Chapter 1981: : A breakthrough dog egg

Under the sky, nine rays of light descended from the sky, sacrificing more than 100,000 high-level gorefiends and Bozi, a half-step-star high-level life form. The huge energy is enough for the Naga civilization to summon an army of agreed levels or even more. , After all, the summoning energy and the summoning person’s energy are not equal.
  However, this huge energy only summoned nine people
The huge blood light dissipated, nine figures stood in the sky, but the huge pressure made Cheng Bo, who was vomiting below, even more scalp numb. He almost didn't need to be sure of mental strength, knowing that the nine people were all dragon-level masters, and Every degree of danger seems to be no less than that of the female monster with scarlet scales!
  "This is the Jade City that allowed Dimon to compromise for thousands of years?"
   Among the nine figures, a cold voice sounded, with a trace of disdain, obviously not at all concerned about the barrier that was easily slaughtered and the so-called Gorefiend Assassin master.
  The few people who descended together showed interest, and the person who mocked was Berlin in the Naga power, and the one who followed Berlin was a shadow guard of the Shadow Naga tribe.
  Looking at the arrogant tone of his young master, the guard felt numb for a while
  He knows the situation on the battlefield. He has also seen the strength of the master Gorefiend assassin, Bozi, so why has their power been suppressed on this battlefield for thousands of years? It is because there is no dragon-level powerhouse in the power that can match Bozi, and among these unmatched people, naturally also includes his own young master.
  If he could do it, wouldn’t he be sent as an adult?
  The guard sighed, feeling helpless in his heart, feeling the playfulness of the mysterious undead around him, his heart is extremely complicated
I’ve heard of this mysterious mercenary group that has been working with Master Fasqi for a long time. I heard that it is extremely powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful. One person slaughtered the city, and a hundred thousand blood demon army was wiped out. Look around like this. There is no support from the Naga soldiers. I'm afraid this is too much, right?
  But when he was shocked by the strength of others, his young master focused on other things
   "You said you called us. The energy of these blood demons is enough. Why kill all the natives?"
  These words made everyone stay for a while, including the guard
  The girl stretched lazily, and looked at each other with a smile: "Master thinks that we are not careful enough or not careful enough?"
  "These indigenous people are also our population property. If you kill at will, naturally you have to compensate," Berlin said coldly.
   "Oh? What a compensation law?" The girl said with a smile.
  The "adult" guard was frightened and cold. Is this young master sick? Use this kind of thing to pinch others? This is obviously deliberately looking for faults, but the point is, have you ever wondered whether you have the ability to find faults?
   Just when he was thinking about how to bring back the young master who was not very mindful of his own, the originally lazy girl suddenly froze and looked at the sky.
  And several teammates next to her followed her and looked over.
  Ben was diametrically opposed to Berlin for a moment, and then looked up, not only wondering: What do you mean? Is there something coming?
  He directly turned on his mental power to explore the past, but in an instant, that mental power was bounced back like an electric shock, and instantly took a step back subconsciously, his heart was full, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood! !
  What the is it?
For a moment, Berlin looked up in horror, and felt amnesia. When I explored my mental power just now, I saw something, but it seemed to be something terrible, but I couldn’t remember it for a while, as if deep in my mind, I refused to change my memory. Remembrance of the picture just now
  Before there was time to continue to think, a pressure as if stepping on the sky was forced over, and it was also a thing like a meteorite, with extremely exaggerated pressure, as if it were going to pull the entire space down together!
   In the "tsk" team, a tall man in cyan armor smiled and said, "Boss, this looks like you. If you weren't here, I thought it was your deity."
  Everyone also smiled slightly. The exaggerated guy in the sky is indeed very similar to their boss style. The girl captain Sarah was also taken aback, and then laughed: "Really."
In the words, the meteorite-like figure instantly stopped ten meters above everyone. The high temperature generated by the intense friction made the surroundings feel like melting instantly. Combined with that exaggerated aura, the weakest guard almost came close. I fell with a soft foot. If it hadn’t been for Berlin’s sudden hand to help, I’m afraid it would have fallen.
  Is this a ghost thing? Isn't it a bit too powerful? And this control is even more exaggerated. The speed, still in mid-air, stopped in an instant. When did this battlefield exist?
The guard was shocked, and while holding him on the side, Berlin was nowhere to go. At this time, his face was pale, and his energy was all fighting against the guy who appeared suddenly, and his momentum made him, a powerful half-star priest, kind of kind. The feeling of being overwhelmed, who is this?
  And the point is, it seems that I’m the only one who can’t hold it. The expressions of the guys around seem to be relaxed, especially the captain named Sarah.
   "Oh, or a little guy just born?" Sarah tilted her head and looked at the flame-covered guy with a smile.
  Everyone was taken aback, and after looking over, they discovered that there seemed to be scales falling off on the opponent. Obviously, this is a behavior that some creatures have just evolved to the dragon level.
"Dragons?" A white-haired boy's eyes lit up, and it quickly turned into a white light and fell below, catching the peeling pieces of scales with fire, and said in his mouth: "Authentic black dragon scales, good things, you can't waste it. That's it"
  "The Black Dragon Clan?" Sarah looked at each other with a faint smile: "Why don't I know that the Black Dragon Clan actually has such a pure-blooded junior over the years?"
  This aura, this Longwei, doesn’t look like a hybrid, but isn’t the Black Dragon clan already barren?
  "Where's my brother?" In the flames, a childish voice came out slowly. It seemed to be very difficult. I was enduring something, but every word seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of catties, which only made people feel very heavy.
"Your brother?" Sarah was taken aback, and then she seemed to think of something, and then smiled and pointed to the sea of ​​blood underneath the corpse mountain: "I don't know who you are right. Take a look?"
  "Damn you!!" In the flames, a beautiful face slowly leaked out with the peeling of the epidermis, and the monstrous murderous intent suddenly rose to the sky! !
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