Chapter 78: : Oguni sorrow

In the desert, the female ninja that Takashima had been protecting was running desperately. In fact, when the soldier reported that a group of strange people had rescued the old man in Central China, the captain asked her to leave.
But halfway through, Takashima shook her emergency pager, and she heard only one word: Run!
What kind of crisis can make his captain lose his gaze like that?
On my own side, there are three captain-level characters, and the top of the organization is followed by the special endurance. The captain has no time to explain a sentence, only one running word!
Anxiety appeared in her heart, but she didn't look back. She couldn't waste the captain's kindness. She had to go back and report back. There was such a terrifying army hidden in Central China!
The other legion of terror
"Wow ha ha ha, you three garbage, you can catch you alive in this group of things, oops, both hands and feet were interrupted, so wow ha ha ha!" The little fairy laughed happily.
"Labor and capital are not equipped with weapons, okay, plus someone is secretly shooting a gun in the dark!" Emperor Gan repudiated, and then saw the little fairy and two other green Titans holding a weapon, sparkling Was extremely dazzling, so he asked, "Where is your weapon so shiny?"
"Of course it's a blacksmith's shop, where else can I come?" The beribly fairie rolled her eyes back.
"Blacksmith shop? The emperor only dare to watch from a distance. You can actually afford the blacksmith shop? Amuse me!" Emperor Gan did not believe!
He knows how expensive the weapons made by the blacksmith's treasure are, and the capital of a dagger is tens of thousands of points. Now there is no open point exchange. Players can't trade virtual points offline with Federal currency. It is impossible for anyone to afford them.
"Rented!" All players heard their eyes turned: "One hundred a day!"
"It's so dark !!" Emperor Gan suddenly felt dumbfounded.
"Do you know our lord on the first day?" Yu Nu Wugua said indignantly: "Did he exploit us just the first day? Even the canteen had to pay for his own cooked food, it was a reincarnation!"
The players were stunned and secretly said: The rain girl sorrow is so deep
"Okay, don't rip it, this will help you to send it back!" Yu Nu then asked the wind demon Ranger next to him: "That Li Gou egg, have you tracked it? Seize the time, the rent is expensive!"
"Li Gou Dan" Liver Emperor's eyelids twitched, watching the extremely beautiful wind demon calling this name, always felt very playful, saying why the girl took this net name.
The wind demon walked precisely to the place where the little girl and Grandma Lu hid before the ruins of the farm. After watching for a while, "The trace shows that the antibody is still alive and smells like an elf. Grandma Lu should be with the antibody."
"So what direction did you go? How long has it gone?" Yu Nu asked urgently.
Gou Dan heard that a bottle of phosphorous powder was pulled out of the feathers, and after that piece of dust, the mud of the footprints changed color to the naked eye. Li Gou grabbed the mud and smelled it: "Less than seven hours left , Take the east route, the direction is reversed towards the nearest Zimbabwe, it should be the route to Wakanda! "
"Then there is a teammate?" Yu Nu frowned.
"It should be another force." Li Gou looked at the location where his brother was arrested, and analyzed through the scene traces: "The time that those people left was around five o'clock in the morning. From the fighting marks, the other party also has a heavyweight. There are more than one combat unit, and you need to pay attention to the powerful sniper that can destroy the limbs of Green Titan.
Li Gou looked at the east and frowned, "It seems to be walking towards Wakanda."
"How could this be?" Yu Nuwu's brow furrowed slightly. If it was another force, from the analysis of the teammates' analysis, it is likely that the Transcendental Corps with certain genetic technology is too large. Heavy life-forms come from intelligence. Speaking of the five major mercenary regiments, only the Transcendental Corps may have this kind of thing, and in addition to the so-called heavy life units, the Zimba probability is not far away is the Transcendental Mercenary Corps ’base camp in South Africa, taking away the power of the dog brother. They are all out of ten!
But if it's the Legion of the Transcendence, why don't you go to Zimba when you catch the dog brother?
Yu Nuwu's brain quickly searched all the information in her mind. Although Zimba is the base of the Transcendental Corps, Zimba is clearly evil with the Federal North America. It has been economically sanctioned for several years, almost every The president of North America will impose one year on its sanctions, and Zimbabwean has also been suppressed. This has become a favorite point for many people.
Since the establishment of the Federation, Zimbabwe has never had a North American embassy. At least there is no North American regular army on the surface. If you take the dog brother from there, it will be a private consignment, and most of it will also be sent by air. Arrived, you can directly open the grab!
However, Wakanda is different. Wakanda has established good diplomatic relations with foreign countries. Many countries in the Federation have embassies, and North America is no exception. Taking that route, you can use the national power to cover.
Moreover, due to the recent rampant virus and riots, all countries have drove aircraft carriers on the grounds of evacuating their people. With the help of the country to take the sea route, even the supernatural forces, dare not attack the North American army.
Is the other person thinking this way? Yu Nuwu melon tapped her fingers gently, and her brain accurately calculated other possibilities.
The result is: although there are other possibilities to grab the dog brother, but the chance is less than 10%, undoubtedly the idea was the highest probability, plus the antibody is also going to Wakanda, only hesitated Within a few seconds, the rain girl ordered without a melon: "Go to Wakanda !!"-
At Wakanda Medical Center, Dr. Ferrier is working with his team to calculate the latest experimental data, but in the end the results of nothing have made everyone discouraged.
Now the situation is getting more and more tense, and the riots of all parties are getting more and more serious.
In the middle of trouble, the laboratory-specific communicator rang again.
Dr. Feiler frowned suddenly, and said in secret: Is the chief who has nothing to do that day come again?
No results were urged, and many researchers felt more annoyed, so they hung up the communicator impatiently.
But after a few seconds, it sounded again, and Dr. Philel suddenly turned black, right?
But then I felt that something was not right. Although the former chief was annoying, he did not disturb his work. Generally, he would silently wait for his work to finish and then ask about the progress. This is not quite in line with his previous style today.
After thinking of this, Feiler hesitated for a few seconds, and finally turned on the communicator.
"Dr. Philel?" There was a throbbing voice from the other end of the communicator.
It was Varian Phillips from the Quarantine Section who quickly heard the voice and frowned, "I am Dr. Phillips, is there anything wrong?"
"Antibodies appeared !!"
"What?" Filaire froze, and then immediately showed excitement!
"Don't be afraid, little Anna" outside the isolation room of the medical center, Prado comforted a nervous black girl and said: "They are all good people"
The little girl was still afraid of Grandpa Lu holding her pocket tightly, and looked at everyone pitifully.
"Little Anna, you have to be brave, the nun said, you have the mission to save our country, it is the gift God has given you, you have to learn to be strong"
Speaking of the nun, Anna's eyes settled down a little, and Prado took the bag with Grandma Lu slowly: "This thing, let me be here first. When you come out, I will return you."
"Woo" the little girl was obviously unhappy.
The people around looked at the thin little girl, excited and compassionate, not only secretly said: God bless you, things have finally changed!
But among the crowd, there was a nurse with a mask, looking at Xiao Anna across the distance, and the eyes glowed with a faint green light!
"What are you talking about?" The black man in Wakanda's chief's office suddenly stood up from the office chair, his whole body trembling with excitement, his face excited: "An antibody appeared?"
"Yes!" The secretary reported: "It was the sergeant of the Northwest Formation Fourth Corps: Prado brought it back, and he also reported that there was a problem with General Michelle of the Northwest Fourth Corps!"
"Michelle?" The general manager groaned for a moment. He remembered the fat man, a responsible soldier, did he also corrupt?
"What about the test results?" The Chief Executive is still concerned about this important issue.
Secretary: "The serum has been proposed and is being tested further, but the doctor said that it is really very likely, because the preliminary test, the blood cells of the little girl are indeed resistant to the virus!"
"Oh, God bless me !!!" The chief executive walked back and forth in excitement, and then poked: "Be prepared for the car, I will go over and see for myself!"
"But Chief, you have a meeting in the afternoon"
"Is there a meeting at this time? Notify that there will be a temporary cancellation !!"
"Yes, the total length"-
At the same time, on the other side of the North American embassy, ​​a group of blades are gathering together, including the embassy's chief diplomat.
"Huazhong actually developed this technology? Its heart can be scorned!" White diplomat yawned.
"The tyrant lost seven, but fortunately the sample was captured!" Blade said coldly: "However, a specimen was also captured from the Kagura Legion. We have to get it as soon as possible." Communicator dedicated to the team.
"What's the matter? Hmm? Antibody?"
"What's the matter?" The white man became sensitive immediately when he heard the word antibody.
Blade: "Poison Shadow said that some soldiers had sent antibodies to the medical center just now. It was a seven-year-old girl, and depending on the situation, it was true."
"What are you hesitating about? Tell her to grab it directly!"
"Is it appropriate?" The blade frowned.
"What's wrong?" The white man sneered: "Without evidence, Nawakanda dare not surround us? You know our fleet is in the port!"
ps: (Speaking of the loan problem, maybe everyone will think that borrowing 10 billion to pay 2 trillion is incredible, but the fact is that even if the normal interest rate of four or five percent is calculated, you have to borrow a few dozen times for three hundred years. Forget it, let ’s change it for thirty years. Three cents, five hundred years, it ’s really exaggerated. As for the students who have high interest rates and have in their brains, think about ourselves. Our mortgage is only twenty years old. Interests that are almost equal to the principal should be paid back. Online lending is now very popular, and most of them are three-fifths or even higher. Even this kind of interest has a large number of people who borrow to raise tens of thousands of dollars. One or two years because of the demolition of the east wall to make up for the debt of the west and the back of the two or three hundred thousand, is there such a small number of people? The protagonist is only borrowed by a wave of usury, and he is confident that he can pay off in the short term. This is much better than most people in reality who have two or three thousand dollars in wages and still have a loan to buy Apple who refuse to face their own reality?
In addition, I advise you not to touch the Internet loan, especially those who use loans to maintain loans, borrowing tens of thousands to repay hundreds of thousands of people, and the most pitfall is that many Internet loans now do not allow you to repay in advance That ’s why you want to eat up the interest, so do n’t laugh at the protagonist ’s stupidity. In reality, no one pits him, and he has taken the initiative to borrow more stupid than the protagonist of this book, ah! ! ! )
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