Chapter 593: : Visitors (Part 2)

"I heard that? A group of foreign adventurers have already arrived in our city, and the master of the city is receiving it in person!"
One of the soldiers standing on the gate gate was humanitarian to the surroundings.
"Really? Who do you listen to?" The group of soldiers next to them suddenly became interested. These days, things about foreign adventurers were in full swing. Unlike the fears of ordinary residents, the soldiers were more curious and expectant.
Now in great trouble, it is equivalent to the survivors of the solitary city of the end of the world. They are more eager to have survivors from other places. After all ... No one really hopes that the end of the world will come.
"When I went to get you food just now, I heard people talking about it. They said that this time the outside adventurer will openly meet with the city owner and allow everyone to watch. Any questions can be mentioned in person!"
"I'm going to be real or not?" The soldier next to him was excited for a while, and then he wondered: "No, I've been on duty here since early in the morning, how come I don't know if there are outsiders? Which city gate is it from? Come in? "
Gang Daolin has only two gates, and now they are located at the gate facing the empire. It is rumored that this time the adventurer is a human force, it is impossible to come from the Blackrock Plain?
"I heard that our Master Master has developed a magical channel that links to other cities, and alien adventurers come through there!"
"There is such a thing?" The soldier was suddenly excited, his face full of surprise, but he did not doubt it. After all, the masters brought by Master Isabel had done too many miracles.
Planting man-made land, transporting equipment and food out of thin air, and biological transformation surgery that almost brought people back to life have brought new hope to this shaky city!
"In that position? I'll be on duty immediately. I'll take a look ..."
"Speaking is to let you wait to see it and come back to tell us about the situation. The address heard that it is in the trial square dedicated to the city master ..."
"Okay, I'll go when the black bear guy comes to change my class !!"
"Welcome to you, adventurers from afar!" The square, at this time, the sea of ​​people was almost completely surrounded. Both the soldiers and the residents in the city were very curious about these so-called outsiders, even those The orcs came to join in a wave of excitement.
As a condition for preferential selection of shops, Xiao Cabbage and others must cooperate to make a wave show. At this time, Xiao Cabbage and others have done arcane makeup, and their appearance and dress are very close to the locals of the Iron and Steel Empire.
In order to be more realistic, Emperor Gan and others also made some variants of makeup.
"You're welcome, Lord Duke!" Xiao Cabbage gave a noble gift in a crooked manner. The Hualing temperament was already very good. Although the makeup was made, it was difficult to overwhelm the temperament, which caused Xiao Cabbage to act very unprofessionally, but gave People feel very decent, even some nobles secretly nodded their heads, thinking that this must be a lady raised in the high noble family.
"Introduce to everyone, this is the new heir to Southern Dronker: Miss Marquis Corinthine, this time our new food and weapons from Gundolin are provided by this adult, let us take A deep respect welcomes her arrival ... "
As soon as these words came out, the soldiers and civilians on the field were stunned, and thunderous applause and cheers burst out! !
The new foods these days let them say goodbye to their previous famine and fear, and those foods not only solved the food and clothing, but also gave them the bottom people the luck to taste the deliciousness of the world, feeling that anything cooked is better than those nobles 'S steak is still delicious!
The people at the bottom are relatively simple. Whoever solves their food and clothing problems is the god. Isabel is also because the prestige of that batch of food has almost reached the highest point of the historical city master. Now I know that the food is actually provided by outsiders. Everyone immediately had a considerable affection for the outsider, the little cabbage!
However, some high-ranking nobles are puzzled. The materials in the south are extravagant, but they have never heard of the wonderful agricultural products of Gondolin there. They always thought that those things were researched by Masters and Masters. Those weapons and equipment can be seen by a discerning person. Their workmanship is excellent, and they are completely inferior to the epic suits created by the top dwarf masters.
Nowadays most dwarf craftsmen are concentrated in the north. I have n’t heard of the city where the forging technology is so high in the south. At least that ’s what Durenkel they have n’t heard of. There are no smart dwarf masters there. The amount is obviously not something that one or two dwarf masters can build!
However, these two doubts are not the focus of their current concern, they are now more concerned about another thing.
"Adult, listen to you, there are a lot of survivors in southern cities like us?"
"Yes !!" Isabel nodded: "The infection on the south side is relatively small, with enough time to resist, and most of the main empire of the empire successfully retreated to the south. Cheers, we still have a lot of fellow citizens. Every corner, this disaster is not so terrible. One day we will recover the lost ground and completely defeat this disaster !! "
Despite Isabel ’s appearance at this time, the content of the remarks still produced an inspiring effect, and all the children suddenly cheered!
When the old city masters in the dark heard other city survivors, they immediately looked at each other, and felt that they could move the article from other aspects. It does not necessarily have to be so powerful that women continue to die now ... ..
After all, if they can, they do n’t want to face Isabel with such a sharp wrist ...
"That adult ... Since they can come, then ... Then I ... Can we go to the south?" A former businessman from the south asked excitedly among the crowd.
After hearing that there are many surviving cities in the South, he desperately wants to go back and want to know whether his family is safe. He had no hope in the past, but now ...
"Not for the moment ..." Isabel shook her head.
As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly lags behind, and the people who were originally going to continue cheering suddenly have a stiff face.
Isabel explained in a hurry: "Magic channels are expensive and require a large number of arcane crystals. Until a low-cost channel is developed, ordinary people's transmission is currently not supported."
Does not support ordinary people? Everyone heard each other's words and looked at each other suddenly, secretly said: What do you mean? Is this a noble passage for fart people to retreat?
"Adult, who are the unusual people in your mouth?" A Xiongke soldier asked violently.
"Rich people!" Isabel said bluntly: "This passage only supports people who can provide a lot of arcane crystals. I can't help this. After all, our city is not rich in this thing, and I can't help everyone. Get the chance to go south. "
"This ..." The people looked at each other, and the outspoken description of the adults made many people dispel their doubts. At this time, Isabel was very prestigious, and there were no people who dared to make trouble. But although the explanation is reasonable, everyone still has an inexplicable sense of suffocation, and the enthusiasm just dissipated a lot.
"But don't be discouraged, I said that the situation is only temporary!" Isabel explained to everyone in a low mood and explained with a smile: "These adults who have spent a lot of money to come here are not here to travel, they are here to come Help us build a channel of hope! "
Hope channel?
The word made everyone look forward to Isabel who had turned into a hairball with a trace of anticipation.
"Yes, the hope channel!" Isabel smiled. "Besides them, there will be a lot of lords with soldiers here. They are here to help explore and clean up a hope channel to the south. In this process, we will continue to regain the previous cities, and let the former Empire Avenue regain its glory! "
"Sweep the passage? This ..." Everyone looked at each other suddenly, not knowing what to say for a while, and going out to face those mutated monsters? Are these southerners crazy? When did it become so kind?
"Of course ... I also encourage us to get soldiers involved!" Isabel laughed.
Everyone's face seemed to be a hit, and the hot-eared bear family warriors were silent at this time. Obviously no one would be willing to face those mutated monsters ...
Isabel had expected this scene, but she was not in a hurry. She knew that people here did not want to face mutant creatures. This kind of thing was intimidating and could only induce them ...
So she continued: "The current adult will rent the shop here to provide goods for everyone. For example, this adult will provide hand-made cloth and ready-made tailor's clothing, this adult will provide excellent leather goods, and Some food, salt, sugar, cotton and other living materials that we do not have here, of course, there will be some other things, spices, jewelry and even some magic items that everyone did not expect will appear. Our Gandolin ’s previous trading market will be because of these adults Come and reproduce! "
Everyone heard their eyes lit up. Nowadays, clothes are scarce in the city, and quilts are completely inadequate. What kind of salt, sugar and leather products are also in short supply. When outsiders will provide these, they will be excited one by one. Got up.
But then there were doubts again, and one of the nobles curiously said: "But lord, you just said that these are trading products. What do we use in exchange for it? Was the previous gold coin?"
Obviously, today Gondoli has completely lost its trading function, and the previous currency has basically been abandoned. Now that food is evenly distributed, although everyone can eat, there is no excess food in exchange for supplies. How do they trade these foreign commodities?
"This is the purpose of calling everyone here today!" Isabel solemnly said: "Here, I will announce Gondolin's future centimeter system, and also ask everyone to pass on today's announced system to compatriots who are not present. Will also show the announcement to announce the audience! "
Centimeter system?
"Yes!" Isabel said solemnly: "In the future, everyone's participation in farming, deforestation and soldier stand guard will not be free. I will reward a certain centimeter according to your contribution, and these centimeters can be used to trade items. Below I I will outline the details ... "
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