Chapter 14: : Procurement Disturbance (Part 2)

After that, Xiye and his group spent a whole day in the market, and the colorful products showed that Xiye wanted to buy this one, and that one wanted to buy, but every time he looked at the price, he could give him you This most realistic sense of alertness prevents him from sinking into it.
Persevering, Xiye finally led everyone to the private lord market.
As one of the three largest markets in the Federation, in addition to high-end exhibits, there are naturally some good and cheap things, all from some private lords everywhere.
Although there is no official federal certification, but if you have a good vision, you can often find very good products, and the price is very affordable.
Officials have determined that a large fee is required, and technological products that require listing in the Universe Federation are very demanding. Most large lords have this strength. Relatively speaking, some small lords' own products have no trademarks. In addition to circulating in their own star domain, they are only sold in this free market, so the price will be much more affordable.
However, as a large market, Prosina ’s stalls are very expensive. This is also one of the important sources of income for the planet. The stalls that can afford the stalls here are all lords who are not weak. The level of free market is still much more expensive, but the relative possibility of buying garbage is also much smaller.
Under the guidance of the pandaren guide, Xiye soon came to a store that looked very simple.
The thick and simple style and the golden glory in the previous mecha market are completely different, but the clerk made Xiye surprised.
"why is it you again?"
A few players were stunned, because the clerk who came out to greet guests was not the panda in the Mecha Store just now?
Thinking of Grandpa Lu's uncooled body in his pocket, his face was dull at night, so he wouldn't buy things in the store that killed his own people, even if he lost money.
"Oh, respected lord, don't get me wrong!" The panda guide quickly explained: "That was just fat, this is two fat, not the same panda person. You see it is only 372 kg, which is bigger than its brother. The fat is forty kilograms less meat, and the hair is not as good as his brother's maintenance. After all, his brother is working under the lord. "
Xiye: "Is it? You really feel a little different when you say that"
"What do you want to buy?" Er Chuan chewed a green bamboo smirk and asked, "Wow, I smelled a dry elf. Are you here to buy seasoning? We have good pickles here Condiment, do guests like to eat garlic or fruit oil refined? The garlic we have here is a product of high elves, without any genetic marriage! "
"I'm here to do big business!" Xi Ye glared at the pandaren and interrupted.
"Oh, that's right." The Pandaren store manager Wen Yan's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he smiled more bluntly: "As soon as you come in, I see that you are a very powerful goddess lord. You want to buy a large interstellar Weapons, still have to buy a chain of interstellar transmission stations? If you are interested in terrorist biological weapons, we can also provide, up to the sixteenth order dragon-class horror star beast, pure blood, strong combat strength, here are detailed model data, if you want to If you look at the ontology, you can only go to our main star, we can provide free delivery service. "
"The amount is not such a big deal," Xi Yeqi suddenly weakened a lot.
"Oh this way" Pandaren still said enthusiastically: "So what does the officer want to buy? You can rest assured that our store is a direct sales store under the Lord of Brewmasters. The branch has opened more than a dozen, and it has a good reputation here. , As long as it is not a very special item, we can generally provide it. "
"The Lord of the Brewmaster?" Xi Ye was stunned for a while, and he was a little stunned: "That's the only one who is a Pandaren who has become the Lord of Goddess?"
"It seems that you have heard of his old man too!" The manager and the guide both showed proud expressions.
Not only have I heard, it ’s just a legend, is it good? The Tenjin Group College takes this thing every year to advertise. See, our college ’s high-quality education is worth so much tuition, and even the lazy panda people can be trained. Elite, what else can we not do?
But this predecessor has developed too fast, right? Xiye remembers that this senior pandaren seems to have become a lord for 90,000 years, right? Actually, they have developed to the point where they can stand in the first-line free market. It is really a model for my generation!
"Look, guest," Er Chuan rubbed his hands and smiled.
"Do you have a mold machine here?" Xi Ye asked with a trace of expectation.
"Machine tool?" The two fat men froze for a moment, then immediately showed a look of embarrassment: "Guest officer, you know, few people sell that stuff to others"
"I know, I know!" Xi Ye nodded: "But the Brewmaster has developed so fast, there must be a lot of machine tools eliminated? Anyway, it is useless, it is better to sell it to me. In return, I can give priority to the production of D-level energy mines. For seniors. "
"Energy mine? Do you have energy mine on your planet? How about the storage capacity?" Er Chuan asked with bright eyes.
"The storage capacity is sufficient, and it is expected to be developed for 400 years. After my scale is formed there, at least one million tons of refined source stone can be provided every year!"
"That's right" Er Chuan hesitated, then raised his head and smiled, said: "This is too big, I can't do it, I have to report to the boss, you have to sit down." Then he said to the guide: "Chen Pi, please help the guests, Pour them a cup of tea! "Said Fartian Fartian and ran towards the store.
Daddy Xiye calmly found a place to sit down, and a group of players and Nicole were on display in the store.
The guide quickly gave Xiye and his dad the brewed green tea. The tea leaves are the best snow peaks. The quality is the authentic snow elves. At least one or two of them have to sell thousands of coins. Xiyelao Dad used to drink it once when he was the patriarch.
Dad Youzai's satisfied tasting tea, Xiye is a little absent-minded, very concerned about whether this business can succeed.
This purchase is mainly to solve the four most urgent problems in the base, which are energy, accommodation, consumption of basic materials and large-scale expansion of crops.
With the fire ant mine, it has to be said that energy saves a lot of energy in the night. The energy power extracted by the d-level energy ore and the refining technology is huge, at least for an eight-level planet that has just begun to develop. It is definitely more than enough!
In this regard, only need to buy enough refining equipment and compression ore plant can quickly collect a lot of energy.
The problem of accommodation is actually not too big. The people of Planet D have good hard work and hard work. You do n’t need to buy too high-end accommodation. I think that ordinary black iron dwarf compressed apartments should be able to make up.
The same is true of crops. Since the crops that you grow are very adaptable to the environment and have a large output, the seeds are relatively cheap. You only need to add a large amount. I believe that you will no longer need to eat the canned food and nutrient solution.
This basic item alone is relatively the most troublesome!
The base is now developing very fast. According to intelligent predictions, it will soon grow to a scale of 100,000. The mining of energy mines must use fine ore picks, and then mining carts, mining points and some basic tools will be scarce.
If you buy the finished product, it will consume too much. If you import it for a long time, it will easily expose the location. You can't use the free channel of the school every time? Do you want a face?
The best plan of Xiye is to hire a few experienced blacksmiths and mechanics. After purchasing a batch of mold machine tools, the excellent blacksmiths and mechanics are not difficult to hire. On the contrary, the machine tool is more difficult to handle. Most private lords are I like to sell finished products, and rarely sell machine tools. Even if I want to sell them, I also sell some obsolete products. If you want to find a good quality machine tool, you have to waste some time. Even if you buy it, the problem of after-sales and machine tool increments is difficult to solve!
The best way is to work with a senior lord to get the technology they eliminated, which can save costs and greatly improve the growth efficiency of the base, allowing them to take a lot of detours.
In fact, everyone understands this principle, but few new lords can get such cooperation conditions. The so-called peer is an enemy. If you do not deliberately suppress you, you are already on the face of alumni. Everyone is a competitor. No one wants to see more and more predators, even if the other party is a simple panda.
I hope my d-class mine can impress the opponent
Xi Ye murmured in her heart.
After a long time, the two fat insides ran out sweaty and panted: "Dear guests, our lord wants to see you!"
Xi Ye heard Yan's eyes lit up, and it seemed to be a play! !
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