Chapter 1410: : The calculated tribe...

Amir was released from prison half a year ago. Song Jiyi personally asked the other party to join him and was hired as the deputy city lord of the third city. In the current management team of the third city, he is very respected. Song cares the same, all workaholics...
It has been half a year since he came to Xinghai, and Amir felt that time was passing fast in a rich work environment. In this vibrant new city, there are no old landlords, no caste system feudal remnants, no religion, and no big capitalists. With the warlords, everything is so alive, so vibrant...
Everything for the future is based on the foundation of the people’s dreams. It is pure and incomparable. In the past six months, due to the lack of the management team of the third city, the workload was huge. It was the hardest six months since he started politics. He worked almost every day. More than twenty hours.
  But it was also his happiest half of the year, because he was doing very meaningful things every minute and working hard for his political dreams!
  He is very grateful to Song Jiyi for redeeming him from the prison of the Three Kingdoms, allowing him to have a new life, but now looking at the news of the people who once abandoned him, it is very complicated for a time...
  The original national hero has now been promoted by the people of Asanguo as a traitor, and he is willing to believe that he has followed his tribe, and most of them are not satisfied with themselves after entering the third city...
  The reason is very simple, because now it seems that the Asan people in the fifth city seem to take advantage, on the contrary, the Asan people in the third city are not doing very well now...
  Amir wanted to provide benefits to his own tribe, but in this way, it completely broke the political ideals of the city lord Song Zhiyi and his own, a completely fair emerging city...
The gene holding rate of the A tribe is not dominant. It is not only inferior to the players in Central China. In the third city with the majority of Asian players, it is much worse than the Red Suns and the people of the universe, even compared to some Western players. The spirit players who came here are also a grade...
  Inherent foundation is poor, and fair competition will naturally suffer. In addition, under the stimulation of the third city’s policy, every player is trying his best to improve himself, resulting in Ahsan players appearing extremely mediocre in this group.
According to data, there are more than 13,000 players in the third city that can export to the New Territories. Among them, players from Central China account for more than 7,000, while players from Red Sun and Universe Countries account for 3,000 people, including African Americans and Westerners. Ethnicity occupies more than one thousand, and the A three-generation player has a total of more than 1,300 players.
  In fact, this number is not low. Among the less talented race groups, the third city's Asan players have a high qualifying rate.
You should know that in several other cities, especially the first city and the second city, under the pyramid model where the Asan players and African American players are deliberately built into the bottom of the society, the third city has already given Asan players a large enough stage. And space.
  But a lot of things are afraid of comparison. The data of the Asan players' crushing level in the fifth city is now blown up by the A three countries. Many Asan people who chose the third city also regretted believing in Amir...
This phenomenon makes Amir not know whether to cry or laugh. A white politician who uses the Asan tribe has now received widespread praise from his tribe, and he is a person who wants to truly be good for his tribe and work hard for it. But less and less recognized by the people...
  This world is really magical...
"What's the matter, Mr. Amir?" A low and gentle voice suddenly sounded: "Seeing that your spirit is not very good. I told you earlier that you should pay attention to rest. The body is the capital of the revolution. You and Song Zaiyi are too desperate. Habits have to be changed..."
  Amir looked back, and the one who spoke to him was Mr. Li, the deputy city lord of China City who had just entered the meeting room. Looking at this green muscular man with a refined face, Amilton grinned...
  Lao Li approached his head and looked at the message displayed on the screen of Amir’s desk. Obviously, it was a forum in Amir, a post aimed at the fifth city.
   "You..." Old Li gave a wry smile and patted the other side on the shoulder, then sat on the other side: "Don't worry too much, time will illuminate, who is the real good for them..."
  Exchange good books, follow the vx public account. [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now and receive cash red envelopes!
"I don't care so much..." Amir shook his head with a wry smile, and now he has little regard for fame. After turning off the screen, Amir sighed: "I'm thinking, fifth The city may really become the most suitable place for our people..."
   "Absolutely impossible..."
  In the conversation between the two, a cold voice suddenly came!
  Lao Li and Amir looked over, it was the third city lord with huge dark circles: Song cares...
Song Zaiyi gave Amir a white look and sat next to him: "On the surface, people in your country do benefit from being in the fifth city. Mistor transferred the contradiction to the talented players in Central China to cover up his resources. For the behavior of the capital family, the Chinese players with excellent qualifications were isolated, and the white players fell in the national sentiment of self-satisfaction. You people made some profit by flattering and acting as minions. It seems very good, but in reality it is not. There is a big hidden danger..."
  Amir's mouth twitched slightly, the other party's words were really rude, what kind of flattery, what kind of doesn't give any face...
  But he is not angry either. One is that he is familiar with the other party’s character, and the second is that the other party’s words are indeed true....The positioning of his tribe in the fifth city is indeed the minion of white players....
Song cares: "At present, it seems that people in your country have taken advantage of the fifth city, and got the most places in the New Territories, but that was obtained by stepping on the suppressed Central China players and the fallen white players. To put it bluntly They are all deducted from the weak, but are they outside?"
  Amir: "..."
"Outside, the players from other cities are real elites. What do you think your citizens can take advantage of under fair competition? A lot of resources are misappropriated by Mister. The fifth city is far inferior in basic education and training. In other cities, life and vocational training is even closer. Now the resources of the New Territories have been further reduced. You and the Chinese people, I will pack a ticket, and it is not their turn to drink soup outside!
   "Is it so miserable?" Amir was a little speechless.
"Heh... and even worse..." Song Zaiyi sneered: "Mister is now doing a lot of loan easing. In order to get the support of the People's Republic of China other than the Central China players, all players who can go to the New Territories are very Loosely gave them a loan point for them to buy supplies. In the past, they could not afford to pay for the quality of training, but they were generous when traveling. Guess what the result would be?"
  Amir: "..."
  Amer is an excellent politician himself, naturally not stupid, and he understands what the other party means instantly...
In the early stage, there was no investment when accumulating. Instead, the loan was borrowed when traveling. Naturally, the players with weak foundation and insufficient competitiveness will be eliminated after entering the New Territories. Once the loan is used up When we are eliminated, we will owe a lot of debts...
  At the same time, those white capital families have sufficient funds to cultivate the quality of their children in the early stage, and they also have a lot of financial support after going out. Generally, as long as the luck is not bad and the mixing is not too bad, they must have achieved some results.
  What will happen to this?
It is also conceivable with the that white capitalists will gradually monopolize the resources of the fifth city, and the three players who have a large amount of loans will be forced to rely on these white capitalists because of the need to repay the loans, and their worth will probably be suppressed again and again. .
  Long time, the class will be certain, it will be difficult to stand up!
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