Chapter 852: : Conditions for two

"Hello Mr. Almi ..."
After Almi entered the Congress Hall, the five old men all stood up and shook hands. Almi also quickly shook hands one by one. After the handshake, they folded their hands together for a religious etiquette.
"Mr. Almi came from afar, and sincerely, we don't have a circle ..." Bai Lao took the lead in saying: "For the candidates in the first city, we in Huazhong are very optimistic about you and the leader of Angel, So just a whole day, several of us old people were discussing who should choose to cooperate better. The vote just now was also a flat vote, but the leader ’s vote was not given yet ... "
Almi immediately reacted. The old man in front of him should have voted for him. He immediately smiled at Bai Bai.
Seeing the other party react immediately, Bai Lao nodded in satisfaction.
He is more optimistic about Almi. If he has the opportunity to master Huaxia City in the future, he must definitely cooperate in depth ...
But Lei Lao lipped slightly and didn't speak.
The leader signalled the crowd to sit down and said, "Mr. Almi, the situation has just been told to you just now. This is the last question. What can I get out of it now?"
The opponent's simple words made Almi feel good about him. He is most afraid that the other party is hesitant to drag on and waste each other's time. After all, time is very precious for any candidate!
"This is the case, I can guarantee a fair admission rate. As long as you are willing to cooperate, the people in Central China will choose the first city to be better than people in other countries, and then I will average and fair match with the population of my country! "
"Fair matching based on quantity?" Asked the leader's eyes.
This thing looks fair, but it is not true, because the Central China people who choose the first city will definitely not be all, there are 100 million people, and this 100 million people will have a fair number of people with the three billion people in the three countries. Compared with admission, it means that there are only one Huazhong people in the dozens of Asan entering the Xinghai.
"Mr. Almi ..." the leader frowned: "Don't you consider the quality of your admissions?"
As soon as these words came, Almi's heart sighed, and it was time to come.
Here is the most difficult level he wants to cooperate with Huazhong.
Players in Central China have extremely high qualifications, and the ratio of each qualification is the highest. It has a unique advantage. In this case, you match according to quality. Is n’t it necessary for the people in the three countries to be upset?
His biggest advantage is the huge support rate of the domestic people. If the admission rate is so eccentric in Central China, I am afraid that it will be promoted as a traitor by those who are interested in the country!
This point cannot be compromised ...
"Mr. Dragon ..." Almi took a breath and calmly said: "On the admission quota, enrolling in a fair proportion according to the population is already the maximum I can do. Of course, after entering, I will try to compensate some resources. .................. E.
The leader nodded, then asked carefully about the preferential policies for compensation, and asked the secretary to write down all of them one by one, and then read it carefully in his hand.
There are many preferential policies, including the initial 100-point subsidy, the top ranking of loan qualifications, preferential policies on housing, and even the support of the lord when going to the New Territories. The sincerity is still enough.
But to be honest, the fundamental problem was not solved!
The fundamental barrier of cooperation with the three countries is how to solve the problem of xenophobia. In terms of how to solve the problem of whether the people of the three countries will squeeze and exclude Chinese people with the advantage of population, Almi has not given too good policies.
"Okay, sir, I have fully understood your sincerity. Please return to the embassy for a moment, and we will give you an answer tomorrow!" Mr. Long smiled at the other party after reading the information.
Almi heard that he stood up and saluted the crowd again, and left the hall under the leadership of Mr. Lu.
After Almi left the hall, Mr. Lei took the lead and said: "Look, I said he can't take out the dry goods? How did he solve the problem of xenophobia in his country, he didn't even mention it!"
"How to mention the problem that cannot be solved?" Bai Laobai gave him a glance: "He has made a lot of concessions to do this. Do you still expect him to sacrifice the interests of his own nationals to accomplish us? Speaking of xenophobia, ordinary foreigners When coming to power, which one does n’t favor your countrymen? Which country ’s people will not be excluded? Can you solve the problem of xenophobia among our Chinatown players?
"Why should I solve it?" Mr. Lei laughed: "It would be nice if I didn't get rid of the group of foreigners on stage!"
"Hey ..." Bai Lao laughed suddenly: "Old scoundrel!"
"Okay!" The leader reluctantly interrupted their conversation and said: "Anger is coming in soon, you say a few words."
Just outside, Mr. Lu knocked on the door and said: "Master, Lord Angler is here."
"Okay ..." The leader quickly took another four old men to meet him.
After sitting down again, the leader was not too wordy, and went straight: "Ms. Angel, if we are willing to fully support you on this side, what can you give us Central China players?"
The leader actually supports Bai Lao's argument. After all, it is the king to get the city channel to ease the population output. If you choose Angel, the support will be more difficult and more unstable, but support Almi. If it is, it is almost stable!
Angel is aware of this situation. She knows in her heart that to get support, she must come up with better conditions than Almi. The conditions must be so good that Huazhong is willing to help herself take this risk! !
Angel did not waste time, and directly said: "First of all, on admission, I will average and fair match with the number of people!"
Everyone including Long Lao looks shocked!
This strategy is the same as that of Almi, but the results obtained due to different national conditions are very different. The three countries have a large population. If the population is matched by the population, it is definitely outsiders, but West Germany is different. , With a population of only 30 million, if there are 100 million people in Huazhong, the proportion of three Huazhong players with one West German player, and as long as they are well advertised here, will allow enough Huazhong people The proportion of choosing the first city will be even higher, and the situation will be completely reversed.
At the beginning, such a big cake was thrown, and the five elders thumped in their hearts. Even Bai Lao, who supported Almi, could not help swallowing.
This condition is ... somewhat attractive ...
"After that?" The leader hadn't stunned his head directly by this excellent condition, but immediately thought of the key issue. If such a policy is implemented, the qualification of players in Central China will definitely have an advantage in the first city. So in what way is Angel planning to balance?
"I intend to intrinsic the genome !!!" Angel said his plan.
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