Chapter 1953: : Save the field!

Yang Rui feels very bad now. He feels that the incident here may not be solved by a small soldier like them at all!
Things here are more magical than one thing!
First of all, he was certain that he saw Senjin, and his death was extremely miserable. The body was filled with the trunk, the flesh was attached to the trunk, the flesh was sucked away, and the facial features were distorted, but the expression was so clear. What happened to him? Think it makes your scalp numb!
But in fact, there was a sunny Senjin outside, bringing them here as if nothing happened, what kind of ghost was under the skin that was exactly the same as the tree?
Then it was the dilemma that I encountered after I wanted to leave quickly. In this invisible foggy space, it was definitely not just the church outside.
He has been spinning here for at least an hour now. Judging from the sense of direction, whether he is walking in a straight line or trying to walk irregularly, there is a lot of room to accommodate him. No matter how long he walks, it seems that he can't see his head.
What is certain is that this is definitely not a church, at least not a simple church!
After a long groping, Yang Rui slowly found the traces. This is not a completely infinite space. The familiar scenes behind a few steps are gone. It’s not hell, but because you are likely to reach a certain place. A turning point in space.
He has tried many times. If he can accurately retreat to a certain place, he can return to the previous position. This spatial point is like the roots of a tree trunk buried under the ground. When countless roots reach a certain node, they will branch. Continue to extend, thus forming a dense maze of spaces.
But in fact, as long as you have mastered the location of these spatial points, it is actually so mysterious here.
But the key is that besides this space, there are some very inexplicable things here.
Like those shadows!
Shadows that look a lot like their companions, even their voices are very similar, and they even associate themselves with voice transmission, but as soon as they get closer, Yang Rui is sure that these shadows are definitely not companions!
The hands they stretched out were like the sharp claws of evil spirits, and after catching them, you still couldn't see it strangely!
As for why Yang Rui knows this? It was because when the thing reached out to him for the first time, he carefully chose to stretch it out with a weapon. As a result, he saw a dark and terrifying arm gripping his giant sword tightly, and a huge force almost instantly He dragged it over!
He gave up his weapon without hesitation and ran away with his life. Then he would find that there were many monsters in the mist. Every time he passed by somewhere, there would be such monsters coming to try to deceive you, using your familiar voice and familiar memory. Fortunately, Yang Rui was born as a policeman, and his ability to withstand pressure is pretty good. I am afraid he would have collapsed long ago when he was replaced by ordinary people.
Then just now, he saw a familiar figure again!
But this time let him choose to take the initiative to approach
Because that figure is Senjin, and the fuzzy figure on his back is all Chen Shanshan's stupid girl!
Unlike the monsters who actively contacted him in the past, the pair had been walking in front as if they hadn't noticed him. After a long time, Yang Rui didn't dare to contact him.
But then a scene made his scalp numb.
He suddenly saw a figure similar to Chen Shanshan running away from the big man Senjin, and leaping towards another figure behind him, and that figure looked exactly like himself!
Damn it! !
Yang Rui almost subconsciously wanted to help, but still resisted it. Who knew this was not another trap?
But after hesitating for two seconds, he still quietly followed behind.
The chasing scene is very real, at least Yang Rui can't see the problem. The Senjin-like figure chases fast, his huge body becomes as agile as a cat, and the guy who runs with Chen Shanshan seems to be very familiar with it though he is unhappy. The space node of the, several nodes in a row, directly get rid of Na Senjin.
Yang Rui quietly followed behind. Although he was already familiar with the space node system, although he slowed down, he did not lose track.
After the opponent seemed to get rid of the fake Senjin, Yang Rui finally tried to use the channel to transmit sound.
"Can you hear it? Where are you now? There is something very dangerous here, we have to get together! Let me tell you, our chief must have a problem, are you with him now?"
Yang Rui asked in a tentative tone, as if she didn't know where she was, and it was a dedicated passage.
In the next second, Chen Shanshan's figure visibly froze, and a few seconds later, she replied in horror: "Uncle Rui, I'm afraid it's a big deal."
"What's the matter?" Yang Rui's eyes flashed and asked calmly.
"I seem to be deceived, a guy who looks like you, I don't know what the is it, anyway, it deceived me, I am now caught by him! What should I do, uncle?" Chen Shanshan's tone was almost crying
She also took risks in the New Territories, but where did she encounter such a situation? After all, she is just a girl who has just grown up, and her heart is limited!
"Girl, bow your head!!" Yang Rui heard this voice, after all he couldn't bear it, and he drank, then directly picked up the spare big sword from the space bag, and directly accelerated and slammed it over!
Chen Shanshan also reacted for the first time, suddenly lowered his head, and in the next second, a sharp sword came with a terrifying cold light!
Yang Rui has a good grasp of the timing and position of his shot. If someone of the same level is here, he will surely amaze the opponent's unpretentious but solid sword skills!
Among the new batch of players, Yang Rui’s weapon specialization ranks among the top five in the six major cities. He is an absolute high-competition player. Even if he is facing an unknown existence, the moment he can shoot, Yang Rui’s bones are still full of confidence!
But this self-confidence, in the next second, it will be defeated to a minimum!
In the mist, the pitch-black arm rushed out with a faint black mist, and tightly grasped the sword in Yang Rui's hand! Like a steel hoop, Yang Rui couldn't move!
The various changes after the original cleave had no chance to be displayed under the crush of this absolute force. The force of the counter-shock even broke his mouth directly, a mouthful of blood rushed to his heart, and he almost let it go.
In a second, he knew that he and Chen Shanshan had encountered something that could never be solved!
"Uncle Rui?" Chen Shanshan saw this scene and wanted to help but didn't know what to do for a while
After all, it’s not a combat type
Yang Rui took a step back quickly after hearing this sound, gave up the long sword in his hand, turned his hand and took out a scimitar at his waist and slashed it towards Chen Shanshan's wrist!
It’s impossible to fight by force at this time. It’s a bit unbearable for a strong man to break his wrist and use it on a little girl, but at this time, I can’t care about it. As long as he survives, there is always a way to recover.
Chen Shanshan's face was extremely pale when she saw this scene, but she forcibly held back and did not resist with mental strength, because she also knew that she wanted to run at this time and this was the only chance!
How long has it been since I watched martial arts dramas before, I thought it was cool to survive with a broken arm, but only when I got to myself did I know that the pot is iron, and she didn't even dare to look at it and closed her eyes!
But after a second, the pain that I had imagined did not come, but the arm was loose, and Chen Shanshan was stunned. Could it be that Uncle Rui’s knife technique is so good that he can avoid the pain?
Before I can react, I feel my body is light, as if being resisted by something, I feel weightless in an instant, and there is a whirr of wind in my ears!
what's the situation?
Chen Shanshan quickly opened his eyes, but suddenly saw that he was being resisted on a solid shoulder!
The thick shoulders are very familiar, and on the other side, she also saw that Yang Rui was caught in the creaking nest on the other side like a little chicken!
"Senior?" Chen Shanshan couldn't help but surprise.
It was Senjin who saved people!
"The two little guys are very ruthless, so willing to start with themselves!" Senjin grinned, still so dazzling, Chen Shanshan's heart was stunned!
But then I heard the other party say that they were willing to start, and then he reacted and quickly looked at his arm!
Fortunately, the arm was still there, but there was a blue-black palm on it, which was obviously cut off, so that Chen Shanshan quickly broke the palm and threw it out!
With a purple-red inexplicable liquid, the severed palm rotated out in mid-air for dozens of seconds, and the splashing blood suddenly ignited when it encountered the mist. In an instant, the vision of the burned place became clear. stand up.
Chen Shanshan suddenly saw that behind him, there were densely packed, countless green-faced fangs, and corpse-like monsters crawling after them crazily. A closer look seemed to be swarming from all directions, and Chen Shanshan's scalp was numb!
Yang Rui also saw this scene, and his face was extremely pale. I'm afraid this is going to be over!
"Punch a hammer!" Sen Phnom reprimanded as he ran, as if completely ignoring the large group of corpse monsters who were about to rush forward!
"Hold your breath for me!" Senjin grinned and said, "My lord is going to speed up!!"
accelerate? The two of them were taken aback, looking at the monster group that was almost impenetrable in all directions. Can this be solved by acceleration? This requires a vitality bomb!
Before he had time to react, he saw Senjin's footwork became extremely light, like walking on the wind, unspeakably beautiful, such a big man ran out of such footwork, and saw the corpses for a moment.
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