Chapter 132: : Have to ask the dog lord to add money!

In the hall of the noble court in Kodovia, it has been temporarily requisitioned as a military parliament hall. Several golden knight-level imperial generals and imperial warlords: Rox surrounds the original dining table in the hall, using the faint fire light all night Da Dan's discussion is about recovering Morendo's offensive plan.
Originally, the halls of the aristocratic garden were all equipped with exquisite arcane lamp lighting. However, due to the chaos of the magnetic field, many arcane equipments have lost their effectiveness. Southern nobles are accustomed to using arcane products. The original lighting objects such as paraffin are generally only It is only available in the countryside, and ordinary people can afford to live in a small place in Cordoba, and this kind of thing is rarely used.
As a result, the lord here: Wallis can only temporarily find some flower oil to light the lamp. The lighting effect is very general. Not only the burning fire is pink, but also the smell of fuel has some inexplicable effects.
The gadget was originally used by the nobles to flirt privately. At this time, it was used in military meetings, which quite disrupted this serious atmosphere.
But I have to say that these big brothers are worthy of being the iron-blooded men of the long-term battlefield. They are extremely professional. In the face of this situation, they still discuss the combat plan seriously, and there is no violation, so that Wallis, who is accompanying him, is ashamed.
Not only these bigwigs, but the soldiers they brought also gave Varys a very professional feel.
Originally, as the lord, he prepared exquisite meat and wine for these soldiers coming from afar, but these soldiers did not drip wine without any instructions, and the orderly division of labor was first opened outside the city. After the various fortification equipments were brought in, then the equipment was inspected, the horses were fed, and a part of the people replaced the fortification work, and then began to eat in batches.
Faced with the elaborate food prepared by Wallis looking for the chef, these northern soldiers seemed to be very restrained. Everyone had a controlled amount of scoring, and they were not too full. They were afraid that an unexpected situation would affect their actions later.
More than half a million people, from entering the city to the present, there is no trace of chaos, the order is terrible and orderly, which makes Wallis extremely amazed and envied at the same time. Such soldiers are worthy of the northern Empire's ability to confront the orc tribe. Elite, it's a far cry from the wine bags that he messed up into a pot of porridge on the first day when he heard Morendo lost his guard! !
No wonder Old Dane despised the soldiers and knights in the south, and now he really understands the difference.
At this time, he carefully accompanied the big brothers who were one generation older than his father, and dared not leave.
But the energy of these old men was terribly vigorous. After discussing for almost one night, there was no meaning to rest. This made Valis, a noble, noble, tolerable, until he stayed until two or three in the morning. , Sitting on a chair, closed his eyes dimly.
I didn't know how long, a gentle female voice suddenly sounded: "Master Lord?"
"Yes!" A sharp man from Walliston stood up quickly, and he quickly said without opening his eyes: "Is there any need, Lord Duke of Rocks!"
But when I opened my eyes, I found that there was a dignified and beautiful rain girl without melons.
"Oh, Mrs. Icasio." Varis looked around in a daze, but found that the sky seemed to be bright, and the generals around him seemed to have discussed their ideas. At this time, they were sitting at the table and drinking Gargle and refresh with the tea from the maids around.
And with the fuss he stood up exclaimed, a group of big brothers glanced at him with a little dissatisfaction, and one of the bald old men glared at him directly: "The descendants of the Belchian family are really not as good as the next generation Is better than a woman !!! "
Varis was dumbfounded, and stepped back a little bit guilty, quietly asked the maid: "What's the situation?"
The maid responded in a low voice: "Master Varis, the flower oil in the hall was burnt out after you fell asleep yesterday. When the general came out and asked us to ask for the flower oil, we did not know where you usually put it. Mrs. O brought some soybean oil in time, and brought supper to the generals, and always accompanied them on behalf of you. "
Walliston froze for a moment, then asked, "Send it at two or three o'clock? Didn't she rest last night?"
"No," the maid said cautiously: "Sir Varis doesn't know? Mrs. Icassio will go to the soldiers who keep the city every night these days to deliver supper and wake-up tea. They all fell asleep in the early morning."
What's the matter? Varys frowned slightly. In the past few days, he had put all his thoughts on receiving the Imperial Army. Whether it was purchasing food or the arrangement of the temporary residence, he was too busy. He ignored the baroness for the time, but did not expect the other party to have this Enveloping the mind.
But why did she do this? Those guys who keep the gate should not help her son to succeed the Duke of Ferron? Shouldn't you go to the tea party between nobles at this time, increase your communication, and strive for the support of the nobility in the south?
"Drink some tea and wake up, Lord Lord?" Yu Nuwu's soft voice sounded again, interrupting Varis' doubts. Varis looked up at the dignified woman carrying the glazed teapot. , Then nodded: "Thank you."
Yu Nu Wu Gua's smile was very ladylike, and after a small return, she took the teapot and walked towards many gangsters, adding tea to the gangsters respectfully.
Although her posture is courteous and humble, she is obviously different from those who have excellent temperament. This atmospheric and respectful movement makes many big brothers seem very satisfied with her posture, and she sometimes talks with her from time to time. De Valis was stunned for a long time yesterday. These gangsters didn't care about themselves. Why did they have such a different attitude towards a woman who had only been in contact for one night? Where did you fail to make it?
"Huacha is doing a good job, and those soldiers who are defending the city are blessed." Rox, who has always been unsmiling, actually made a rare joke, and apparently also heard that the other party gave the soldiers supper every night.
Yu Nuwu was ashamed and smiled: "Master Duke laughed and laughed. It is my honor to help some soldiers who dare to face the orcs! To be honest, I can't imagine how courageous it is after seeing the orcs' terrible It is ashamed that people brought up swords to face them, and now I understand why my father respects the knights who came back from the northern battlefield. "
With the words of Yu Nu Wu Gua, the faces of many tea drinking men became softer, and even the old Dane, who was a guard in the hall, looked a lot softer when he looked at Yu Nu Wu Gua, which made Varis suddenly realize
It turns out that I have been wrong! !
It turns out that these northern bigwigs do not care how much they respect their power, but how much the nobles respect the soldiers on the front line! !
This woman is not easy
"Your father is a reasonable person," Rox said with a gentle smile: "I heard of your experience, and I deeply regret this, but I believe that a strong woman like you will certainly be able to educate the Faerun family Outstanding descendants. "
"The lord has won the prize" Yu Nuwugua slightly lowered her body and said: "Master Duke Fei Lun was born in the northern battlefield, and the Fei Lun family is also a family of military merit. After the adults recover Morondo, please bring two children and send them to the Imperial Knight Academy. The glory lost by the Feren family must be recaptured with military power! "
As soon as these words came out, many bigwigs nodded in satisfaction. They originally hesitated. After Morendo's recapture, the Xiongguan in the south was controlled by a woman of the mage family, which was obviously not suitable.
After all, the only remaining two grandchildren of Duke Ferren are young. If they are allowed to inherit the old Duke ’s territory legally, in the next ten years or so, I am afraid that the power of Morendo will be in the hands of this woman of the Tully family.
As a military faction, they naturally did not like a foreign customs city falling into the hands of a woman in the mage family, but now the woman's firm support for the military's position makes them very satisfied.
Looking at the eyes of many big men looking at the rain girl Wugua, he was more satisfied, and Wallis was secretly startled, secretly said: he really looked away, the wife of a country baron, actually has such a city and judgment
At this time, Yu Nu Wu Gu continued to add tea to everyone with a smile. With the free time of Tian Cha, her eyes inadvertently glanced at the military map on the table.
The sight only stayed for almost tenths of a second, and the talent of Yu Nu Wugua developer made her fully remember almost every detail on the map, and still passed the new and old in the image for a second or two later. The handwriting quickly speculated about the military plan drawn up by these bigwigs during the evening meeting.
After integrating the map data, Yu Nuwu's heart slightly relieved, secretly said: numb eggs, exhausted this girl, finally got the information, hurry, go back and ask the dog lord to add money!
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