Chapter 1394: : Making trouble (Part 1)

  "Master Lei Xue, how do you plan to arrange tasks?"
  All the city masters looked at Leixue, especially Abe Seimei in the second city and Elizabeth in the fourth city were most concerned.
  According to what the other party just said, there are basically no survivors on the New Territories Gangwu Continent, which means that the grassland route and the urban route are completely meaningless.
  This is a big blow to the characteristics of their two cities
  The second city is a sacrificial civilization, and now it is still a small farmer economy. This is the template that most players learn. According to the principle of shared technology, it is better for players to follow the direction of urban civilization.
  The agricultural civilization that relied on the strengthening elements in the early days of the wizard civilization is more suitable for the past grassland route. After all, you can find a small population circle and mix it up with improved land. But now the grassland has no population, which is very embarrassing.
  The same is true for the fourth city. It is a purely biological civilization. Elizabeth initially planned the destination for her own people in the mutant forests, but now
Lei Xue: "Today, the situation in the New Territories is dominated by overseas missions. The player's first priority is to explore the pure land overseas, to see what other places overseas are not infected and where survivors are, and find a new place. Marked coordinates can earn a lot of points, and the specific points will be announced later."
"The second is the colonization of overseas populations. Nowadays, it is not ruled out that there are still survivor kingdoms overseas in the New Territories. There may be a more complete magic kingdom. It is difficult for new players to directly attack, but if they can gain a firm foothold in overseas countries There will also be corresponding points rewards. There are no restrictions on the ways and means to establish influence. Conquer by force, establish trade relations, directly mix with high-level indigenous countries, or even develop religious beliefs. As long as it reaches a certain scale, the base will issue corresponding rewards to players. The reward funds will also fluctuate greatly depending on the scale. The specific amount will be announced in the press conference later."
  "How can I go there?" Elizabeth frowned and asked: "According to the previous information from the New Territories, there is only one safe port, and it has been encircled by a high-level lord player. The remaining port seems very dangerous."
"Well, there has been a preliminary solution to this problem." Lei Xue turned the star map and clicked on the terrain of the New Territories. "Donghaikou is now the territory of the player Bingguo. Her civilization is dominated by sea elves, and it has been quite good. Shipbuilding technology, I discussed with her that most of her population will migrate to the Emerald Galaxy for development, and only a small part of the population will remain in the city. Many professional positions in the city will be provided to players."
"Stable players can choose to work in their forces to earn points to buy ships. There are fixed merchant ships that regularly recruit sailors, urban restaurants, shipyard manufacturing, fishing industry, and seabed collection are all short of people. After they have certain points and reputation, they will even Can hire his boat"
  When these words came out, Song Care's eyes lit up!
  His city is the master of Naga civilization. Most of the people make a lot of money in the submarine collection industry, and in the future, if the home game is at sea, there will be a considerable advantage.
   Even if some of the remaining players did not choose the Naga Elf bloodline, in his city system, players must master two gathering skills or one manufacturing skill to travel to the New Territories.
  Now the first batch of players admitted, most of the players basically meet his standards, this quest line is simply tailored for his city players.
  But the other city owners frowned a little, and Angel of the first city frowned, "Is this route unfair to some civilization templates?"
"It is impossible to be fair in everything," Lei Xue explained with a blank face: "Who is good for today's policy and who is good for tomorrow's policy are based on the situation. There are always some people who can get the dividends and some people. You will suffer. All the elite politicians who have governed the country are sitting here. Do you understand this?"
Angel's brows frowned. This was a big disadvantage to her first city, especially her native West Germans. She promised her natives not to compete for lords and the system of foreign players as lords drew a lot of votes for her. Now when it comes to real practice, she has repentance.
The   Mind Master civilization system is a very good civilization model headed by spiritual professions. West Germans of their own race can also go outside and just find a foreign partner.
  But now the problem is serious. If you work in the East China Sea port, the junior spirit players are obviously far less able to make quick money than the strength players.
  Others can do coolies, do collections, and quickly earn points for chartering boats. The Mayin clan of their own people is very disadvantaged in this respect.
"It's not just this route." Lei Xue glanced at the other side lightly: "The South China Sea port has been cleaned up again. There are many cities with sea passages there. If players want to build their own ports, they can also try it. The main base will also Give corresponding rewards!"
  As soon as the words came out, Angleton's eyes brightened, but then he frowned. His urban civilization is a mechanical civilization. Shipbuilding is not difficult, but artificial is a problem.
  It seems to be a good plan
  "Well, Xueya cough, Lei Xue, you just said that there are also new missions in the emerald galaxy, and they are made over there. Can you tell me more about it?"
"This is a bit too much." Lei Xue glanced at the questioning Long Laodao: "It is random, and every mission will be notified to all players by the intelligence at the first time. It belongs to a new pedigree mission. If it passes the test, the player can Perform a second operation and change bloodlines. After using the new bloodline level over there, there will be a quality improvement. In most cases, you can directly promote to the point where you are qualified to participate in the Emerald Interstellar mission!"
  "Second operation?"
  Lao Long was taken aback for a moment: "Didn’t it say that the operation cannot be changed?"
   "The previous genes could not be" Lei Xue nodded: "Now it is different. The second time the gene purity is very high. After the operation, the previous genes can be completely covered, so there is no need to worry about mixing."
  "The genes from the second operation will be of higher quality than what we are using now?" Elizabeth asked very interested.
Lei Xue shook his head: "It's not necessarily. The purity of the new gene is very high, but for many players, it is not necessarily an improvement. So it needs to be tested to see if it is suitable or not. However, if it can pass the test successfully, it can indeed be in a short time. There is a leap in quality"
  "That" Elizabeth was waiting to ask again, when a smart warning sound suddenly sounded in the meeting room to interrupt the meeting.
  "Warning, warning, a large number of Titan player riots are blocked outside the main base, please go to understand the situation and deal with the riots, warning, warning"
  "Riot?" All the city lord's brows suddenly frowned
  Why is there a riot?
  Leixue has no expression on her face, an inexplicable light flashes in her eyes, and a slight smile flashes at the corner of her mouth.
   "Ah, Long, didn’t you say that Chinatown is the most democratic and stable?" Mister gloated, "How could this happen?"
  Long Lao is inexplicable, good-natured, what's the situation? Could it be that those aristocratic forces want to take advantage of this time to make a few moths to make China City embarrassed?
  If this is the case, then it is really united
   "Let's go out and have a look" Lei Xue stood up and said.
Mister stood up with a smile, looking at the excitement, just now a bunch of policies made him disgusted, and now it’s someone else’s turn to be disgusted, he can’t help but gloat
  Old Long's face turned black. This trouble, no matter how it will be handled properly, is also a proper scandal. You must know that today is not only the other city owners, but also the media reporters from all over the world! !
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