Chapter 71: : Boss, a whole bone! !

"Oh, dear Master Wei Lin, what do you want to eat today? Friendly reminder: Just bought a tender star rhinoceros, if you are interested, please make a decision as soon as possible, or you will even watch if the big treasure comes. Less than one "
Wei Lin, who had just come to the cafeteria to sit firmly, was suddenly ashamed. She was talking to the cafeteria chef: Mr. Wilson, with a carapace and a red face, looks like a big crab. The branch of the Hai nationality has an excellent reputation for cooking in the Federation.
And the big treasure master in the mouth of the crab boss is the high-level blacksmith invited by the lord master with a high salary: big treasure. Storm spirit!
I heard that he has the best iron-making skills of the bronze family, but it is indeed too good to eat. There are rumors that he has eaten up the salary for the next two hundred years. It seems that he will be here for this life.
Faced with this kind of person who broke the jar, Weilin did not dare to bet on the truth of the boss's words and quickly laughed: "Then give me a rhino row!"
Although a canteen was opened in the base, because of the serious shortage of ingredients, several of their mentors have found out that they are out of stock several times. Is it that the goods are dried for a long time?
"Good adult, what kind of meat do you want to eat?"
"Inner waist loin," Wei Lin smiled sweetly, girls, still like to eat tender and smooth, less muscle.
"How familiar?"
"Three Points"
"Boss, have you eaten yet?" A lazy voice came, leaving Weilin who had just ordered the meal stunned.
She was very familiar with this voice, and it was one of the nine students who had been transformed for a few days. It was called: Muay Thai warned that this child can also afford a cafeteria?
Now that the first batch of livestock has not matured, there is very little meat in the canteen. The lord stipulates that if you want to eat hot food, especially meat, you must pay for it yourself. If one month ’s salary is only dared to be used for occasional tasting, she remembers that these people seem to be temporarily unpaid?
The boss seemed to see her doubts and whispered: "Indigenous people can spend on points, but the price is thief black. Now your tutor courses are not cheap. Generally players with points are reluctant to eat, but he is different. Less courses. "
"But does he have points?" Wei Lin remembered that the child seemed to be very diligent in earning points.
"Yes, this kid now helps people to train dogs and makes a lot of money."
"Training dogs for people?" Willing suddenly froze. She was burnt by those dead dogs in the past two days. She originally thought that students should be the same as themselves. As a result, some people have already started the business of dog training. ?
Immediately, she looked up and saw that the thin and beautiful elf man lined up with five or six honest star-swallowing dogs, and only lowered her head and shrugged her ears. It's the same breed as the guy who almost mads himself in his house!
I originally thought that I had mastered listening skills at level 4, and I also knew a little bit of animal training skills, so I volunteered to apply for two samples to find a way to tame, so that I could teach students. Tutor, you can take the opportunity to apply for a salary increase or something from the lord, but now I know that the tamer's meal is not good!
Thinking of her beautiful dormitory being bitten by holes, she felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.
Your tutor is right, you ca n’t be too greedy
But the picture in front of her made her somewhat unacceptable. How did the other party do it?
In her view, this breed is extremely weird. It is offensive and submissive, and its properties are very weird. You can eat anything. As long as the hardness is suitable, there is nothing wrong with them. Yes, especially yesterday, when she heard the cage crunching at night when she heard a creak, she quickly got up and looked at it, and then saw the two dogs pretending to sleep, but there were deep teeth marks on the cage!
She was terrified at the thought that this kind of thing might run out of the cage at night. Even though it looks so small, it can bite the metal cage, is it not far from the bite?
She actually planned to apply to the lord for the disposal of the dangerous creatures this afternoon, but she didn't expect to see such a scene. She was immediately curious and quickly beckoned: "Thai boxing classmate, here"
"Huh? The mentor is also here." The green spirit player slowly walked with a warm smile, and the dogs behind him honestly followed, not daring to advance, and Weilin The two beasts that pulled out like a wild horse before were completely two extremes, which surprised her a lot!
"Classmates, you dogs"
"Oh" the player sat back and smiled: "Classmates in the same period don't train dogs. I heard that the dorms have been gnawed. I just happened to meet them, so I asked them."
"Trained well, how did you do it?"
"Listen to your teacher, communicate well!" The player smiled.
"It's true" Wei Lin's eyes twitched. These words were used for perfunctory students two days ago. I didn't expect them to be returned in only two days.
But she could n’t help it. She really could n’t find a way. She could n’t understand what the dead dogs were saying. She vaguely felt that the background of these dogs was not simple. That ’s why she decided to ask the lord this afternoon. The reason for applying to deal with them is that it is at least not dangerous for students who have just been transformed.
But the scene in front of her made her doubt her judgment. She was about to ask again. Suddenly there was another voice outside: "Oh, brother, you are here, let me find it!"
Wei Lin looked up, she knew this person, and it was one of the latest green spirits: warning for the rest of her life.
"Brother, how is my dog ​​training?" The player trot over and said diligently.
"Oh, it's almost the same. You can get it back today." The famous Muay Thai player nodded slightly with Yun Danfeng's face as a big man.
"Oh, is it?" The player heard a word and moved towards one of the dogs, but he saw that the dog was like a normal pug, and came close to rubbing on the player's trousers, and the Wei Lin chin on the side was almost dropped .
"Oh, brother, god, how do you do it?" The player immediately worshipped!
Muay Thai: "The most important thing is to communicate more."
"I got through, it's useless. The listening skills taught by the teacher are useless. I can't understand what they say, and they can't understand what I'm saying."
Wei Lin suddenly turned black. When the teacher said that what she was teaching was useless, wasn't it a good classmate?
"No no no no" Muay Thai shook his head: "You are wrong. The listening skills taught by the teacher are really useless. We do not understand what they say, but according to my observations, these dogs can understand what we say."
Wei Lin ’s pupil shrank slightly, not caring about the other person continuing to repeat what he taught was useless, but caring about his last sentence. In fact, she also vaguely felt this way. These star-eating dog eyes sometimes did n’t feel like her. It is an ignorant childhood, they are very smart!
This is also the most fundamental reason why she feels that these creatures are dangerous. This student has a keen eye for observation, so is he not afraid after he knows this?
"Then it can understand what I'm talking about, why doesn't it listen to what I say?"
Muay Thai: "Look at you."
For the rest of my life: ""
"Student you are a little bit worried," Wei Lin couldn't help but cover his head.
"Really teacher!" Muay Thai quickly said: "My dad said, if you want to tame those smart things, you must be dignified and don't let them despise you, otherwise it will be more difficult to teach the back."
"Then how to be dignified?" Wei Lin froze.
"Is there anything more powerful than beating?"
It turned out to be the effect of squatting. This way of tamering is not advocated. Weilin coughed: "Student, this way may lead to revenge when the tamer grows up."
"Revenge?" Muay Thai turned and looked at the dogs: "Will it?"
The dogs shook their heads desperately: "Woooooooo!"
Wei Lin: ""
"Brother, I tried it. These dogs are very wild. I dare to speak with my hands and bit me!"
Muay Thai gave him a white glance: "Bite you and slap to the death, you can't even beat such a small dog?"
"It can be beaten down" Yu Sheng frowned: "But they are so small, what should I do if I try to kill them too hard?"
"Don't worry about this, I tried, this group of under-tightened beatings is very easy to kill, and" said Muay Thai quietly glanced at the dogs: "What if you are killed? What about the owner's bite? Dog, what's the use of keeping it? "
The dogs were suddenly full of horror, and they all appeared to be good.
"Brother, I get it!" The player's face suddenly lifted, and he said to his dog: "Wangcai, we" seemed to feel that his tone was too gentle, and then he looked at him, and said fiercely: "Dead dog Why are you still stunned? Are you still leaving? "
"Wang Wangwu" Ming Wangcai's star-swallowing dog quickly rushed towards his master as if relieved, and he was rubbing his legs and being good-natured, and saw Wei Lin's eyelids flickering behind him.
"Remember the details I taught you!" Muay Thai ordered.
"Understand elder brother, that is, before I go out, the dog must leave, I can eat meat dogs can eat bones at most, if I can only eat bones, dogs can only eat shit, right brother?"
"Well, that's what it meant" Muay Thai nodded in satisfaction.
Hearing this, Na Wangcai shrank from behind to the owner, wagging his tail, and looked very good.
The rest of the dogs were gathered together, looking at the back of one person and one dog leaving, and murmured.
One of the black and white faces the middle one: # ¥% @ amp; amp; The general idea is: Boss, the sixth son has fallen, you see, he actually kneels and licks such inferior creatures without limit!
The one in the middle lowered his head and pondered: "It's just a strategic surrender, but it's wronged. We have to learn a little bit before we can get rid of the present predicament and return to the original master. Oh, the original stupid consecrator. Sisters, do n’t act too arrogant, a little low-key, wait for the channel to be opened, and the watcher will come. The humiliation we have suffered in these two days will be recovered 100 times and thousands times. For the time being, we will be aggrieved, all for the emptiness. glory"
"Come on, little brother, the broth you want!" The crab boss smiled and put out a big barrel bone: "Or give them the same as yesterday?"
"Uh" Muay Thai nodded slightly: "They are doing well today, this bone is given no more than twice, just throw them away."
"Wang !!! Boss, did you hear that, a whole bone !!!"
"It's really no fuss, listen, I'm the boss, the bone marrow must be mine !!!"
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