Chapter 664: : Can be annexed, naturally is the best ...

After Wei Lin left, the people who left resolved the previous confusion, but they all raised a variety of emotions.
The first is the leader ...
The technical power disclosed by Luofu this time made the leader more alert to Luofu, but he was also more enthusiastic. Compared with the pure and extraordinary force of immortal cultivation, the level of technology that Luofu masters is also very important, and may even be more important than a pure martial art. Qualification for practice is higher.
As a modern man, he understands the importance of science and technology. Luo Fu ’s space technology and mechatronics technology are able to change the existence of the world ’s military pattern. It is a fake to say that he is not heart-warming!
Thinking of this, he bowed his head and pondered ...
Most of the elders of the family did not think so deeply, but they were a little annoyed after knowing that the technical officers were so popular. They already knew that they should be cultivated in many ways like the Lei and Liu families. They should not just put eggs in a basket ... .
But this is actually not to blame them, the family system has led to insufficient enthusiasm for training technical officers.
For ordinary children, technical officers may still be a good choice, because general commanders at a certain level are difficult to upgrade without background and opportunities. At an age, they have to change jobs or retire, but most technical officers can be in the army. Those who have retired, and the rank of military ranks are generally not hindered, and they will be upgraded when they reach the end of the year, which is relatively stable.
But the family does not have this problem. The command line is almost unobstructed. Compared with the actual command and personnel rights, a scientist is hard to cultivate and has no use for the family. What is the cost-effectiveness?
But I never imagined that such a thing would happen one day ...
So an old man wondered if he would hurry to investigate these people on the list secretly, wait for them to come back and get together, maybe they can directly investigate their family background without waiting for them to come back, first please their parents to get together ... .
However, all this is estimated that the leader has already done the corresponding work from the beginning, and the possibility of getting it is not high ...
At the thought of this, many old people in the family became more and more ugly, and could not help but sigh: This time it was really counted by the leader! ! !
Of course, the family is not unhappy, and the Lei and Liu families are satisfied.
Especially for Lei Lao, he originally had the same concerns as Lei Jiaming. He believed that the other party ’s recruitment of so many technical officers was estimated to be a mess, and the status would not be too high in Luofu. However, through this robbery incident, this concern is completely It was dismissed. I did not expect that the technical cadres of Luo Fuli were so sought-after. It seems that Xiao Xue from home as the first place should be valued!
Thinking of this very good mood, he whispered to Liu Laodao: "Congratulations, old Liu, you Liu family got another one."
Liu Lao was also happy to close his mouth, thinking: Shiyu's information was indeed right, but fortunately a quota was given to Guoxian, or he missed it again this time.
The boss of the Liu family is also smiling at this time, don't look at his family first in everything, but who doesn't want the real benefits to fall on his family?
Although his son didn't have the same prosperity as the girl of Lei's family, he was still scrambled by so many fairy masters for taking the first name, but it was not embarrassing. Anyway, he was directly admitted into the top 100!
This is like an ancient list. Although my own child failed to win the top spot, he did not win the prestige at that time, but he also won the Jinshi. With the qualification of being an official, it is also Guangzong Yaozu ...
"Same joy, same joy!" Liu Lao laughed and said: "Oh, the old leader, I heard that you have two granddaughter who are military doctors in the army, one of them is a doctorate, you can train it well! I looked at the exam directory. Military medicine is also one of the technical channels, and several of them have been successful. If this cooperation is successful, there will be a second time, and you have to prepare early .... "
"Really?" Lei Lao Wenyan's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands and smiled: "Good, I'll let Kexin prepare well when I go back!"
Thinking of his Lei family may still get a second place, suddenly laughed more and more happy.
The people around the family immediately responded to this, and they quickly got up in their hearts.
Mr. Liu is right. Looking at the appearance of Luofu, it is estimated that the second wave of cooperation will probably require a large number of people in this regard. This time, the boss has calculated a wave, and I ca n’t miss it again next time ... . After going back, we must quickly pay great attention to those children who take the technical route at home!
Behind him, the younger generation of Lei's family was stunned. It seems that if there is a second examination later, the two cousins ​​studying medicine may be the first priority. I wiped it. Alright ...
Especially Lei Jiaming, his head gloomy and thinking: this time he was not performing well, wasting his quota. If Luofu had a second cooperation, Grandpa should not give himself another chance, he had to think of a way before that Yes! !
Luo Funeng competed with Kunlun's martial arts, and had a very good way to train his children. With this best choice, he was completely uninterested in what Emei, Yunshan and the like, sharpened his head and thought he must enter this platform! !
In this way, the old people of the family slowly dispersed in this atmosphere of joy and sorrow, and each went to prepare for the following things ...
After the crowd dispersed, the leader summoned a few confidants to the base for a meeting.
Two of them are the combat officers who passed the assessment this time ...
After gathering at the base, the leader looked at the two soldiers. He sighed slightly. Half of the top ten places in this combat class are children of the family, and the remaining few are somewhat related to the family. The background confirms Innocent are the two in front ...
I have to say that the family has huge power, rich resources since childhood, and the children they cultivated are indeed good enough. In this kind of fair competition, they have only competed for two places with ten times the number of people. One of them still passed the political review operation. Come in ...
It is also because this time Luofu mainly recruited technical personnel to let him set up a round to put the family together, otherwise I am afraid that most of the quota will fall into the hands of the family.
He Shijia's calculations have gained the upper hand, the next key is to deal with Luo Fu's situation ...
The leader narrowed his eyes slightly and said seriously to the two young officers who finally squeezed into the quota: "Xiao Cui and Xiao Wang, you two remember, we must connect with our technical officers as soon as we get there, Share information and get a clear picture of the situation there in the shortest time! "
"I am the leader!" The two officers stood upright and returned to the military salute.
The leader nodded. Before Qin Xuanji, he got some sensitive information. There are foreigners in this school. I am afraid that they want to cooperate not only with Chinese officials ...
Now that this situation is not good, face to face to prevent it, to prevent the other party from directly escaping to cooperate with other countries, you must take advantage of the first cooperation to get the best possible benefits, not to mention the annexation of Luofu, at least you must take advantage of this opportunity .....
Of course ..... can be annexed, naturally the best ...
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