Chapter 59: : Five Major Mercenary Corps

"Five major mercenary regiments? Is there such a thing?" Yu Nu Wu Gu at the base received the first-hand intelligence transmitted by intelligence, and was a little stunned. "Why haven't I heard it before?" Against the wall "
Xiye was also curious: "Is this different from the ordinary corps targeted in training?"
Intelligence: "Slightly different, according to intelligence, these five units may master some skills that ordinary humans do not."
"What skills?" Yu Nu said without a melon and Xi Ye.
"No specific information" intelligently opened the virtual interface, showing the collected data said: "Many are one-sided rumors, saying that these five teams are not only well-trained, the probability of completing the task is almost 100%, and each of them Have supernatural abilities! "
"Supernatural ability?" Yu Nuwu's eyes lit up: "X-Men? Dragon group? Round table twelve knights?"
In an instant, her brain made up all the organizations she could think of!
"You may say these things may have different names, but they should all be there!" Smart answered.
"Really?" Yu Nuwu's eyes suddenly stared in the eyes of Wu Nugua: "Are there Uncle Wolf and Arthur?"
Smart: "That's not true"
Xiye held her hands, her eyes calm, and she said nothing, but she said secretly: Ma, what are they talking about? I don't understand it at all!
"Now the most information is the fourth-ranked Kagura mercenary group. This mercenary group has a history of more than two hundred years. It is said that it is supported by several big wealthy insiders. The individual soldiers have extremely strong combat power and have a good reputation in the mercenary world. As long as the task of collecting money is basically no fault, if the expiration is not completed, the mercenary regiment will refund the employment fee at five times the price! "
"I'm going, come on forbearance?" Yu Nuwu melon continued to eat melon shocked.
"Five times the compensation for the hire payment?" Xi Ye was concerned about another point: "So confident?" There are also mercenaries in the Universe, but I have never heard of any such mercenaries.
Yu Nu Wu Gua: "Is that kind of ninja in the anime?"
Intelligence: "It is indeed self-confident, and from the information of the d-ball dark net, this mercenary group has not made a mistake for a hundred years."
Yu Nu Wu Melon: "Will the ninja escape the technique? Did you write the chakra? Can you open the eight-door escape?"
Xiye: "It sounds tricky, it seems to strengthen the training intensity"
Yu Nu Wu Melon: "Hey, you two, don't ignore me!"
"Noisy" Xi Ye knocked on the head of Yu Nuwu's head, and finally couldn't help but ask, "What is that ninja?"
Yu Nu Wu Melon was knocked on the head and hurt her head, and she just wanted to get angry, but when the lord also asked this question, she suddenly became quiet.
The intelligence immediately changed the screen: "Ninja, an old class derived from the d-ball federation of East Japan, is a bit similar to the characteristics of the federal shadow shadow. It is an assassin who masters the secret skills, but I don't know if he has mastered the shadow energy."
"Don't you say that planetary materialist civilization before?" Xi Ye frowned.
Intelligence: "The general trend is materialism, but there is also a trend toward idealism thousands of years ago. The four ancient civilizations have historically had the opportunity to develop in this direction. In ancient times, humans also believed in spiritual civilization and the planet ’s cover The subconsciousness has gradually been influenced by many beliefs, and some pure spiritual bodies have been activated. If we persist for thousands of years and let those spiritual bodies form consciousness, I am afraid that the situation will be completely different from now. "
Xi Ye Wen Yan nodded. After a planet has produced highly intelligent life forms, it is actually the choice of the historical trend to choose materialism or idealism. Idealism believes that the spirit is before the material and the materialism is the opposite. Wrong, to be honest, even the senior scholars of the Universe Federation have not been able to say so, because no one can know whether Gaia had the consciousness after having the planetary core first, or the existing spiritual consciousness has gathered the planetary core.
The prevalence of idealism will lead to a large number of religions, and everyone will also pursue personal sublimation, and it is easier to produce high-intensity life bodies. On the contrary, most of the early materialist routes will weaken individuals and pursue material evolution, leading to rapid advances in technology!
Xiye, who doesn't understand the history of the planet, was curious and listened to intelligent explanations. The melon-eater on the side also listened with interest.
Intelligence continued: The planet replaced monarchy long ago, and the superiors restricted and even persecuted supernatural aliens, which led to the slow development of eccentricism. Taking Huazhong as an example, in their mid-Tang period, the royal family organized bad people. The pursuit of annihilation has led to the decay of talents in this area. During the Ming and Ming Dynasties, the power of Wudang, Emei, Kunlun, and other Taoists, and the training of advanced life bodies was targeted to weaken and shade, limiting their development, so that a group of people who have not been able to evolve completely cannot face it. The materialistic forces that emerged in the back will understand that when they come to the back, writing novels in this area will be severely beaten, and the flame of idealistic civilization will naturally go out. "
Xiye nodded again and again, but Yu Nuwu was stunned, and could not help but question: "Is it all made by you?"
Xiye: "Under that big trend can you still have supernatural power?"
On a planet, if idealistic civilization wants to rise, there must be a lot of true beliefs. The spiritual consciousness of life evokes the Gaia consciousness of the planet and produces linkages. Under the large amount of beliefs of the living body, the sleepy Gaia consciousness will be driven. Some real indigenous gods have evolved. With this spiritual body as a medium guide, the world ’s energy fluctuations will also become active under a large number of beliefs. This also causes the individual ’s life to become stronger. After the life becomes stronger, it will nurture the body ’s energy to continue. After growing up, this energy will return to heaven and earth after death, continue to increase the density of planetary energy, and accumulate from generation to generation, and a fantasy world will slowly form.
But if the faith is suppressed, it will develop in a completely different direction. Xi Ye has also checked whether there is a large spiritual body on the planet, that is, the existence of indigenous gods.
It can be said that it is very weak, only a little incomplete spiritual body scattered around the d-ball, even most of them do not even have consciousness, let alone change the world, let ’s say in the fantasy world: there is no Godhead! !
But this is the case, the d-ballman can rely on such a small amount of belief energy to rise to supernatural power, so that Xiye had to sigh with the outstanding qualifications of this planet!
I am also thankful that the people on this planet have been skewed and have not developed towards idealism. Otherwise, what's the matter with him?
Materialism, the lord only needs to face the backward technology of the indigenous planet, but idealism, you are likely to face more than ten levels of indigenous gods born on that planet through faith!
Of course, it is not to say that materialism is not good. In fact, the development speed of materialism is much higher than idealism, but the premise is that the people of that planet can unify their thoughts as soon as possible and move towards the outside, otherwise an inadvertent internal fight will be over. After that, Planet D is now in such a dangerous time.
Intriguingly, technology has stalled for hundreds of years, and as long as there are more fuse lines, it is easy to have an accident.
"Are there any news from those cheap boys?" Xi Ye asked.
"Yes!" The intelligent conversion screen said: "There is news that a large fire was pursued in a village in the west of Wakanda. The exact reason is unknown, but the soldiers there are rumored to see the Hulk of the Avengers and a lot of stool stars."
What the is a stool star? Yu Nuwu nodded in her heart, but asked: "No one should believe this news?"
Smart: "Well, no one believes for now, but I can't say for a while"
"Can't wait any longer!" Xi Ye waved her hand in a big wave: "Call the replacement to replace, and officially start after three days. After finishing this task, I will bring the three stupid back to me !!" ----
At this time in South Africa, the three stupid people in Xi Ye's mouth are running wildly!
Emperor Gan: "I was a tortoise, so I robbed a little girl. As for not, the planes and tanks were chased by him? This group is so hungry and thirsty?"
"Isn't it you?" Brother Gou suddenly rolled his eyes when he heard his words: "Labor and capital know that you must have happened. Is this what you call the main task trigger?"
"Isn't this called a trigger?" Emperor Gan pointed to the back: "Look at that battle, what else is called a trigger mission?"
"Provoking you to make sense every time"
Emperor Gan: "Brother and I are justified, if you don't accept it, and argue with me"
Brother: "I debate you fairy"
"Don't be noisy!" Grandpa Lu looked at the dog's shoulder with a little excitement on his shoulder and said: "Although the liver emperor is a little pitted, he has to say that it is very exciting."
Emperor Gan: "That is, life is boring, and finally there is a game with such a high degree of experience, and it is not too exciting to be alive. Isn't it too boring to live? The emperor proposed to go back to them and agree to raise their hands!"
The brother rushed forward without saying a word, Grandpa Lu said he had no hands! ! ! !
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