Chapter 1399: : Crazy Dog Egg (Part 1)

  At this time...the fifth city is full of carnival...
In the streets and alleys, there were cheering white players everywhere, watching Mister chatting on the screen one by one, especially after the young manager expressed that the city owner should have the power, a group of white players suddenly became excited. Dancing...
   "Go to yellow-skinned monkeys!"
  On the square, a white player stood on the tallest building in the center of the square and raised his to the bottom!
  The white people below suddenly became more excited, clenched their fists, and the entire square was filled with ridicule of the players in Central China, slowly spreading malice!
  They are as excited as taking a stimulant. At this moment, it is as if the world has been stepped underfoot!
  In fact, if you go deep into the white players, you know why they are so malicious to the players in Central China, and why they are so excited at this time!
  A white country with freedom, democracy, equality and civilization is actually the most pedigree doctrine. Not to mention that 100% of people despise colored people in their hearts, but they are extremely proud of their white skin.
  White people are the highest quality nation in the world, the most noble blood, this is the belief in the hearts of most people in the West...
  Although many successful people with other skin colors have emerged in the world, they still can’t change their thoughts until the appearance of Xinghai!
  Xinghai’s rules clearly tell everyone who is of better blood!
  Genetic tolerance, this is a clear data class similar to the game system. There are no excuses to find, and any sophistry can't cover up the actual data.
   is equivalent to writing first-class person, second-class person...
  And their proud white ancestry, in the Star Sea system, can't even get second-class people. Many red sun and cosmic people are of higher level than them, which makes the once confidence to be destroyed.
  After entering Xinghai, this descent advantage becomes more and more obvious. With the same genetic body and the same training, the growth rate of players in Central China is obviously better than that of them. This inherent advantage makes them more unhappy!
  So when the city is obviously biased towards them, they will be more positive towards the bullying of players in Central China!
  At this time, the whole city was filled with the smell of inferior beer. Obviously, the carnival atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. Many players in Central China could only hide carefully in the restaurants and factories where they worked.
  However, the white players who can still restrain themselves a little bit in the past, at this time, after Mistre blatantly said that he was treated differently but no one took him what to do, the last caution and fear in everyone's hearts was erased...
  This book is organized and produced by the official account. Follow VX [Book Friends Base to receive cash red envelopes!
In the restaurant, a group of players laughed out of the Central China players who were hiding in the corner, and were dragged down the street like prisoners. Various vegetables, fruits, beer bottles, and greeted them like street rats, and more. I urinate directly in public...
  There are even those who have directly smashed the profitable shops opened by the lord player in the fifth city such as the dog egg restaurant, tailor shop, blacksmith shop and some handicraft shops opened by the lord player...
  These are the few places in the fifth city that can shelter players in Central China. Here, in the face of the care of their compatriots, they can receive a normal salary and have the last breathing space.
  Although not everyone can enjoy it, after all, there are only a few people who can take care of it, but for many players in Central China, it is already the last sunshine in the city.....
  But now, the only place that can help these dog days converge has been smashed!
  A group of players in Central China are pale!
  This not only smashed the jobs of some people, it also means that they will be as fragmented as this smashed shop in the days to come!
  Because the last scruples of these guys are gone!
  Suddenly some players started to complain, complaining about the players who went to protest!
  Obviously, I said it’s useless, I have to make trouble, now it’s better, how will I live in the future?
  Compared with the city carnival is the despair in the hearts of many Central China players...
  On the other hand, Yang Rui and others looked at Lei Xue’s indifferent attitude, and their hearts almost sank to the bottom...
  They all know that if the main base does not help them today, what will be the consequences after returning? The entire fifth city will no longer have a place for players in Central China!
  If something like courage often fails to get a response, it will be destroyed very quickly!
"You... really don't care? Your lord?" Yang Rui didn't argue with Mister, he knew that this was useless, and with the last glimmer of hope, he asked Lei Xue straightforwardly. ....
  Can't get ahead?
  This is almost a naked expression of this meaning...
   "Sorry..." Lei Xue looked at each other lightly: "These things you mentioned are not within the scope of my management..."
  'S voice was very soft, but it slammed into Yang Rui's heart like a suffocating hammer. He staggered back two steps, and Yang Rui closed his eyes in despair.
  He knew that as soon as the other party’s words came out, the players in Central China in the fifth city might not have their days ahead, and the situation might be even worse after today!
  Huo Lao behind him gave a light cough, and then looked at Long Lao behind Lei Xue.....
Old Long was stunned for a moment, his face was embarrassed, and finally he said: "City Master Miste, you are a naked discrimination against our players in Central China. If you don't give an explanation, Huaxia City will not do it. Hugh!"
  These words... are already very hard...
   makes a group of players behind Yang Rui feel excited...
"Does China City still interfere in the internal affairs of other cities now?" After detecting the manager's bottom line, Mister would care about the threat of Long Lao, and smiled: "Suppression of the players in Central China is not a family, which city does not? In order to protect the rights and interests of disadvantaged groups, this is a human rights embodiment of our Western values. Is such a naked threat of Mr. Long a hegemony?"
  Long Lao: "........"
   Facing the ugly face of Lao Long, Mister smiled carelessly and walked towards Lei Xue. He was not afraid of Lao Long. It is conceivable that Lao Long could put himself under great pressure after the city allowed to compete with each other.
  But I and Huazhong have already reached such a point, and now there is no way out for the soft service, and they simply go all the way to the dark!
  Anyway, those high-level players have already gone to the Emerald Star Territory first. They have limited advantages if they don’t take advantage of Long Lao. As long as they operate well, they may not necessarily lose the opponent in the competition for resources in the New Territories.....
"Master Manager..." Mister smiled and said, "I want to apply for a pardon for this group of privately crossing the border players. Although they disrupted the order of the press conference, most of the responsibility lies with me. It is me. Failure to do a good job led to this kind of farce. I hope that the adults can give me a chance. After all, it is not easy to come here, so the punishment is too heavy..."
As soon as this was said, Western reporters applauded. They even thought about the content of the news to be published. The first half wrote about how the players in Central China were narrow-minded, deliberate, and wanted to use this press conference to give Mister and the fifth city are in the dark.
  The second half is to praise Miste’s responsibility and tolerance as the lord of the city. The characters form a strong contrast with each other, just like the contrast between a great man and a clown, it is not too perfect!
   On the other hand, the Huazhong players behind Yang Rui were pale and frightened. The Huaxia City players watching the excitement around them also looked ugly, as unhappy as if they were holding their breath...
  In the weird atmosphere, the intelligence suddenly prompts: Attention, there is a riot in the fifth city, please send the illegal troops to the general base to assist in the management!
  Everyone was taken aback, and Lei Xue gave a light wave, and the virtual screen in the center of the square immediately switched to the situation inside the fifth city!
  A group of people can clearly see that in the video, it has become a crazy paradise for white players, countless shops have been smashed, countless central China players have been forcibly pulled into the street and humiliated, and the extremely brutal behavior has seen many players raging into their hearts!
  Although I hate the dog-licking behavior of these rice millers, it is my family members who are so humiliated by others. I still can't stand it!
  Western reporters have quietly moved their cameras away, trying to avoid the pictures of overly barbaric behavior.
  Lao Long also had a sullen expression: "City Lord Mister, is this what you call human rights and freedom?"
"Oh, no, no..." Mister waved his hand quickly: "This kind of result is definitely not what I want to see. Although I understand their anger, violence is definitely not a correct way to resolve conflicts. ...."
  Everyone: "..."
  This statement seems to be made by the players in Central China.....
  The old dragon trembled with anger. If the scene did not allow him, he even had the urge to squeeze the fat man directly!
  "Master Manager..." Mister smiled and said, "The peacekeeping force that was intelligently prompted just now is no longer needed. I immediately rushed back to deal with it personally. I believe I can solve the problem quickly..."
  Lao Long also looked at Lei Xue. At this time, he has no authority to do anything. Is Lei Xue really indifferent?
  Leixue glanced at Mistre, who was smiling, but did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at the position behind them: "Senior Dogdan?"
  Everyone was taken aback, then looked over, and found that Wang Gou Dan looked like he was leaving at some point.
  But what everyone felt in the next second was doubt, especially Mr. Long. It's all this time. What do you care about the dog?
   "What are you doing?" Wang Goudan turned his head and curled his lips.
   "You just left?" Lei Xue asked with a smile.
   "It's boring, go back to sleep..." Dog Dan said with a bored look.
   "You don't look at it anymore?" Lei Xue asked, squinting.
"What's so good?" Goudan rolled his eyes: "Didn't you just say it, did they choose this city by themselves? A bunch of self-reliant guys, it's a thing?" He turned and left. , There is no meaning to be muddled...
   "Really?" Lei Xue nodded, and didn't mean to stop, but said faintly: "I just saw your store was destroyed in the video..."
As soon as    said this, the dog that had already walked to the outer circle position stiffened, and his neck stiffly turned around: "What did you...say?"
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