "In the remaining two groups, on the little Maya side, I am a little bit confident..."
Xi Ye: "Huh?"
Principal: "The little guy is very cunning. There is something to dare to hit a field by herself. Moreover, she used to work under the lord Evelyn and she was very trustworthy. The other party even gave her the artifact, maybe There are other cards on it. After all, at the very beginning, it can be calculated as a life-level Titan. There are still methods... and among the five domains, Shadow Demon Realm should be the weakest..."
Shadow Demon Realm is the weakest?
Before Xi Ye had time to ask, the principal started talking about the last topic: "On the contrary, Andrew's side..."
Xi Ye: "How to say?"
"He is indeed very strong. As one of the top ten lichs under the hands of Queen Xi, if he is in full bloom, even if he is facing the Dragon King, the winning rate is not low, but now this situation..."
The principal paused and said quietly: "No matter how strong the existence is, it cannot escape the basic law. The undead cannot exert its corresponding power on the material plane without a body. This is the iron law of the plane. No matter how powerful you are, you can't change it! The Balrog Domain is the most powerful force to restrain the undead. Unless he is prepared to have a hidden body, it is almost impossible to win this battle!"
On the other side, Andrew in the headmaster’s mouth brought Yu Nv Wugua just arrived in the area of ​​the Flame Demon. Yu Nv Wugua looked at the monstrous flame and swallowed her saliva and said, " let me be one. People go in and fight?"
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