Chapter 2064: : Choking (Part 1)!

"It's really fungus soil!!"
It took about half an hour for the people from the Mecha Academy to evacuate, and the people from the Blue Spirit Academy carefully tracked them all the way. In fact, they knew the coordinates were coming quickly, but they just wanted to guard against the opponent's counterattack.
Guo Xiaoyun looked at the suspended soil block that had already disassembled the important materials but had not yet completely evacuated the equipment, and smiled slightly: "It was decisive to withdraw."
"How did the captain calculate it?" Sai Na asked curiously. She didn't believe it at first, but now that she sees the reality, she is very curious about the opponent's algorithm.
"There is a regularity among the elements" Guo Xiaoyun smiled: "If you have nothing to do, you can read more books. Professor Mike can take a look at the regular four element derivations and rare element cycles."
"You still have time to read these miscellaneous books?" Senna couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew about the two new books of Professor Mike. She was published the year before and wanted to read it, but the courses were too tight and she had to go out to do tasks to earn money. Credits, how can I have time to read miscellaneous books? The other party is a freshman, so it is logically the most onerous stage of the course
"There will always be something to squeeze." Guo Xiaoyun smiled and did not continue to say, but slowly used his mental power to fly up, observe the entire clod, and then said to the equipment hand Belen: "Open the device."
"Come again?" Belen was taken aback, and suddenly smiled bitterly. She felt that she was getting closer and closer to unemployment.
"Captain, as for the retreat like this?" The teammates who had already gathered in the mecha were surprised when they learned that Oakes had been sniped, but they were even more surprised by the captain's actions.
Even if there is no Oaks and there is bacteria soil in your hand, you will not run away watching the wind!
"That newcomer is very unusual." Rambo calmed down and took a breath: "She should have considered that we have bacterial soil. This thing is surprisingly useful, but it is useless if someone knows in advance. Now, especially for a team like Lan Ling that focuses on distant firepower."
"No?" Fran frowned when he heard the words. He was a little unbelievable. They were already very wicked in their position, and they were still good soil? Why?
"Then how do you think she calculated our position?" Rambo gave each other a blank look and continued: "Through the pursuit of the incident, I first calculated my mind, but the correct mind and the correct position are two different things, I guess There is also a special large element where they landed, so she made a judgment and calculated our position."
"How does this count?" Fran asked curiously.
"There is a special law between the elements, which was summed up by arcanists a long time ago. Each planet has different laws. Recently, Master Overland summarized the laws of various civilizations and deduced a The five-element argument is the most common, but it requires a lot of calculations. It is a doctrine that is difficult to learn and difficult to learn. The younger generations of children mainly focus on self-cultivation. Few people learn this kind of sidetracking when they are young."
The people around are all from the blue spirit nobles, and they nodded in agreement. The more nobles, the more secretarial collections they have, but young children are basically forbidden to read them. Half of the juniors learn pure things after setting a route. , Are all based on evolution. After all, everyone knows that time in youth is very precious. Whether it is a spiritual life form or an ordinary life form, it is the prime time to break through the dragon threshold, and a lot of time is wasted on other theories. Is very worthless
Of course, those ordinary civilians of the lifelong hopeless dragon class don’t need to be like this.
"Sure enough, it's from an unknown native, who actually delves into those left ways!" No. 1 main player Torres snorted disdainfully.
"But this kind of people who are good at left-handedness take advantage of the game." Rambo smiled: "The high level of Blue Spirit, this time will pick people."
Knows how to calculate, can use his own advantages, and is also proficient in the left-hand way. He is indeed a tough guy.
However, the competition between colleges, after all, still depends on the strength!
"Captain, what shall we do now?"
Hundreds of strategies flashed in Rambo's mind "first". During the rapid screening, a blue light flashed when he was waiting to plan the most secure method. In an instant, Rambo was stunned by a powerful shock and almost fainted. The whole person flew out directly!
"Enemy attack! Cover the captain!!!" The teammate next to him looked shocked, and immediately reacted to the defensive battle. The third main player, Tyre, was transformed into a huge steel giant, holding a huge shield. The teammates are at a dead end!
The equipment hand next to him also immediately activated the heavy armor protection. The super-high response efficiency made Senna who was sniping in the distance frowned. It must be said that the teammates of the Mecha Academy are extremely high-quality. When the captain is not attacked by the commander, The defense of the organization is almost leak-proof, and a top sniper like her can't find the slightest flaw for a while!
"How is the captain?"
The deputy captain in charge of taking over the command asked sharply.
The medical hand next to him quickly locked the captain's state and quickly replied: "It's okay, the captain has top-level protective equipment, but he was stunned by the sniper shell!"
"Use rice essence, quick!" the deputy captain said hastily.
"This" medical practitioner hesitated after hearing the words. Mijingsu is a high-performance psychostimulant, which is very similar to the adrenaline used by non-psychological living bodies. The effect is to stimulate the mental potential and make the user excited and excited for a short time. Be aware of many negative states.
But the side effects are very big, especially the high-stimulating neuron like Mijingsu
"Don't hesitate!" The deputy captain shouted, "Senna was the one who shot. Most of the Blue Spirit Academy has already shot over. It won't work without the captain's command!"
The medical hand finally stopped hesitating after hearing the words, and a shot of rice essence was quickly injected into Rambo's body!
In an instant, Rambo's eyes flashed with blue light, and he woke up suddenly. The sudden stimulation of mental power and the shock caused by the loss just now made his consciousness blur, but he had experienced battles, and he instantly reacted to look forward to. All around!
The protection of the teammates is very strong, there are almost no dead ends, this position, even Senna can not snipe them.
"Who else is injured?" Rambo asked quickly.
"No!" The deputy captain said hurriedly: "Just as the captain, you just got a shot."
"I can't get the second shot!" Rambo looked at the pendant that had split like a spider web on his chest, and said quietly: "Okay, it's powerful enough, I even counted my retreat position! "
"Captain, what should I do?"
"What to do?" Rambo sneered: "It's all over the head, of course it's back. Flange, you have seen the position of the ballistic. Where is the opponent?"
"The southwest corner is seventy or fifty degrees, about four kilometers away!" As an excellent sniper, Fran instantly judged the opponent's location.
"Okay!" Rambo took a breath and resisted the pain in his forehead: "Ayers, enable the space device to activate all the space nodes we have set up, and the remaining main hand equipment will enter the state of fighting at any time, dare to just enter the fighting state. When you come in, you have to let them know about the war, not just taking advantage of the position!"
But a few seconds later, an answer caused Rambo's fiery heart to fall into the ice cellar!
"Captain, our space nodes seem to have all disappeared!"
"What?" Rambo was suddenly startled when he heard the words, "disappeared?"
How can it be? When I let Ayres equipment to retreat, it was not worth tens of nodes carefully, just to prevent him from being chased here to fight back. Now tell him that he has disappeared?
He reacted in an instant, the opponent might have a very good master of space!
"Can't stay here, it's dangerous, quickly retreat!!" When he thought that the other party had such a character, Rambo knew instantly that the seemingly safe blind spot at this time was not safe!
But before the words fell, there was a bang, and the protection on the head of the deputy captain next to him instantly exploded! ! !
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