Chapter 585: :It's you?

Is there such a person?
The huge eyes of Midair looked at Xiye's tiny figure, revealing a trace of obvious surprise!
Can you get to this position without making yourself aware of it? Is there such a person under the sky?
The king looked at the guy with the weird helmet and looked carefully.
The other party's breath is very weak, and it will hold the level of the land and mountain gods, but the strange thing is that this guy is outside of the five elements, no ... it should be said that it is outside of all rules!
"Who are you?" God King's tone was dignified ...
He has lived for countless years, and has seen many powerful existences. He knows that all such deviating existences are extremely terrible species, just like those monsters that crawl out of the abyss.
But unlike those things, although this guy broke away from the rules, Heaven and Earth did not reject him, or he wouldn't even notice the existence of this family until now.
If it is something in the abyss, as soon as it appears in this world, he will immediately feel it.
Xi Ye patted the reptiles on his body. As he gently photographed them, the reptiles instantly turned to gray, and Jiang Shi 14 and others were surprised.
The bugs that forced them to be so embarrassed before were cleared by the other party like ants. The key is to make the so-called dignified look of the guy who is called the king of God. Where is it?
"Wow, dog lord, why are you here!" The dog rushed over and shouted, holding the other person.
The brothers and other people's faces are also obviously relaxed. To be honest, they were really scared just after they knew that the other party can hold the soul, because the mentor Weilin told them that there are some things in this world that can make them reborn. , This guy who claims to be the King of God is obviously this kind of existence ...
At this time, their boss came, and finally let their stretched strings loose a lot, after all, in their impression, their lord has not yet gotten things ...
Only Mu Yunji in the rear was slightly worried, and Xi Ye ’s timely arrival was a little exciting, but she was puzzled if the other party could solve this guy.
Unlike dogs and eggs, she has practiced since childhood, and has a greater awe of those myths in existence, and as a dark descent, she has a very strong sense of power. This king shows significantly more coercion and power than her own lord More than one grade higher.
Is this guy Luofu?
A group of Jiang Shixi's expressions were even more surprised. Luo Fu actually had such a person?
Xiye appeased the dog's egg, slowly guarded her behind, and then looked into the huge eyes of the sky: "I don't want to come to this small place, but you are so powerful!"
"Small place? A little interesting ..." The giant eye in the sky slightly condensed, and then everyone just felt the sky sway, and the huge clouds in the air were torn apart like a layer of window paper, and then everyone saw it with surprise. The so-called body!
It was a very huge existence. No one could describe how big it was. It gave people the feeling that the other's wings could cover the sky of a city!
Xiye took a deep breath, this time he was sure, this guy is really a star!
Unlike other people who pay attention to the size of the body, as a god, he also feels that the energy density of the other party's body is extremely high. In terms of energy, the fear is that the average star cannot reach it.
How did a small seventh-level planet raise such a monster?
"Listening to your tone, you seem to come from a big place?" God King Youyou said.
Xiye looked at the other party, avoiding the question: "Are you always suppressing the void cracks here?"
To be honest, he was also shocked when he first came in. There is such a big crack here, and the width of the crack is probably enough to set off a crusade of the top ten lords!
What kind of d-ball actually hides such a thing ...
This gave him the feeling that the floor under which he lived was actually filled with nuclear bombs. One day when he suddenly knew that feeling, he should not be too sour.
"Void Rift?" The huge pupil shrank slightly: "You mean the abyss? Do you know the origin of that thing?"
As the pupil's pupil shrank, the whole world shook, a lot of other disciples all beat their hearts, and there was a feeling that the fairy was fighting the soldiers.
Seeing the silence at night, the king's thunderous sound sounded, giving the impression that the whole sky was about to be shattered, and even those expressionless souls fell to the ground in panic.
Xiye looked at the other party in a hurry. Although he was surprised that there was such a strong presence in this place, he had seen a more powerful guy, and he did not panic with some confidence.
Ignoring the other party, Xi Ye slowly walked to the front of Feng Shenbang, reached out to feel the energy fluctuations on the straight face, and then murmured: "Contract ..."
Then the pupil of the of heaven slowly opened under the helmet, and through the gods list, he saw the silk thread composed of countless energies, looked at it along the silk thread, and Xiye saw a huge existence that could not be like it!
Suddenly took a breath! !
If the Void Rift and this star powerhouse surprised him, the sticky end of the silk thread even more surprised him. This time the surprise is completely beyond his scope! !
"Boss, what's wrong? Is this godboard very good?" Gou asked curiously.
Xi Ye shook his head slowly. The existence of this godboard was very common, it was just an ancient contract, and the soul of the contract would be bound to this Gaia energy.
This situation is not uncommon in the universe. Generally, after the local indigenous power is fully integrated with Gaia, it can create some indigenous gods through the contract and divide the Gaia law to others, so many places will appear in various forms. The gods of God, the gods of light and fire, basically represent the most basic elements of nature.
Deeper representations of time, space, or more profound doom and death are also available.
The so-called seal in Central China is no different from other natives, the key lies in the Gaia energy linked behind this list!
To be honest, Xiye has never seen such a huge Gaia energy. I am afraid that the energy of the ten major lords will not be seen ...
How could this kind of thing exist on this seventh-tier planet?
I was puzzled to see that the king above was so arrogant to see Xiye, and he was so angry that he reached out and grabbed Xiye directly.
Although this guy is weird, it's impossible to make him afraid to take action. After all, how has he never seen such a long time? When did the turn get a hill-jumping clown who was so arrogant?
Seeing the other party directly, Xiye didn't bother with it. First, a calming man comatose everyone and took off his helmet!
The king in the sky was stunned, and at the moment when the other party took off the helmet, a terrifying force appeared, which made him slam his hand back.
But Xiye confiscated her hand. With such a powerful Gaia force, how could Xiye miss it? He just confirmed that there are no other powerful things around, that is to say, as long as this guy is cleaned up, this huge Gaia power is his!
Although such a huge force cannot even be digested by one billionth of its own, it is right to grab it first.
But something that surprised him happened ...
After the helmet was taken off, the huge existence of the sky did not die out as much as he thought. The other party just looked at himself dumbly, but obviously, his body did not suffer a little injury.
I'll go, won't it ...
Xi Ye froze for a moment, and everything in front of him seemed to exceed his expectations.
How could someone resist this?
Could it be that the energy is exhausted? I ’m going to you. Anyway, there ’s a hint, where did the lord come to pretend this wave?
Between the night and the night, the huge face of the sky was full of consternation!
"It's you!!"
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